Monday, January 14, 2013

In these days of overspending and threats that the military and social security recipients won't get paid if Obama can't have unlimited spending, we are a few days away from the coronation of King Obama.   They call it the inauguration of the President.   But, c'mon... the cost of this so called inauguration is in excess of $50 million.
While the government takes in less than it's spending on frivolous things like a teacup museum, financing films in Hollywood, shrimp farms, a bridge to nowhere, and of course the big one, Solynda getting $500 million and giving back a huge sum to fund Obama's re-election.   And the list goes on...
Besides Congress just getting a salary raise, hundreds of grants ranging from $10,000 to over $.5 billion continue.  Remember the "shovel ready jobs" that didn't exist but were paid for by this administration ?
So who is paying for the coronation of King Obama who threatens to implement continued spending by executive order if Congress won't give it to him ?   The major costs are being paid for by corporations, lobbyists and anyone wanting "special consideration" from the White House.
Those of you who help keep this man in Washington are about to get what you deserve....your loss of freedoms, your loss of income, your loss of the American way.   Many of those that voted against him are prepared for what King Obama is about to bring down in the destruction of the United States as the greatest country in the world.


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