Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Advanced Education

Due to the falling economy, over the past two years, more and more school districts around the country are going to a FOUR DAY school week. I can understand the economics and savings of money by this move. However, with our public educational system falling behind all other industrialized countries, is this the appropriate thing to do ?
Proponents of the FOUR DAY school week say that since implemented, scholastic scores have gone up, moral has increased and attendance is at an all time high. With that being said; then it seems that scores would increase even more by going to a THREE DAY school week. And how about a TWO DAY or a ONE DAY school week ? Imagine if we went to a NO DAY school week...everyone would then become honor students and our poor educational system would no longer be needed as well; as all kids would be exceptional college candidates.
Now, with the "dumbing down" of America, it appears that they've found a faster way to poorly educate the next generation. After all, this country was built by millions of people that had never gone to school. Could it be that if we have a huge population of uneducated people that we could make our country grow again ?
I think not !
So, what's more important, increasing salaries for the people that run these school districts or educating our children ? Obviously, the people that make the rules couldn't care less about the kids........

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Show me the money

Aren't you thoroughly disgusted by now with this administration ?
After listening to Obama appointee, Janet Nepalitano tell the nation that the federal gov't. couldn't start any new projects and that FEMA was almost broke, I was really pissed off.
Over the past two and a half years, this administration has squandered hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to build infrastructure and buildings in foreign countries as well as contribute our dollars to foreign armies and support military actions that are none of our business.
Now that we have had numerous disasters in this country, there seems to be no more money for Americans.
I've gradually revised my observation that Obama was a socialist......he's an outright communist. Under his (lack 0f) leadership, he has systematically kept this country from recovering from a recoverable recession.
He continues to expand government to exert more control over our lives and freedoms.
After re-reading "The Mouse That Roared", i believe that if just one small state like Vermont or Rhode Island were to declare war on Washington, they would get billions of dollars thrown at them like we do for foreign nations.
It's time to withdraw from the federal government and divide the country into states, and leave Washington, D.C. to rule itself without interfering with the rest of us.
The Obama mantra these days must be "Dollars for enemies, none for Americans".

Aren't you thoroughly disgusted by now with this administration ?
After listening to Obama appointee, Janet Nepalitano

Friday, August 26, 2011

Good progress

The Obama administration is finally making progress in Obama's promise to lift some of the 17,000 new regulations put into effect since he became President. Most of these regulations are so restricting that they have either caused many small business to shut down or caused large businesses to increase their prices to us.
Finally, Obama has lifted one, yes...just one of the 17,000+ regulations stifling business and economic growth.
That regulation is that a Milk Spill be treated the same as an Oil spill. Now I can understand that if a tanker truck turns over on a freeway, of course it will be attended to as any large spill would. However, this regulation forces the dairy farmer (regardless how small) to adhere to ridiculous precautions for just a few drops of milk on the ground.
The farmer has to immediately evacuate the area, put up barricades, call the EPA, inform HAZMAT, bring in governmental people to clean it up, etc.
Kudos to Obama for lifting this restriction. Now what about the rest ???
Pizza shops are closing that can't afford to install the new equipment that the new regulations are forcing them to do. All kinds of businesses are closing down because of this administration's goal of controlling everything in our lives (remember ObamaCare ?).
I could list hundreds of these new regulations that are so stupid that all they do is put an additional burden on our fragile economy and benefit no one except give the government more control over one's business.
By getting rid of most of these new restrictive regulations, the economy could start growing again and people could get back to work.
C'mon the right thing for a change.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Who, What & Why ???

This was an interesting weekend. For the first time in our history, the credit of the United States came under scrutiny. Standard and Poors (S&P), the agency that rates the ability of nations to pay their debts, lowered the rating of the United States from AAA to AA+.
What this means is that it will cost more for the U.S. to borrow money. This is just like your credit score dropping and your interest rate therefore goes up.
Obama is blaming S&P for not understanding how Washington works. Actually, it's Obama that doesn't understand the condition that the U.S. is in. The Democrats are blaming the Republicans, the Republicans are blaming the Democrats and everyone is blaming the Tea Party.
Actually, the Tea Party, being called "unreasonable" wanted a cap on spending, a balanced budget and a greater reduction in the debt.
S&P based their downgrade on the fact that they expected a $5 trillion drop in the deficit, but it was only $2 trillion. They also expected a cap on borrowing and there is none.
What this means for all of us is HIGHER TAXES, HIGHER INTEREST RATES, HIGHER PRICES and less employment. Your Congress screwed you again.
S&P said that in order to just keep the downgrade rating (without a further downgrade in the future), the GNP (gross national product) would have to climb by over 3% annually. However, with all of the restrictions that this administration has put on business, we're lucky if we can grow beyond 1%.
At present, of the entire working population (able bodied people, 18 - 65), only 54% are either working for someone or self employed. This is the lowest percentage since the 1930s.
There is a solution; but it means that Washington has to give up power to the people. If restrictions are lifted, taxes are not increased and interest rates are held firm, this country could turn itself around in a year or less.
Of course, Washington will continue to borrow, spend and restrict the growth of this country because we have a spoiled Congress and an inept President. Actually, a lot of this is your fault. You voted for these people and when they didn't represent your wishes, you did nothing about it. I remember when a million man march was organized. Now is the time for a 10 million taxpayer march on Washington to be organized.
You are watching the deterioration of the United States that will trigger a great civil war. If you think that I might be exaggerating the problem, then just sit by and watch your freedoms go away, your income decrease, your costs go up and your neighbors and community fall into poverty. Even then, most of you will do nothing.
The rest of the world is laughing at us and watching the most powerful nation in the world self destructing from within. All of our enemies realize that they don't need to attack us. They can just sit back and let Obama and Congress devour us from within. Yes, you can do something about this before it's too late...but you won't !
Soon, you will remember that I warned you as you see the fall of the U.S. and you'll think back to a time when you could have done something. Then it will be too late. Act now or suffer the consequences.

