Sunday, November 29, 2009

The biggest cause...

Today, as I was thinking about all of the problems that we have in this country, I thought about thinking "outside of the box" in order to not be sidetracked by any one issue or another.
The question that I posed was, how did we get from our beginnings at Plymouth Rock to the myriad of problems that we have today.
I looked at other countries around the world and found that what most of them had in common, we did not have in common with them.
The word DIVERSITY just jumped up and bit me on the ass. I then realized that our diversity has eroded into political correctness.
Socialists have studied this phenomena of how problematic diversity can be. It is a fact that mixing races, religions, ethnicities, origins, cultures, etc. can only lead to the eventual breakdown of the society that absorbs this mix.
As an example, we in the United States have more crime (per capita) than any other country in the world and lead the world in jailed prisoners. Russia is a distant second to us with China being third. Countries with little to no diversity maintain their language, culture and respect for one another. The more diversity in any given population, the more animosity within that group.
Certainly, bringing all of the cultures of the world together is one of the major contributions that has made this country as great as it has become. Well, that mix no longer applies. The "experiment" called the United States of America can no longer justify the deterioration of its society by permitting diversity and political correctness to continue.
The incident at Ft. Hood is a blatant example of how harmful it can be to continue to bring people together with differing allegiances and agendas.
In countries with little to no diversity, the only major unrest usually is in the form of anger about their leadership. In countries that practice diversity, crime increases as the population becomes more diverse.
Of course, a draconian solution would be to deport everyone that is not a citizen and put very limiting quotas on anyone wanting to become a citizen in the future. I know that this is ridiculous. However, consider that we could stop all future immigration for at least two to three generations, until this country settles back into being American. Then we could slightly lift quotas and let in only those that would make a major contribution to this country by their being here. In other words, if you can't contribute to our system, then you can't avail yourself of our system.
If we were to get back to this country being predominantly American, many of our problems would either minimize or completely disappear. What I'm saying, is that we need our culture back, in order to continue to be America. I'm not preaching bigotry, merely survival.
Rather than form an immediate opinion about this, take some time and think it over.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Illegal alien problem.

Apparently, this illegal alien problem isn't just recent. It all started when the Natives of this continent allowed the Pilgrims to sneak upon their shores and set up a settlement. They (the Indians) never asked the Pilgrims to leave...and you know the rest of the story.
This country has tolerated illegal entry and residence as far back as one can remember.

A perfect example of an illegal alien that everyone knows and has been in this country since 1938 without ever applying for citizenship but is revered by all, was born in 1932 and illegally entered this country in 1938, unchallenged. His name was changed from Kal-El to a more "American" sounding name and he was educated in our free schools through high school.
Without any further education or credentials, he then became employed by a major newspaper in one of America's largest cities and NEVER sought to be a citizen of the country that afforded him these opportunities.
I think that he should be made an example of and deported immediately. If we're going to do something about our illegal alien problem; start with the most famous.
You might know him as Clark Kent or maybe even Superman.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Watch closely...

Well, as we all went about our weekend, not paying attention to what was conspiring in Washington, the Senate OK'd their Health Care Bill to be voted on. At the last minute on Saturday night, the last holdout for the 60 votes needed was Senator Mary Landrieu, a Democrat from Louisiana.
In order to get her vote, she was promised an additional $100 million for Medicaid for her state.
So, first we had Representatives being bought with hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for their districts to get the votes that Pelosi needed. Now we see the same bribery going on in the Senate.
To add "insult to injury", the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, a panel of non-medical people (they are not doctors, oncologists or experts of any kind), declared that women don't need breast exams until age 50. The medical community is outraged because between age 40 to 50 is when breast cancers grow the fastest. This recommendation is being included in the list of approved medical exams that will be paid for under the Health Care Reform. Ask any oncologist when breast exams should start and none of them will say at 50.
The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force says that the cost savings by moving the age up to 50 will more than compensate for the additional lives that will be lost. Can you as a woman, a husband or the father of a daughter tolerate this ?
Congress is already planning the RATIONING of health care even before their expensive bill becomes law.
Additionally, the new bill will not only NOT cover everyone, it will be financed by massive cuts in Medicare, raised insurance premiums and increased taxes.
So, to summarize...the Heath Care Reform that Congress is trying to shove down our throats will cost us more and cover less.
Again, we see how inept our Congress is. They are "hell-bent" on passing a Health Care Reform bill regardless of who gets hurt by it. Remember, you voted for those people.....this is your fault, without any doubt. You can do something about it by writing, calling, e-mailing and organizing protests to let your Representatives and Senators know that their careers hinge on how they vote for this 2,000+ page bill that no one has read.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not my President...

