Monday, January 21, 2013

A Blatant Hideous Odor...remains

Yes, President Barack Hussein Obama (King Barack) was sworn in for a second term today.   So, the Blatant Hideous Oder will still linger throughout Washington.
Just the security for this "coronation" cost the taxpayers of this country over $120 million as we continue to plunge further into debt.
The man that promised us "Hope & Change" did just that.....most f us hope he'll go away and the rest of us are only left with change in our pockets.
Because of his lack of leadership, our country is more divided than in any previous administration.   He has caused:
   Democrats against Republicans
   Youth against the elderly
   Blacks against Whites

   Wage earners against the entitled (non-producers)
   Businesses against government excessive regulation
   Rural against urban residents
   Wasteful spending vs. economic frugality
   Stealing from the productive class and giving it to the non-productive class
                            ...and the list goes on...

This man was first elected by underhandedness and chicanery.   This time he was re-elected by the poorly informed, the ignorant and the stupid.   Yes, if you voted for him, you are one of these three.  
Now that he has nothing to lose because he doesn't need to spend his time campaigning, he can concentrate on his agenda of  bringing down America.   Many of those that can afford it, have already relocated to other countries to protect what they've worked for.   Others are arming themselves as civil unrest is being predicted; and the rest are either worried of oblivious to what is happening in this country.
Prepare yourself for less income, higher prices, more crime, a foreign military "protecting" our communities, more regulations, a plethora of Executive Orders (non-Congress approval), less freedoms, personal restrictions, etc.
Don't complain as it happens....I warned you and rather than becoming part of the solution, you did nothing and became part of the problem.


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