Friday, February 07, 2014

Enforcing VS. Breaking the Law...

The only thing that makes our governmental system (a Republic) is that it is a government of laws.   This means that no one, or group of individuals can force their will upon us without a law regarding it being in place first. , you tell me how Obama is allowed to break the law (yes, again) regarding the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) ???
In order to cover his ass over the lie he
 told us (about keeping our insurance if we liked it) and just announced that you may break the law by keeping your insurance until after the 2016 elections.   The law stipulates that all insurance MUST conform as written in the law.   The policies that were cancelled did not conform to the law (ObamaCare) and were therefore cancelled.
I see nowhere that Congress voted for any of the many changes (including this one) the Obama has made to this law (the Affordable Care Act) since it was voted on by Congress and became the "Law of the Land".
I ask you...Is Obama our President and bound by the Constitution or our Dictator that can make and change laws as he sees fit, without a challenge from anyone ?  This has gotten out of hand and yet no one is making him accountable for breaking the law and violating the Constitution which he swore to uphold.
This, among many other acts of this tyrant are certainly grounds for impeachment, but it is politically incorrect to even utter the "I" word or we would be called racist.

On another note concerning ObamaCare; Democrats are now praising the law by saying that people in jobs that they hate but stay because of the medical insurance coverage supplied by their employer, can now quit work and stay home.   Since they'll have only welfare, food stamps and other government subsidies to live on, they won't be able to afford to buy insurance.   Not to worry about them...ObamaCare provides a subsidy to purchase medical insurance for those that can't afford it (with taxpayer money from those that can afford it).   Isn't that one of the basis of Communism ?


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