Saturday, September 21, 2013

Something doesn't make sense ...

Can anyone explain to me how borrowing more money can get one out of debt ?
This nonsense about raising the government's debt ceiling seems absurd.

First, I've got to ask why are we so deep in debt in the first place ?
Could some of it be due to
(1) Bailing out banks and other corporations with taxpayer money ?
(2) Giving billions and billions of dollars to other countries (and our enemies) in 
     "Foreign Aide" ?
(3) Sending billions of dollars to illegal aliens filing multiple false tax returns ?
(4) Funding wars that we don't belong in ?
(5) Giving billions of dollars in grants to almost any organization that asks for them ?
(6) Subsidizing private industries, businesses, corporations and unions ?
                and the list goes on...

I know, the politicians will argue that any one of the above is merely a small percentage of
what the government pays out.   However, collectively they add up to almost half of the government's annual expenses.
If our Representatives would stop kissing the asses of special interest groups and stop trying to buy friendship with other countries, and look at the big picture and doing what's right for America, we could be out of debt very quickly.

If you don't balance your budget, you go into debt.   Should you then borrow (or increase your credit limit on your credit card) to get out of debt ?   I don't think that's the way it works...


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