Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Gasoline prices...

I just returned from filling up my tank with gasoline at the local gas station. Everyone there was complaining about the price of gasoline. Here are the facts...
In some cities (and towns) there can be as much as a 50 cent/ gallon price difference from one section of town to the other. This is mostly because the less expensive gas stations are in poorer neighborhoods and have less to pay for rent and upkeep. Another reason is that in the more affluent parts of town, some of those people are too spoiled to seek out cheaper gas and are willing to pay the higher prices for the convenience.
Even with gasoline at $3/ gallon, we still are paying less than any other industrialized country. Check out the prices in Europe. 30 years ago, gasoline was over $2.50/ gallon in most European countries and is now over $6/ gallon there.
The real problem is the bleeding heart liberals. How so ? you ask.
(1) Because of the increased expense involved due to mostly ridiculous environmental restrictions, over 200 refineries have closed down since 1970 and the cost of building new ones has increased to over 8 billion dollars from less than $900,000. There is no incentive to build new refineries since the '70s and every incentive not to build them. There is no shortage of oil; only the capability to refine enough to meet demand.
(2) The United States has the largest supply of shale oil in the ground of anywhere in the world (at our present consumption rate, this would be more than a 100 year supply). No drilling is required and getting it out is not as costly as drilling. With all the regulations imposed by well meaning but not practical environmentalists, the cost of getting this oil is prohibitive.
(3) Everyone knows where all the oil is around the planet and it appears that most of it is in this hemisphere, not in the middle east. The reason that the middle east produces more oil than anywhere else is that they don't have any restrictions and every oil company has the incentive to get that cheap oil. There is 1000 times as much oil in the Pacific Ocean (off the coast of California, Oregon and Washington) as in all of the middle east. Regulations prohibit anyone from exploring or drilling there.

If you environmentalists want to be paying $5+/ gallon to the middle east instead of $3.50/ gallon to our local suppliers, that's fine with me. I, however choose to have this country become self sufficient and not beholden to the middle eastern nations that want to shove islam down our throats.

A solution that most of you never took advantage of:
A year ago, when oil was $24-$26/ barrel, all of the newspapers, commodity houses, brokerage houses, newscasters, etc. were telling you that oil would soon get to $80-$100/ barrel. The smart folks went out and either bought stocks in the big oil companies for their IRAs or bought crude oil futures contracts. Those that bought the stocks have made more than enough money to be able to justify the gasoline price increase. Those that bought the crude oil futures are all millionaires now.
If you invest in the things that will be costing more or that there will be shortages of, the increase in the price of those things won't matter.
WAKE UP AND SMELL THE GAS FUMES...we do not need arab oil; we need to get rid of the enemy within...the liberal faction in this country that complains enough so that the gov't. takes away more of our rights and freedoms.
Some of the environmental laws and regulations have nothing to do with the environment whatsoever and should be discarded. As long as man is on the earth, he will be the 2nd largest polluter (nature is the largest).
People, I know you want everything clean and the way it used to be, but that "ain't gonna happen". GET OVER IT.
Imagine giving up the electric grid...nothing that consumes electricity will be usable. That will save billions and billions of barrels of oil each year. Let's stop making things out of plastic....more billions of oil saved each year. No more petrochemical industry....more billions of oil saved each year. Do you want to live without just those three things ? Neither do I. GET OVER IT and quit bitching about the price of gasoline and start bitching to your liberal do-gooder about how they've caused most of this problem; ask them what they've given up to "save the planet". No matter what we do, the rest of the world will still be polluting makes no difference.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

2 topics 2day...

