Sunday, February 24, 2013

2013 Budget Sequester

This nonsense that is being played out in Washington is absurd.
The Democrats are blaming the Republicans for not willing to raise our taxes and the Republicans are blaming the Democrats for not wanting a balanced budget.   Meanwhile, the only thing that the President is doing is sending out his cabinet members to preach "doom & gloom" and frighten the population with untruths and outright lies.
It's not just the Democrats or just the Republicans; it's all of Washington.
Yes, you voted for this Congress and the leaderless White House.   Yet you remain blind to the fact that President Obama is not a leader, he's actually way over his head in any government role.   He even was a failure at his "claim to fame" as a community organizer.   He is an over-educated, socialist Chicago thug that can't see the big picture and how everything that he does, hurts this country one way or another.
The budget cuts are really simple.   Instead of cutting our military and other very necessary departments (although he built this huge government and its redundant departments), there are areas that will cause no pain to Americans.
First, there are departments that should be eliminated and given back to the states.   The Department of Education is just one example.
If we were to eliminate all subsidies, grants, special interest grants and foreign aid...that would cut over a trillion dollars out of the budget instantly.
Cut out the NEA...anyone that wants to support the arts can do so but why should the taxpayer give a grant to "art" such as a crucifix upside-down in a jar of urine.   Or how about the Tea Cup museum, or the Train museum, or grants to corporations, forgivable loans, etc., etc., etc.
Washington is talking about $85 billion of cuts, which is nothing since the interest on our debt is over $500 billion.   Of course, Congress will continue to get their automatic pay raises.   So why should they care how their decisions (or lack of decision) affects the rest of us.
If you had any backbone, you would have voted out every incumbent in the last election.   Only those that were well versed in how poorly our government was being run and the destructiveness of Obama, voted against the incumbents...the rest of you were clueless and kept them in office so you must bear the blame for the deterioration of our country and how the rest of the world is calling our government a joke.   We give billions to other countries (that don't need our money except to build their military and line their pockets) while we have massive poverty, homelessness and unemployment that could be reversed with that money.   Doesn't Washington know that you can't BUY friends ?
When is enough enough ?   What does it take for you to get up off your fat ass and do something about this government ?   If you do nothing now, it will be too late when the S--- hits the fan..................


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