When are you going to realize what your President is doing to this country ?
On this, his most recent trip to China, after bowing down to their Communist leader, he then went on to Shanghai to hold a "town hall" meeting.
At that meeting, first he apologized for how women are treated in America and then went on to tell them that we are guilty of many things. He even said that we should be more like them.
What the hell is the matter with this man ? How can his inept handlers let him continue belittling our country and its people ?
Even the Chinese are wise to him. In their press, the next day, they said that President Obama has less intelligence than the ground they walk on...(Translation: He'd dumber than dirt).
Everything he does fails. Just look at his community organization in's broke and falling apart. As a community organizer, he was a failure. As a Senator, he was out of his element and just did as he was told; and as our President, he's destroying this country.
He has never made a speech without a myriad of lies woven into it; and yet you continue to believe in him.
Our most important problem is our economy and unemployment. Instead of trying to repair that, he is focused on shoving his ObamaCare and Cap & Trade down our throats while increasing taxes and expanding government.
How long is it going to take you to see this failure of a man for what he really is....a self involved ego-maniac that doesn't give a damn about you, your family and your country.
I have always supported my President regardless of my agreement or not with his actions and policies. Barack Husein Obama IS NOT MY PRESIDENT. My President would never badmouth this great country. My President would be dealing with making this country richer, more powerful and safer. This "Bozo" pretending to be a President is doing just the opposite.
As an example; he thinks that he knows how to win the war in the Middle East better than the experienced Generals that are there. He thinks that by creating more Czars and government departments that he's solving the unemployment crisis.
I am thoroughly disgusted that my country is being run by his cronies that have no experience at running anything while he flits around making speeches filled with lies.
He talked about Hope and Change. First of all, Hope is a non-experiential word primarily used in Sunday sermons...he has given us change; the Change being that everything is worse than it was before we ever let him loose to do the ongoing damage that he's doing.
Your support or belief in Obama just verifies your ignorance.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Vote until you get it right

Hasn't anyone in Congress caught on to the scam that's being run on all of us ?
Pelosi will keep counting the votes from Congress for as many times that it takes until she gets the amount needed to pass the Health Care bill.
In all polls, the majority of the people DO NOT WANT this bill. I've watched issues at election time be voted down only to come up next time and the time after that until finally it was voted in.
If Congress was doing its job, a vote would have taken place months ago and the bill would now be history.
Why is Congress letting this evil woman get away with this scam ? She is actually more dangerous than Obama... she knows what she's doing. On the other hand, Obama is just a puppet being led around by the nose and only told what the people really running this country tell him.
There are far more important issues that require Congress's attention...
the economy
the war in the middle east
national security name a few.
If our Congress is so stupid that they'll let Pelosi get away with this scam, they ALL need to be voted out of office at the first opportunity. I would be willing to vote for a monkey if he was running against an incumbent rather than let our Congress continue with the people that are there now. A Congress made up of monkeys certainly wouldn't do as much damage as the present Congress can (and will).
Do you understand why someone wants to be a Representative or Senator ? No matter how poor one is when elected to either of these positions, by the time they leave office, they are millionaires. The corruption is rampant. If they vote for a particular lobbyists agenda, they get huge perks and a high paying job after they leave the government.
Nancy Pelosi's net worth is in excess of $47 million, as an example.
Obama's 2008 1040 showed that he had a (declared) income of $2,656,902.
As the unemployed, the poor, even the struggling middle class wonders how they're going to get by, our Congress, the President, Vice President, their Cabinet, etc. are accumulating vast fortunes while they're telling the rest of us how much we should earn.
This is not what our founding Fathers had in mind when they formed this country. In addition, political correctness was not part of their plan either.

The absurdity of it all...

I keep hearing about the scarcity of the N1H1 flu vaccine.
Again, this is our inept government at work.
There are only four places that manufacture the various flu vaccines. Three of them are in Europe. During the Bush administration, President Bush had an additional facility built in this country to be assured of the quality and quantity available to Americans should an emergency arise.
Not only did the Obama administration declare (for political purposes) the N1H1 virus an emergency, he waited for several months before he opened the facility in this country.
To add insult to injury, one reason for the shortage of the vaccine was that the first batch went to the muslim prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. The next batches went to the prisons all around the country. Then, after all of the criminals were vaccinated did it become available to health care workers. Finally, the next batches became available to the public.
The majority of the vaccine being manufactured overseas is not coming to this country, but being distributed throughout Europe and Asia. This is the reason that President Bush had a vaccine manufacturing facility built right here.
The vaccine shortage (as most shortages) is created by the government. If you can't get your N1H1 flu shot, blame Obama. He can't seem to do anything right.
He must be RECALLED.....we need a person that's not running around the world bowing and apologizing for America, but one that stays in Washington and doing his job. Although, even if Obama's handlers kept him in Washington, he still hasn't a clue about running this country (for the good of the people).

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Immigration ?

This country (before it was a country) has always had immigration problems.
The root cause of this is the established tradition of letting anybody come to this country. This was first put into practice by the Indian tribes that let the Mayflower land and this was the first of illegal aliens on our shores.
Instead of the Indians saying, "You can visit but you can't stay", they let them establish settlement which was followed by other countries coming here and establishing their settlements.
Of course the land and possessions of the Indians was taken as the European "invaders" saw this country as their entitlement.
Eventually, the Europeans became so numerous that they overtook all that was Indian.
This tradition has continued since. Today, the exact same thing is happening. The only difference is in who the "players" are.
Now that this country is called the United States of America, it has become the entitlement of the Mexicans. Just as the Europeans kept coming until they could take over, the Illegal Mexicans are doing the same thing. Spanish has become the second (soon to be first) most spoken language in the U.S.
If past history is a lesson, then you'd better learn to speak Spanish as all Americans will eventually be confined to reservations given to them by Mexico.
Ain't history grand ? Not only did the Indians screw up by letting those original Englishmen stay here, today, our Congress is doing everything that it can to give Amnesty to all of those Mexicans that are here illegally.
And so again, this part of the world changes hands and language. Or, should we break with tradition and throw ALL illegals out of here ASAP ? Should we make this an "English language only" country ? Or, should we just ignore it all and lose our American heritage ?