I can't believe that the state of Louisiana is asking for $250 billion of your tax dollars to cleanup and rebuild New Orleans. For years, they've been getting millions of your dollars to maintain the levees and sea walls. They chose to use that money instead to build a superdome and pay the New Orleans Saints $20 million/ year to stay in New Orleans. The only reason anyone would want to stay in that filthy, corrupt, crime ridden city is if they were either too lazy or stupid to leave or they were being paid to stay there. Since most of the state is on either welfare and/ or other gov't. progams, why would one want to give that up and have to work in order to eat and have shelter ?
Organizations from all over the world has been pouring a ton of money into New Orleans. We know that the Red Cross has kept their "fair share" for "administrative costs" and that there is no accounting for the money pouring in.
So, while people like Ray Nagin are "salting away" millions in some secret bank account in the Caymen Islands, little to nothing is taking place unless federal dollars are being used. Where have your donations gone ? No one knows ! Don't you feel RIPPED OFF ?
I haven't heard Florida, Mississippi, Alabama or even Texas request any federal money...don't they need it too ? After all, those states suffered damage from Katrina and Rita also.

I want every one of you to contact your Congressmen and Senators and tell them that if they give a cent of federal money (actually your money) you will vote them out of office when they run for reelection. Send letters, e-mails and telegrams to the White House and tell our President to stop this give-away.

This will blow you away...
Over 80 percent of the contracts to clean up and rebuild New Orleans were given out on a no-bid basis to companies and individuals that don't even have a company that are friends of or connected to the Mayor or Governor. The only company that I can think of that is prepared, qualified and adequately staffed to do this work, happens to be Halliburton. Again, we have the formula for your tax dollars being ripped off.
This is how they're going to do it. Every one of these companies will be employing illegal aliens (mostly Mexicans) because they are claiming that the residents of Louisiana that could be hired are either poor white trash with no skills or poor blacks with no work ethic, and that Mexicans will work hard and for low pay. These company's books will reflect union wages paid to these illegals and they will pocket the difference from what they're actually paying them.
A side effect of this is that it will bring both the white and black communities together against the illegals. Our gov't. has to do something about this before it gets out of hand. One of the last things that we need is a race riot in Louisiana. Again, I urge you to write to your gov't. representatives to get rid of the illegals in this country and not permit them to re-enter.
One solution might be the rounding up of every undocumented alien, move them to Army training bases and send them to Iraq for a 4 year tour of duty. Upon return, they be automatically given citizenship and all the rights and privileges that that entails. Those that won't serve should be put in labor camps to maintain unused farmlands. This will free up our troops to come home and be able to control our borders from those trying to sneak in.
Congress must also pass a law that children of illegals that are born in this country ARE NOT citizens. Besides the illegals taking the jobs away from the otherwise employable poor, they are a huge drain on our resources, even causing medical clinics and emergency rooms around the country to close.
This problem needs immediate attention and immediate action...nothing will be done until we all voice our concern to those that CAN do something about this.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Chief Justice

While John Roberts is being "raked over the coals" to find out where he stands on various issues, he has appeared to most of us as a bright and friendly sort of person. There is another side to John that most of us don't know about.
The Austin American Statesman has done some research into the background of John Roberts and discovered that he's quite the "party animal" also.

Here are just a few of his accomplishments that the Senate Judiciary Committee isn't concerned about.
(1) The character "Bluto" (played by John Belushi) in the movie "Animal House" was based on Robert's behavior in law school.
(2) Roberts has won the showmanship award three years in a row at the Goat Cookoff in Brady.
(3) He sometimes wears "Bugs Bunny" underwear under his robes.
(4) He worked as a Chippendale's dancer while in law school.
(5) Every year he enters the "Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest" at Coney Island (under a ficticious name) and has
come in second several times.
(6) He tried out for "American Idol" singing "Jive Talkin'".
(7) He is a founder of the "Mork & Mindy" fan club.
(8) He worked as a rodeo clown named Johnny Bob.
(9) Roberts can tie a cherry stem into a knot with his tongue.
(10) He has a tattoo of reds lips on his butt.
(11) He has been thrown out of several bars for cheating at pool.

