Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Presidents legacy...........

Every President has left a "Legacy" for their term in office.

This President (Obama) will leave one that will be difficult to beat...

First of all, almost everything he's touched has consequences that he refuses to consider.
An example is the already failing health care system that he FORCED on those that don't want it.
And, let's not forget the recent scandals, such as the IRS, NSA,  Benghazi, and others.
He recently brought us to the brink of WWIII with his "knee jerk" reaction to Syria.

But the biggee is that our Presidents have always been known as the "Leader of the Free World".
This week, that title has been taken away and is now attributed to President Putin of Russia.
                (interesting that a communist takes the title from a socialist)
He (Obama) continues to support our enemies (Hezbolah, Al Quada, Iran, Iraq, among others; with taxpayer money.
His Executive Orders have hampered the economic and industrial growth of the United States.

I could list many, many things that this buffoon thug has done in his efforts to destroy our country, but that list would take several pages and I know that you bleeding heart, leftist, ill informed fools won't read it anyway.
Well, you re-elected you'll get what you deserve.

Soon, you'll have the opportunity to further his anti-America actions by voting for Clinton, who will continue pushing the demise of America.   Keep being ill informed; keep your head in the sand; keep
drinking their koolade; keep giving up your freedoms; keep supporting the non productive; keep voting away that which others have earned; keep helping make America just another European nation.   You leftists disgust me.....................


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