Saturday, November 02, 2013

This Just In...

I just became aware of a new insidious secret deal that Obama is making with a few other countries.  It's known as TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement).   This "deal" is so secret that when Congress has requested to know more about it, they were told, "it's none of their business" by Obama himself...
The agreement is with 12 other nations that will cause the United States to lose up to 20 million jobs and increase the prices of everything including food, medicine, energy and consumer items, and transfer that wealth to other nations.   This is another way that Obama is planning to destroy the middle (working) class in this country.
Just as NAFTA has cost America over 3 million jobs, TPP will be even more costly.
The meetings between the 12 nations involved include the CEO's of the largest corporations and banks in the world, but deny access to any members of these countries Congresses, Parliaments, etc.
Why is this being kept a secret from not only Congress but the American people ?
Answer:  Because it is so damaging to America that if it were known what it's all about, there would be such an outrage that Obama would be "tarred & feathered" and removed from office.
Besides his being the biggest LIAR any President has ever been, he's a SNEAKY anti-American and is dedicated to the demise of the United States of America as we know it.
Our only hope left is to remove all incumbents from Washington and keep Clinton from power.   Every time that I've warned you about something, you did nothing and you paid the consequences.   I warned you about electing Obama...but you did anyway.   I warned you about ObamaCare but you embarrassed it anyway.   Everything that I've warned you about. you've chosen to ignore.   You deserve what you get by doing nothing to stop this tyrant (Obama).  In your ignorance and apathy, you've chosen to let your way of life and the United States deteriorate...........SHAME ON YOU !


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