...and there are more. This sounds like "my kinda judge". Finally, no more "stuffed shirt" type as the Chief Justice. It's going to be very interesting to see his rulings in the future. For one, I really think that John Roberts will do a great job for the court and this country. Ta Da...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Rebuilding New Orleans ???

Somehow, I must be missing something when I read and hear that New Orleans will be rebuilt.
I can understand why the residents of Malibu and the Hollywood Hills in California rebuild after an earthquake or the annual landslides that destroy their homes. Between insurance and the forgivable loans that they get from the gov't. (your tax dollars), why shouldn't they rebuild in a high status area ? Since it virtually costs the homeowner nothing in the end and they end up with a newer and better home to live in or rent out, giving them an income for life; why not rebuild ? Even though the mudslides and earthquakes will repeat their destruction, it still is economically sound for the homeowner to rebuild under the free money conditions.
New Orleans is a different story. IT IS BELOW SEA LEVEL !!! President Bush said that this will be the largest reconstruction project ever undertaken. What he didn't say was that this will be the COSTLIEST reconstruction project ever taken that is destined to be a failure in the longrun. No matter how high and wide they build the seawalls, New Orleans is in a hole below sea level, on a coast.
What doesn't anyone understand about the eventual reflooding of this area ? Would you want to live in a bowl, surrounded by high cement walls just waiting for the next time that your home was flooded out and all your property was stolen by looters ? There is no way to prevent the eventual reflooding of New Orleans. The wetlands just south of the city that used to act as the barrier for hurricanes and tropical storms in the gulf, have eroded away over the years and New Orleans almost sits in the gulf instead of far inland like it did when it was first built.
It seems that a much more ecologically correct, economically correct, but politically incorrect thing to do would be to level whatever is still left and let that below sea level bowl revert back to being federally protected wetlands.
Why rebuild one of the filthiest and poorest cities in the country ? Anyone that's visited New Orleans can attest to the fact that they saw the poverty, the low education level and of course, how filthy everything was. Should this really be rebuilt ? Of course not.
There is only ONE reason to rebuild New Orleans on its original spot...that is to get a "fuzzy" good feeling.
Although hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars will flow into this huge project, most of it will go into the pockets of the relatives and friends of the Governor and the Mayor. Yes, the unskilled, poorly educated residents will be the incompetent workforce doing the actually work. So, the bottom line is that a few "well connected" individuals will become extremely wealthy while a city destined for more natural destruction will be rebuilt by workers that don't have any work ethic or experience, using taxpayers money. What's wrong with this picture ?
Any reasonable person will agree that it is insanity to rebuild New Orleans. Already, the rest of the world is looking at us in disbelief that we would be so stupid as to actually do this.
As much as I'm proud to be an American, I'm so embarrassed that my gov't. would make such a stupid decision.
After listening to President Bush's speech from New Orleans, I felt good that the gov't. was going to make everything right again...until I thought about it; and then I couldn't believe that he was serious. Either I'll wake up and find that this is all a dream, or it's just a joke that the gov't. is playing.
Someone, please show me the benefits of rebuilding New Orleans. The only thing that I can see is that it will give a bunch of welfare recipients a temporary job.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Where's the money ???

