Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just some FUN FACTS

First, let's see how Obama's new Cabinet appointee is doing today...Janet Nepolitano (Governor of Arizona) was appointed as the Secretary of Homeland Security by his Highness Obama.
She has redefined the label "Terrorism" by saying that it is a "man-made disaster" like hurricane Katrina, global warming, the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11.
She also said that, "Sneaking across our border isn't a crime, per se".
I guess Obama appointed her because he thought that she might have Mafia ties and could deal with the drug cartels...

On a more humorous note:
Yesterday was Earth Day. As we all know, Earth Day was first started in 1970 by Ira Einhorn. It turns out that Einhorn killed more people than the Three Mile Island disaster.
Yesterday, all over our nation, people were planting trees to commemorate Earth Day. It turns out that many of these trees were artificial and have been pulled up today and put away for next year (just like that Christmas tree that you have in the attic).

What a great country that we live in where an American Idol (British version) contestant, Susan Boyle has a higher approval rating than our "beloved" President.

I hope you enjoyed these Fun Facts as much as I did...........................

Aiding the enemy

What is the matter with this administration ? Not only has Obama opened up classified papers to our enemies regarding our interrogation methods of captured terrorists. Now they're calling for the prosecution of those interrogators that were just following orders, doing something that was not only accepted by their superiors, but in many cases gave us necessary information that helped stop planned future attacks (after 9/11) in this country.
This administration has focused on "waterboarding" as a form of torture. Waterboarding does no physical harm...the methods used in other countries include, attaching electrodes to prisoners genitals, the chopping off of fingers and toes, branding, blinding and of course, beheading.
The muslim world is holding their sides in laughter at us. They now know that if any of them are captured, they will be treated with dignity and respect as well as being allowed all of the legal and civil rights afforded our citizens.
The release of these confidential papers has totally demoralized the CIA, FBI, our troops, etc. They all are now reluctant to even take prisoners, with prosecution hanging over their heads.
Of course, we are taught right from wrong, but there are exceptions...we teach our children NOT to break into cars; however, if a child sees a burning car with an infant trapped inside, then breaking in is not only acceptable, but heroic.
The interrogation methods that are now banned, were used to extract information that lead to the stopping of a 9/11 type attack in Los Angeles back in 2002 by muslims. The plot to fly planes into tall buildings in Los Angeles was foiled and all those involved were arrested.
The release of these confidential and private papers and memos, now puts all of our security people Including our service people) in jeopardy. I don't want to believe that everyone (including our President) are this stupid. I don't necessarily believe in torturing people; however, when it comes to those "animals" that are muslims, anything becomes acceptable.
THERE ARE NO GOOD MUSLIMS ! They are obligated (by their religion) to convert, enslave or kill all non-muslims. We've differentiated between "islamic extremists" and "good muslims". That's ridiculous...ALL muslims are sworn to our demise. The "good ones" are those that mingle among us and are just waiting for their opportunity to do us harm. Their koran tells them that it's alright to lie to and deceive all non-believers into thinking they're your friend. They even start sentences with, "My friend..."
Obama should have never released those papers and prosecution of those that used methods to protect us is absolutely absurd. What is this man's (Obama) problem ? They say how smart he is...I'm having more doubts about that on a daily basis. No one could be making so many wrong decisions in just three months. I guess his goal is to break the country financially and then let our enemies take us over. Every one of his military advisers were against his releasing these papers to the public; but did he listen....Noooooo. Among his supporters are the Pelosi/Barney camp.
I'll bet that everyone of those victims of 9/11 would rather be waterboaded than dead.
The purpose of the military (and organizations such as FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.) is to protect us from foreign threats and hostile actions. The public has no need to know the details of their methods. If we had released all of this information and curtailed our troops during WWII the way we're doing it now, we'd either be speaking German or Japanese (if we survived).
Obama's policies for our military, our economy and our overall welfare are not only counterproductive, but 180 degrees out of sync with what is correct and workable. Don't any of you see what he's doing to all of us ? Why are you letting this ego maniac with a messianic complex getting away with all of this ? Why are so many of you calling him "the Messiah" or "King Obama" ? If that's what you think, then read your bible where it tells of Satan coming in the disguise as the Messiah.
What a shame, that one man can have duped so many of you into voting for him and "worshiping" him.
How much more can you take before you act ???

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Two strange pictures...

Have you ever wondered how a politician retires as a multi-millionaire ? Well here's a great example of "follow the money".
Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House) has just given $25 Billion to the FDIC. At the same time, her husband just received a multi-billion dollar contract from the FDIC. What's wrong with this picture ?
...and that, my friend, is Trickle Down Economics............
Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Treasury (Geithner) refuses to let the solvent banks repay the TARP money given to them. You ask why ?
The answer is quite simple. (1) If the solvent banks were to repay this money, instilling confidence in them, there would be a run on the remaining banks, (2) The preferred shares of stock that the government holds on these banks will be converted to common shares, thus giving the government voting rights and a seat on their boards, giving the government control over the banks without calling it nationalization. What's wrong with this picture ?
Between the demise of Democracy and the corruption of our Congress, is it any wonder that momentum is growing in Texas seceding from being a state and becoming its own country ? BTW, Alaska is the other state that can leave the union.
If those two states do eventually leave the United States, the migration to them will be the largest movement of people to those states'll be huge.
Pack your bags.


