Wednesday, March 19, 2014


It seems that everyone is upset with Vladimir Putin for invading and finally taking possession of Crimea.   This land grab appears unconscionable.
Ask yourself, haven't most other countries in the world done this at one time or another ?   Wasn't the United States formed by taking land that they had no claim on ?
Of course I'm always against a country invading another country (unless we're doing it).    However, when we invade another country it's supposed to be in our "best interests".  
Well, it was in the best interest of Russia to include Crimea as part of their country as part of its navy is stationed there and the pipelines from Russian oil fields to the rest of Europe cross through there.
As much as I don't agree with what Putin did, I totally understand.
On the other hand, I give him KUDOS for not only invading and taking land without a single shot fired, but making his first attempt to put the Soviet Union back together, while the rest of the world did nothing about it but bitch.   This first test proved successful.   In addition, and as an added bonus, Putin gave Obama the "finger" showing how helpless Obama is when it comes to foreign policy.
Sure, Obama threatened "sanctions" and Putin laughed at him.
By the way, what is it our business about what goes on in another sovereign country ?   Who declared the United States as police for the world ?   Ask any taxpayer if they want their money wasted on protecting our enemies, ungrateful countries, and making other world leaders extremely wealthy.
If we really are worried about being attacked by anyone, we have the military power to destroy any country where they are (without ever putting a soldier in that country.   All this "political correctness" and "diplomacy" is nonsense.   If someone threatens me, I do whatever it takes to eliminate that threat.   If someone threatens you, it's none of my business unless you ask for my help.


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