Although federal money has been given to New Orleans for many years to maintain and build up the seawalls and levees, little to none has ever been spent on that. Where's the money ? No one seems to know.
Now that tens of millions are pouring into New Orleans, that cunning Mayor (Ray Nagin) is saying that the city is bankrupt and he can not meet the city payroll for police and firefighters. What's with that ?
It seems that Nagin knows that his career in anything is over, so I'll bet that when he leaves his post as Mayor, he retires happily with millions (or more) in a bank in the Caymen Islands.
And, still, with all of the private sector, individuals and federal money and assistance, the Governor (Kathleen Blanco) is still screwing things up.
In the meantime, the people of New Orleans have this "pipe dream" that the city will be rebuilt to the way it was and everything will be just as it was before Katrina. The French Quarter is expected to be functioning by this weekend.
The Governor made statements as to her "disappointment" that more bodies have not been found. The original estimate of 25,000 by the Mayor was just another ploy on his part to get all of us to send money ASAP.
As we all know, Louisiana is a "welfare state" that has a huge amount of our taxpayer dollars pouring in every month to support the majority of residents; and Louisiana is also in the top of the list of corrupt states.
Where has all the money been going all these years ? Where is the money that we all gave, going (the Red Cross is keeping the "lions share" of the donations to them to cover "administrative costs") ?
By the time this is all over, hundreds of billions of dollars will have poured into the state and city and there will be little to no accounting of where that money went.
Already, with the thought of "rebuilding" New Orleans, Nagin is gathering friends and family to award contracts to for the "reconstruction".
Other than actually handing cash to individual victims or giving to the Salvation Army, your money will be ill spent or end up in someone's bank account that either was not a victim or was heavily covered by insurance anyway. Even those not directly affected by Katrina, will be getting lots of money. All one has to do is get their butt down to New Orleans and get on any line to receive lottsa tax free money (whether they are legitimate or not).
There are hundreds of new websites (more than half in Europe) claiming that they are disaster you want to contribute to any of them ? The fraud and thievery that is going on is probably the biggest this country has ever seen.
My heart goes out to those that lost loved ones, cherished pets, homes and personal property. As a victim of two major earthquakes, I feel somewhat qualified to empathize with these poor people. On the other hand, I'm outraged at what's transpiring at this time with the Mayor and Governor lining their pockets before anyone can check on where all the money is. Yes, I am an advocate of greed, as without it, no progress is made. However, what's going on in this case goes way beyond the sensibilities of greed and is downright criminal. Even when some of this is exposed, no one will be prosecuted. The Mayor has already said that none of the looters will be hunted down and brought to trial as the city can't afford it. The message that I get from that is: Looting is condoned as long as it's economically sound and it's absolutely permissible in New Orleans. So, get into New Orleans, go into any business or home and take whatever you want...the law will not do anything about it.
If you follow the money, and you figure out who gets to profit from this disaster, you'll eventually call for the crucifixion of the Governor and the Mayor on the highest hill in New Orleans. That even is too kind of a treatment for those two.

Monday, September 12, 2005

What you didn't know about some Presidents.

Recently, I've had the opportunity to look through the notes (all well documented) of someone researching the Presidential administrations over the past 50 years. Most of what I read (and will pass some of it on to you today), are things that few of us were aware of.
Besides wanting to take over the United States with the military, Lyndon B. Johnson wanted to put the country under marshall law (thus making him a dictator) and suspending the Congress during the anti-war demonstrations in the Viet Nam era. Fortunately, his joint Chiefs of Staff, all threatened to resign, thus leaving the armed forces with no leadership.
Actually, he should have never even gotten even to the Senate. When he thought that he had lost his Senate race, it was discovered that he received an additional 202 votes from a small town (Alice) in Texas. What is of real interest is that 203 votes were counted, 202 were for him and it seems that everyone in Alice voted in the same two hour period and in alphabetical order, giving Johnson a win by 87 votes. In 1977 (4 years after LBJ's death, the election judge in Alice admitted that he was ordered to rig the election.
Although this is well documented, you won't find it in any history books (especially in Texas). Throughout his time in the White House, he "ruled" by intimidation to institute his "Great Society" programs (that have all failed and have cost us over seven trillion dollars) that have been a terrible drain on society without producing any positive results.
This was a very evil man that had in the back of his mind, becoming the Ruler of America.
Now, Bill Clinton is another outrageous administration. He sent our military overseas fourty-four times during his two terms in office. Prior to that, the military had only been sent out of the United States only eight times during the previous fourty-five years.
He ordered the Pentagon to promote no white men without disabilities without his "special permission" as a part of "affirmative action". Under his orders, the Food and Drug Administration was told to relax their requirements such as "knowledge of rules of grammar" and "ability to spell accurately" since those requirements made it more difficult to hire "underrepresented groups and individuals with poor education and disabilities". He had the U.S. Forest Service post their job listings to be headed with "Only Unqualified applicants may apply" and later it read, "Only applicants who do not meet [job requirement] standards will be considered". I have seen these postings with my own eyes. Ironically, many positions were not filled because of a shortage of unqualified applicants.
If you think that Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction, consider this; the very day of Monica Lewinsky's return to the grand jury, Clinton personally ordered the bombing of the El Shifa Pharmaceutical Industries Company in Sudan. He claimed that they were manufacturing nerve gas and were funded by Osamsa bin Laden. As far as proving that nerve gas was being produced, the Clinton administration refused to give soil samples collected outside of the plant that "allegedly" contained traces of chemicals. Later, after everyone's inspections, it was proven that the factory produced over half of Sudan's human and vetinary medicines, thus cutting heavily into Sudan's economy. Remember, Bill and Hillary trying to take over 1/7 of our country's economy with their "health plan" ? Remember the over 50 mysterious deaths of Clinton "enemies" ? Remember that Clinton was only the second president to ever be impeached ?
After reading the notes that I was privileged to see, I could go on for pages with the atrocities that both of the above mentioned Presidents are responsible for. I'll tell you all about Hillary another time...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Bottom Line.

