Monday, May 30, 2011

Upcoming possibilities

As we get closer to being able to get rid of Obama and elect a new President, it has occurred to me that there are some pluses and minuses in Obama's re-election.

On one hand, Obama is unbeatable. This is because:
A. He has already started campaigning
B. He is raising tens of millions of dollars for his campaign
C. His organization (ACORN) is huge and capable of massive fraud at the polling places
D. He has a lot of charisma and can fool a lot of people with his speeches
E. He has already cut deals with big business to secure their backing
F. The Republicans haven't figured out who they would put up against him

On the other hand, Obama can be beaten. This is because:
A. Some states have passed laws that make a person show valid ID before voting so dead people and illegal aliens can't vote this time as they did in the last election. This removes seven percent of the votes that Obama received in 2008.
B. Many people that voted for Obama are disgusted at what he's done to this country and would not vote for him again.
C. There are two interesting candidates that could beat Obama (if the playing field were level). They are:
Governor Perry of Texas that has more governmental experience than Obama ever will have. Perry has made Texas into the fastest growing state in businesses, population growth and the economy (in spite of the economic problems in the rest of the country. He understands both governing and the economy.
And then there is Herman Cain, who has no political experience, but tremendous business experience and an excellent and practical agenda for making the United States the most prosperous country in the world again. As an added benefit, Cain (according to recent polls) can take over 60% of the black vote away from Obama.
Both of these men are great speakers and have the charisma that makes people listen and like them.

Of course, at this point in time, it's difficult to see who when and how the 2012 election will go. I will promise you that no matter who runs against Obama will be hit with every illegal, immoral and unethical trick in Obama's bag of tricks. Be prepared to see how an egomaniac tyrant tries for re-election. It ain't gonna be pretty.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Another exemption.....

When we first found out that Congress, the President, Vice President and the Cabinet were exempt from Obamacare, we were shocked. This is not their only exemptions. Obviously, there is no "equality under the law" for those that make the laws.
As an example, all members of Congress are exempt from prosecution for insider trading in the stock and commodity markets. Congressman Tim Walz of Minnesota has a list of over 72 members of congress that made millions of dollars using insider information from committees and lobbyists during the "bailout". He (Walz) has put through a resolution in the House of Representatives (HR 682) called the Stock Act to put an end to this. It is not only a conflict of interest but another prime example of how corrupt the people are that you've chosen to represent you.
Everyone knows that one doesn't run for Congress to be a "good guy" and represent their constituents, but rather to gain large amounts of wealth. There never has been a Congressman that retired less than a multi-millionaire. While millions are either unemployed or under employed, members of Congress are becoming wealthy at the expense of money invested in working peoples retirement plans like IRAs, 401K plans, etc.
Another example of how the public is being "fleeced" by our governing body. And you thought that this was a democracy only to find out that it's really a fascist regime. We've got to get back to honoring our Constitution and replace all elected officials from the President down to your local Dog Catcher immediately.

Who's watching the store ?

Well, is this the last straw ? While our country is in massive unemployment, we are at war around the world, there are great natural disasters destroying property and lives in this country, the country is in massive debt, Obama is either campaigning or running around the world, visiting other countries so he can say that he has "foreign policy experience".
On Friday, he signed an extension of law by AUTOPEN while visiting France (just before his visit to Poland).
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all go visiting around the country as well as around the world on the "taxpayer's dime" and when we had to do any work at our job, just "call it in" and AUTOSIGN any documents from afar ?
AUTOPEN is a mechanical device that's used instead of a person actually being available to sign a document.
We, the people of the United States of America have employed Obama to be our President and expect him to come to work. He has not been "at his desk" (or anywhere in Washington) so many times that we have no other choice but to FIRE him and replace him with someone that will take the job seriously by at least showing up for work.
I can appreciate someone wanting to visit other countries and meet various dignitaries as well as touring around the United States; but not at my expense. We, the taxpayer are not only paying for needless travel (and it's very expensive) but are "picking up the tab" on Obama's campaign to be re-elected. Is this a prudent way to spend your money ?
FIRE Obama before he uses up more of our money while he watches our country in turmoil. He is by far, the worst President that we have ever seen. Of course, there are things that we all disagree with our previous Presidents about. However, I have never experienced disagreeing with the President on practically everything that he says or does until this monarch came along. How much longer are you going to stand for his behavior to continue ? Haven't you had enough yet ?
He has done so much damage in his time in Washington (shoving an unpayable health care plan down our throats, forcing us to be totally dependent on foreign oil, doing nothing to get America back to work, keeping us in wars that we shouldn't be in, taking credit for things that were not his doing, hindering America's recovery, making enemies throughout the world, crippling our economy, etc.). that it will take a very strong person to undo the damage that Obama has already done. If he is left in office (or re-elected) it could be the end of our way of life in this country that we've grown used to.
Get Obama out of our lives.....................................

Monday, May 16, 2011

What to do ???