Friday, August 05, 2011

...and he fiddled while Rome burned.

Yesterday, the public lost $1.9 trillion in their IRAs, 401Ks and other investments.
That evening, at taxpayer expense, Obama celebrated a LAVISH 50th birthday party at the White House.
How about you folks footing the bill on my next birthday party ??? One thing is for sure, it won't cost near as much as Obama's did.
In light of that, today, Congress added $239 billion to our debt. This is new spending and has nothing to do with our present obligations.
Are you getting the picture yet ? All of our "leaders" have got to go. They really don't give a damn about us or our country. The only thing that they're really representing is their egos and re-election (at your expense).
While they rejoice over 117,000 jobs being added (they weren't really added, they were there all of the time, just not filled yet), it gave them the right to spin a great untruth.....that the unemployment rate dropped from 9.2 to 9.1. Big deal....if I'm drowning in 9.2 feet of water, will the water level dropping to 9.1 feet save my life ?
What does it take for you to see that these people do not have your interests at heart ? Why are you so apathetic and doing nothing to stop this ? Are you doing that well that you too don't give a damn ?
Get rid of both parties...get rid of all career politicians...get rid of some of the restrictive laws and regulations that are stifling businesses and growth...get rid of all the redundant agencies created by this administration.
Congress is supposed to make laws and approve a budget to run the country. They have no right to fund special interests projects, give cash grants, spend elaborate sums on their personal pet projects, etc.
Let's get back to the Constitution instead of letting these schemers violate it.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

No time lost...

The ink wasn't even dry on the bill extending the debt ceiling when Congress has already just spent over $40 Billion of the new amount that they can borrow. Where were all those politicians that were trying to "cut spending" ?
However, the biggest slap in our faces cam from Obama himself. As soon as the bill became law, Obama left Washington to fly out and get back on the campaign trail. Why isn't he doing his job. He was elected (hired by the people) to be in Washington and run this country. His campaign is costing the taxpayers a huge amount of money. He flies for free, gets accommodations (hotels, meals, transportation, etc.) for free, has a bunch of unpaid volunteers at his beck and call, all on the taxpayer's dime.
If you or I spent most of our time promoting ourselves at our company's expense and not being at work, we would be fired very quickly. I suggest that we fire this malingerer. Other than becoming a multi-millionaire, why would anyone want to be President of the United States. Answer: Ego and power.
It obviously doesn't require intelligence (Ex: Jimmy Carter had the highest IQ of any president and was a nuclear physicist, yet look at what a poor President he was). It doesn't require any experience (Ex: Truman was a high school teacher before becoming President).
To run a country as large as ours has got to be the worst 24/7 job in the world. It only pays $400,000/ year, which is less than a lot of CEOs and company Presidents make (and they're actually working at their jobs).
Well, you wanted a community organizer to run your country...and now look at the condition he has put us in. Just by the fact that he was a left wing socialist, an anti-American sympathizer and a street thug, was not any reason to elect him. Now he's campaigning to have another four years to complete his destruction of the American way of life.
Do you want more of his thuggery and destruction of the middle class ? If you don't vote or vote for him, then you are part of the problem. Don't come bitching to me when your income drops, your costs go up and your children are unemployed, all while you're paying for the care and comfort of those that have no intention of ever being productive.
Wake up and see his failures...wake up and see his underhanded methods...wake up and get rid of him. You can't afford four more years of this.

Monday, August 01, 2011

...and the Winner is...

After all the smoke settles, it looks like we've been "snookered" again.
The debt ceiling crisis has been settled in favor of Obama, not the people of the United States.
Now, Obama can campaign without interruption...he can claim that he forced Congress to settle this problem.
Actually, it increases our debt by $2.4 Trillion with no cuts in spending until after the election (which won't happen anyway).
Can you believe how the real issue wasn't about raising the debt ceiling. We all knew that it was going to happen. The real issue was about raising taxes and cutting spending. Well, it's spending as usual in Washington and the tax raises won't happen until after the next election (where taxes will then explode upward as well as huge cuts in the military, Social Security and Medicare).
Bottom line.........Obama wins, you LOSE !
Now can't you see how manipulative Obama is ? He is sneakily destroying our country with more spending (debt), huge taxes (coming soon) and a weak military. He is doing everything that he can to keep the economy and jobs at a minimum and has hurt all Americans (from the rich to the poor) during his time as President.
Do you want more of this ? We have a chance to get rid of him in the next election, but it will take all of us to do it. If you do nothing, if you don't vote, if you don't tell your friends and neighbors how bad he is; then you are condoning the fall of the United States.