Ok, so now there will be a myriad of probes, investigative teams, reports, etc. to be able to lay blame for the New Orleans disaster. Depending on whether one is a Democrat (Bush hater) or a Republican, these investigations will be biased.
The bottom line is that:
(1) There have been federal funds (even with the cutback) available to fix and maintain the sea walls around New Orleans (it was the sea wall that broke not the levees, as you've been led to believe). That idiot, Kathleen Blanco has consistently turned down these funds because she claimed that the conditions were too restrictive. The gov't. specified that the money be spent only on repair, maintenance and further construction...and nothing else.
(2) Two days before Katrina hit, Bush called Blanco and asked if she wanted any federal assistance. She said that she had it all under control.
(3) On the day that Katrina hit, Blanco was again offered assistance from the gov't. and this time she refused it, saying that she needed a day or so to think about it.
(4) Meanwhile, that race card playing, idiot Mayor, Ray Nagin DID NOT implement the evacuation plan (that was already in place) and ordered everyone to the Dome. When they got there, there were NO PROVISIONS such as water, medicines or food. All of the buses that were part of the evacuation plan, sat idle.
(5) Federal troops CAN NOT come into (invade) a state without the Governor's authority. Once Bush saw the incompetency of the part of the Governor and the Mayor, he declared a state of emergency and troops, food, water, helicopters, medical ships, etc. were then able to converge on the area.
(6) FEMA has so many regulations that it was impossible for them to be of any help because of the huge bureaucracy that they've set up. [By the way, did you know that FEMA has the power to suspend Congress and the Constitution in an emergency ? This is very scary as they can take over the country and ignore anything the President says.]
(7) Everyone in the world knew Katrina was coming; they knew when, where, and how big it was and only the responsible people chose to get out of harms way to save themselves and their families and pets.

So, the big bottom line is:
(A) We must realize that minorities are so conditioned to having the gov't. do everything for them, that they will not take the initiative to do anything for themselves (except loot and steal of course).
(B) No minority (including women) should ever to be allowed a public office again. If you think Kathleen Blanco is an idiot, just look at some of the female senators and Congressmen that are in office and look at their voting records and their "pet" projects. Go ahead, vote for Hillary and you've seen nothing yet. Can you site one good minority Governor, Mayor, Congressman or Senator that has done anything, ever to make their costituency better off ? No, you can't; they only run for office to fatten their own pockets; and in the case of the women in gov't., this is strictly a power trip for them.

If you vote for a woman, a black, a Mexican, etc.; you deserve what you get. Remember, I warned you !