Like you, I've been drinking the same government made "Cool Aid". We are fed well spun "facts and figures" that are not at all true, showing how our economy is recovering, how we're winning wars, tales of how well we live, how our universities are the best, how well our food supply is monitored, how much energy we have, etc.
The truth is that we are behind the world in everything except taxes and crime.
The southern border of our country is now listed as the most dangerous border in the world. Our university graduates have received a substandard (at best) education, over 10% of our population goes to bed hungry almost every night. The government is spending more (on unnecessary things) than it is taking in. Crime in our cities is increasing every year. Over 15% of our population is illiterate. Our cost of living is increasing with no end in sight. More of our adult population are unemployed than are actually employed. Our cost of medicine and medical attention is the highest (and not the best) in the world. Our citizens over 65 are considered to be dispensable. Our rights are being slowly (so we won't notice it) taken away. We are #5 on the list of corrupt governments in the world. I could go on and on with many other things...
The most recent statistics reveal that over the past two years, more people have applied for passports than ever before; more of the middle class have relocated out of the United States than ever before, and legal immigration has slowed to a new low. Obviously, many are seeing that the United States is in its decline and don't want to be there when the S--- hits the fan.
This present administration has led us to the edge of the abyss without any politically correct way to avert our falling in. In order to reverse our direction, radical steps must be taken.
(1) Get rid our Obama and his henchmen
(2) Throw out all of Congress and the Supreme Court and reelect new members that are not professional politicians.
(3) Eliminate unnecessary departments in the government.
(4) Cut back on the number of government employees at all levels. Does your town really need a dog catcher?
(5) Elect a "Hawk" for President.
(6) Cut all spending to foreign countries (military, humanitarian, infrastructure, etc.)
(7) Build up are military to the fighting force that it once was.
(8) Stay out of other peoples wars and problems.
(9) Rebuild our infrastructure.
(10) Give back the States Rights to the States.
(11) Revalue the dollar and go back on the gold standard.
(12) Institute the Fair Tax Plan and eliminate the IRS.
(13) Stop all student visas until our own children are the best educated in the world.
(14) Make all prisoners of violent crimes serve a life sentence at hard labor (bring back the chain gangs).
This is just to get started...
If you notice, countries such as China are building their military for the coming WWIII. They give no aide to other countries. They don't participate in wars around the world.
Another country that's doing the same thing is Brazil. Also, notice that both of these countries are having economic booms.
Are you getting the picture ? Yes, people are moving out of the United States because they see the end coming. An additional four years of Obama and Soros will be the final "death blow" to what once was the greatest country in the world. Do you have your passport ? Can you get your hands on your savings, 401K, other investments, etc. at a moments notice ? Are you armed ? If not, reconsider putting yourself in a better position very soon.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kudos to the Governor

Being that Obama was coming to campaign in the Texas state capitol, Governor Perry asked if he could have a few minutes to speak with Obama regarding some federal aid for the fire stricken area in Texas.
Governor Perry was just a few blocks away (within walking distance) from where Obama was speaking and was told that if he wanted to speak with Obama, Perry would have to fly down to El Paso, Texas to see him in the afternoon. Obama said he had no time to speak with Perry when he came to Austin even though both men would be within a few blocks of each other. Obama was too busy campaigning and had no time to deal with the state's problems.
Obviously, Texas is being shunned by Obama and should withdraw from being any part of the Obama version of the United States since Texas seems to no longer qualify for any communication with the federal government.'re in this all alone.
Is this the way that a President conducts himself regarding a Governor and a disaster in a state ???

Let them eat cake.....

On Tuesday evening, Obama went to Austin, Texas for two fundraisers. He arrived at 5:00 PM, stopping traffic for hours during rush hour. First he went to "Austin City Limits" studio and gave a campaign speech, charging those that wanted to hear him $1,000 each. Then he went to a private home and charged singles $35,000 and couples $50,000 each for a seat. He raised over $2,000,000 all at taxpayer's expense. Between the extra police and security, the wasted gas on the blocked streets and freeways, he cost Austin, Texas over $1,000,000 just for his own personal campaigning.
This is the guy that's supposedly bitching about high gas prices and the economy.
When he left on his huge C-130 around 9:30 PM, he probably was thinking, "what a bunch of suckers, let them eat cake".
No one else that is campaigning can get free transportation and avoid doing their job (who is running the country while this ego maniac is campaigning ?). How dare Obama use my taxes to promote himself. If this doesn't piss you off, you're a card carrying JERK.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Obama games...