Sunday, September 04, 2005


First of all, I want you to understand that I fully believe in equality for all. Second, I have no allegiance to any political party. That being said, here is the real TRUTH about everything that you've been hearing and seeing in regard to the New Orleans disaster.
(1) NO LEVEES BROKE. Even if federal funds had been used to make them stronger, it would not have mattered as all of the levees held fast. What broke was the two foot wall around the city. To make this wall capable of holding back a hurricane the size of Katrina is a project that needed to be started over 20 years ago as the construction time needed for such as huge project is approximately 20-22 years and at a cost of $100,000,000 (or $5 million a year). In view of this fact, how can anyone hold the Army Corps of Engineers responsible ?
(2) Ferderal money has been offered by every administration for over 40 years and either rejected or mis-spent by the Governors of Louisiana and the Mayors of New Orleans. Upon observing that, the Clinton administration cut back on those funds drastically and the Bush administration did accordingly. However, the funds that were offered, were to be used ONLY for the sea wall construction and were rejected because they couldn't be used for anything else. In view of this fact, how can we hold the federal government responsible ?
(3) More than ample warning was given out in the newspapers, on radio and television. People started leaving immediately. Others chose to stay. I have no problem when someone makes either decision. Now we hear that only the "poor" had no means of getting out. The real TRUTH is that more than half of the "poor" were among the first to leave. No matter how poor I am, I'd find a way to get out before the hurricane arrived even if I had to walk.
Who do we want to hold responsible for those individual choices ?
(4) The most amazing observation (looking at every riot and anarchistic event in my lifetime in this country) is that it ALWAYS appears that blacks are inclined to revert back to being non-civilized. Whenever they riot, they burn down their own neighborhoods and kill their own. What is this all about ? Because it's politically incorrect to say this, no one else dare. When help in the form of police, helicopter rescue teams and even the National Guard arrived, the blacks shot at them with guns looted from the gun stores and homes. I don't want to believe that blacks are that stupid or that uncivilized. Even when they were rescued and moved to cities in Texas, they still kept up their violence to each other. What agency do we hold responsible for their actions ?
(5) Rather than focus on what can be done for the mass of homeless victims of this hurricane, the discussion now turns to (A) a racial issue, and (B) a political issue.
(A)Blacks are saying that we were too slow to react because they were black. Even the Mayor of New Orleans has changed his "tone". Before and up to Katrina hitting New Orleans, the mayor was calm and had started the evacuation and convinced everyone that he had it under control. Now, as we look back, we see that he had no control and was as incompetent as anyone else. Even the police turned into looters. There was no control of the city of New Orleans by anyone.
(B)As far as this becoming a political issue; that's a joke. Every Democrat is now blaming every Republican for something to do with this disaster from funding to preparedness. The real TRUTH is that no city in this country will ever be prepared for a major disaster (that is why the arabs can do whatever they want to us). Who should be responsible for having everything needed and all the personnel standing by for the next major disaster (and where) ?
(6) It seems that everyone is an authority on what went wrong. Even the weather reporters are being blamed for not reporting the severity or exact place that Katrina would hit land. All I know is that days before, no matter where you were in the country, your local weatherman was reporting that Katrina might be as big as a category 5 and the chances were pretty good of it crossing Florida and hitting the Gulf Coast at New Orleans. How come we all knew about this impending danger and the people of New Orleans didn't ? The TRUTH is that they did know and chose to do nothing as opposed to the people in Florida that immediately started boarding up their houses and businesses and leaving. Katrina crossed Florida as our weathermen predicted and slammed into the Gulf coast as they had predicted. How can we blame the weather reporters when they gave us as much advance warning as is possible, even predicting a category 5 when it was only a category 4 ?
(7) Now we see an outbreak of "charitable" organizations all over the country, asking for donations. There are only tree legitimate organizations to give to. They are the Salvation Army, the Catholic Charities and the Red Cross. I' not completely sure how the Catholic Charities disburse these donations but I do know that the Red Cross is such a huge bureaucracy that very little trickles down after administrative costs and all the regulations that they have. Therefore, all my money goes to the Salvation Army. Before giving to anyone, go online and check out the organization to see what percentage of your money will actually reach the needy and how long it will take.
(8) What's really amazing is that anyone would build or live in a city that was not only coastal, but below sea level. Isn't that a kind of "death wish" ? We can blame the French for establishing New Orleans, but who do we blame for building it up even further after Louisiana became a state ?

So, there you have it...pick someone to blame (I'm blaming my ex wife), vent your anger and frustration at them and then give away your money to the next person that knocks on your door. After doing that, you are ready to move on with your life.

Friday, September 02, 2005


Another example of French ingenuity.
The French founded New Orleans. They were told that that area flooded constantly by the Indians; but they built the city there anyway. Good thinking.......LOL

Katrina...the aftermath

This entry will be discussing several things related to hurricane Katrina's destruction.

(1) A lot of discussion is taking place regarding the "Blame Game". Who is responsible for why this happened.
The city of New Orleans has known that this was going to happen for over 100 years. Even when federal funds were offered in 2000, the city fathers rejected them because they said that the conditions (to be used only to shore up the levees and construct a sea wall) were too restrictive. The city fathers wanted to use the federal money (your tax dollars) for other things.
(2) Some in the arab world are claiming that the hurricane originated in their part of the world (off the west African shore) and that it was allah that is helping them. This is as absurd as those claiming that Katrina was produced by the Russians...and there are people saying that Katrina was purposely manufactured.
(3) Now we're starting to see the "Race Card" being played. The blacks are screaming that aid is so slow because they're black. This is just a set-up for future complaints and asking for freebies. If you'll notice, the only whites that you see there are those helping rescue people. That area of the Gulf Coast is predominantly black.
(4) As far as collateral damage is concerned; everyone in the world was informed that Katrina was huge (it actually wasn't as drastic as predicted) and expected to hit that area on a specific day and at a specific time. The responsibility to get out was everyone's. It seems that all the white people left by whatever means they could. Some even walked, hitchhiked, etc. The blacks stayed for several reasons; (a) being too lazy, (b) being too stupid, (c) to loot the white homes and businesses, and (d) to perpetuate their "victim mentality". If you knew a disaster was headed your way, would you stick around ?
(5) Now, the people being relocated are a threat to the areas that they are being sent to. True, most of them are totally wiped out and need our help. The ones that we have to worry about are the looters and criminals in that crowd. The word is out in the relocation areas and all the residents are arming themselves for what they expect to be a carryover of the looting they've seen on TV.
(6) The foreign press is having a "field day" with this. Their front pages are showing the looting and declaring "Anarchy in the U.S. These are the people that we send foreign aid to. Are they offering help ? NO!
They are just laughing at us.
(7) The mayor of New Orleans is saying that they're going to rebuild. Obviously, they there's money to rebuild but there wasn't to avoid this. What kind of thinking is this ? No matter what, New Orleans will never be anywhere near the same. Mardi Gras will still take place...but not there.
(8) The focus is on New Orleans. What about the rest of the coast that was destroyed in Mississippi and Alabama ? Are these areas getting any help ?
(9) Even when help comes into New Orleans, the people are shooting at them, looting, burning down businesses, etc. Do these sub-humans deserve any aid ? They've already helped themselves to what isn't theirs. It's very interesting that no matter where blacks riot, they burn down and loot their own neighborhoods...really stupid of them (remember Detroit and L.A.). I can't believe that blacks think that differently from everyone else. In this culture, that makes no sense, unless I'm missing something in their thought process.

Bottom line is to prepare for the worst condition scenario and then go about your life as you would normally do.
You might think that I'm a bigot...not true. I'm just telling it the way it is. If it were whites, Mexicans, Orientals, etc.; I would be saying the same things, but about them. It is that black victim mentality that they still haven't gotten over.