What the hell is the matter with Obama ???
First he played the birth certificate game...gonna show it, not gonna show it, gone show it, etc. until it was finally shown.
Now he is playing the same game, again with weak excuses over showing the pictures of the dead bin Laden. First we were told that they were going to be shown, then not shown, then again shown, and now, not to be released. We were shown the pictures of the hanging of Husein, why not bin Laden ?
A poor excuse is that it would anger our enemies....absurd, they will try to kill us regardless
Is this game being played to avert our attention from his destruction of our monetary system ? The Fed is printing money at an unprecedented rate to the point where the countries holding our T-Bills, bonds, dollars and other debt will be forced to dump these paper obligations, reducing the dollar to almost zero. Every few days we see the dollar declining against other world currencies as it forces up prices on everything needed to sustain life (such as food, gasoline, clothing, medicine, etc.). If you think prices are high now, "you ain't seen nuth'in yet". As an example, when they did exactly the same thing in Argentina, inflation reached over 4000% before the people did anything about it. Watch for the Dollar to be replaced as the world's currency for world trade. It's already being considered in the U.N. and of course by OPEC.
As far as bin Laden being killed, that could be merely a political ploy. Obama's credibility and approval ratings were plunging so he needed to do something. Why not have bin Laden assassinated on his watch ?
Did you notice the lack of any medications in the bin Laden compound ? It is well documented that bin Laden was getting dialysis treatments for kidney failure. Nothing in the compound validated this. Could the person that was killed have been a look-a-like just as Saddam Husein had ? Could bin Laden already be dead or maybe alive in another country ? Isn't it strange that he was buried at sea within hours of his assassination ?
Regardless of what is the truth, can you, in your heart of hearts believe anything that we're being told by this President that already is on record as a LIAR to us dozens of times so far ?
Obama is taking full credit for the Seal team that Bush put in place and has been training for years for this assignment. As early as July 2010, the Pentagon had known that bin Laden was in that compound and every time that an attack was put into motion (5 times in 2010 and 2011), Obama had it canceled. Why did he let it happen this time ? To boost his sagging ratings...DUH !
Yet you still see Obama as the great messiah. Of course he will be re-elected because of how he got his last election, only this time, overwhelmingly. Every person in Chicago's cemeteries will vote for him like they did in his first election, most blacks will vote for him just because he's black, all of the registered to vote illegal aliens will vote for him, and of course most ignorant liberals will vote for him as well as those that vote more than once. This is exactly what happened (thanks to gov't. funded ACORN) in his election. That will be enough votes to win election again.
How much damage and how many lies do you need before we get rid of this scourge of America ? You don't have to agree with my bias against him, but you owe it to yourself to research his day-to-day actions, his Presidential Orders, etc. to verify that Obama (under the direction of George Soros, the Bank of England and a few others) is determined to cripple the United States of America. Unless you do something soon in getting this man out of office, your way of life as well as the American dream will fall to the point where we're nothing more than a third world country. I know you can't imagine that right now, but that's the direction that we're heading in by continuing to "drink the Obama cool-aid.
Let's stop this decline and turn our country around to being the richest, most powerful, most progressive, best educated and most prosperous country in the world, as it once was. To do this starts with getting rid of Obama and everyone in his regime out of government as soon as tomorrow.....time is not on your side.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Something isn't right.

WASHINGTON – Osama bin Laden, the glowering mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks that killed thousands of Americans, was slain in his luxury hideout in Pakistan early Monday in a firefight with U.S. forces, ending a manhunt that spanned a frustrating decade.

"Justice has been done," President Barack Obama said in a dramatic announcement at the White House.

A jubilant crowd of thousands gathered outside the White House as word spread of bin Laden's death. Hundreds more sang and waved American flags at Ground Zero in New York — where the twin towers that once stood as symbols of American economic power were brought down by bin Laden's hijackers 10 years ago.

U.S. officials said the CIA tracked bin Laden to his location, then elite troops from Navy SEAL Team Six, a top military counter-terrorism unit, flew to the hideout in four helicopters. Bin Laden was shot in the head in an ensuing firefight, these officials said, adding that he and his guards had resisted his attackers. U.S. personnel identified him by facial recognition, the official said, declining to say whether DNA analysis had also been used.

The U.S. team took custody of bin Laden's remains. A U.S. official later said bin Laden had been buried at sea and the remains were handled in accordance with Islamic practice, which calls for speedy burial.

The official, who spoke Monday on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive national security matters, said it would have been difficult to find a country willing to accept the remains. The official did not say where the body was buried.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Credit where due...

By now, you all know how critical I am about Obama and this administration. However, tonight I give KUDOS to President Obama for doing the politically incorrect thing by allowing our troops to go into Pakistan (without their permission) and kill Osama Bin Laden, returning to Afghanistan with his body.
We should all be aware that the capture or killing of Osama Bin Laden has been a priority of this administration and has been accomplished on President Obama's watch.
What saddens me is that the muslim community is mourning this mass murderer (even muslims) and mosques throughout the world are overcrowded with muslims that are expressing their hatred for America. Unfortunately, our Constitution allows this to take place right here in the United States of America.
Again, I applaud President Obama for his directive to invade Pakistan and kill Osama Bin Laden.
Damn muslims everywhere that are mourning this terrorist.
Of course there will be consequences for this event...but we will deal with them.
This does not mean that the war on terrorism is over, it just means that the leading symbol of terrorism is no longer in charge. Thank you President Obama.