Well, now that April 15th is behind us, Obama thought that it was safe to bring out his Cabinet members from hiding and have a Cabinet meeting.
Speaking of Cabinet members (and tax evaders), brings up the issue of Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury. Geithner said that we're going to have "a new capitalism". What does that mean ? Capitalism is capitalism, anything else is not capitalism. Besides having problems with the IRS, why is he being allowed to give preferential treatment to Goldman Sachs in New York ? Is it because of his close ties to Goldman Sachs (having been CEO of the banking company) ?
Everyone screamed when Haliburton got government contracts and said that being that Cheney had once been its CEO, that was why they were given those contracts. However, when Geithner openly does a similar action... no one says a word. Do we have a double standard for Democrats and Republicans or is it just apathy on the part of the people ?
A good guess might be that the American people don't really care any longer. They keep voting in virtually the same Congress that caused all of our problems.
A great example of the public's apathy is that on April 15th, there were "tea parties" all over the nation to supposedly protest "Taxation Without Representation". Most of these parties were merely social events and had nothing to do with taxes. The government watched this display and worried that it might escalate into a tax revolt; but after everyone went home, not a word about excessive and poorly spent taxes was heard and Congress breathed a sigh of relief.
This is just another example of how we're letting this administration collapse this country.
It is said that Bush killed this country and Obama is burying it.
If you're not doing anything about deserve what is happening to you and your pocket.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Foreign aid ?

Just when I was feeling good about Obama because of his permitting our Navy to rescue the Captain of the pirated ship off Somalia and keeping his promise to his kids to get them a dog, he turns around and screws us again.
As soon as he realized (because he never read the entire budget) that the foreign aid going to Cuba was not enough, he changed the rules by now allowing not only free travel to and from Cuba, but is allowing unlimited amounts of money to be sent to Cuba. MORE OF YOUR DOLLARS LEAVING OUR COUNTRY ! More Cuban criminals coming to the U.S.
Obama is claiming that this will open relations between Cuba and us (but still keeps the embargo in place).
My question is: Is he really that inept or just plain stupid ? Who is running this guy ?

By the way, did you know that the fourth pirate was already in the hands of the Navy (aboard the Bainbridge) ? Yes, he was taken aboard for medical reasons with the condition that he be treated and then returned. Since the Navy had no intention of returning him, time became critical in rescuing Captain Richard Phillips and that is why it took place when it did (after the military continually requested that they be allowed to take action).

Sunday, April 12, 2009


After all these months of my disapproval of President Obama, he's finally done something right.Although it took him five days to make a decision, he finally allowed our more than adequate Navy to rescue the Captain of the pirated ship.
He disgusted me when he bad-mouthed the United States in an effort to have those other countries officials "like him" while on his "photo-op" tour of Europe. I really was outraged when he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. With all his hand shaking and speeches, he accomplished nothing but just good public relations for himself (but not his country).
His call for giving up nuclear weapons is also absurd. Since the end of WWII, it's been nuclear weapons that has kept the world from constantly being at war.
To show how little respect Obama has gotten for our country; now that the Captain is rescued, the European Union is condemning us for killing three pirates in order to rescue just one man. They are also screaming about the civil rights of the captured pirate.
So, in Obama's "plus column", he finally has scored one. He allowed our Navy to do its job. The problem now is that the world will expect our Navy to protect all of their ships as they see no reason to muster the manpower and resources being that the United States is known to do every other counties dirty work for no charge.
How long do we have to wait until he scores another in the "plus column" ? He has scored hundreds of anti-U.S. points in the "minus column". Maybe this single incident will keep his approval ratings from sliding (as more people see how inept he really is).

Friday, April 10, 2009

Blog #120

Now that a ship flying a U.S. flag has been involved in the piracy on the high seas, the press is finally mentioning it. As long as I can remember, pirates have been attacking ships especially along the South American and African coasts. Usually, these acts of piracy get little mention.
Now the world is being alerted...

Interestingly, the facts are starting to come out...
(1) All of these Somali pirates are muslims.
(2) All of the money that they have gotten from previous ransoms goes to Al Quada.
(3) When they are caught and turned over to "authorities", they are released, unpunished.

In Section 8 of our Constitution, it states that Congress has the power to "grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal...".
Why hasn't our Congress done this in all of these years ? Again, we see how incompetent our gov't. really is. It finally takes the press to bring the piracy issue into the public light before any action takes place.
Remember, this has been going on during your entire lifetime and nothing has been done about it.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Another Federal Scam

The more I find out about Obama's "porkulous package" the more surprised I become.
So far, not one job has been created in the private sector and unemployment keeps climbing. I have no doubt that it will have to reach over 20% before the public will revolt.
A huge amount of money (hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars) have been given to bail out foreign banks in England, Germany, Spain, Italy and France (Barcley's, USB, Deutschebank, etc.).

In the meantime, in this country there is a merger going on between the State and Corporations.
By the way, the definition of Fascism is the merger of State and Corporate power.

It gets even worse; it's been covered up until now, but the New York banks (CITI, Bank of America, Wachovia, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of New York Mellon) have been funding the Iranian nuclear program through a Chinese company (Limmt) with some of their bailout money.

In order for the gov't. to take in more money, Congress is already looking at ways to raise taxes. One of the things that have been discussed this week has been the elimination of interest on mortgages. That would totally kill an already ailing Real Estate market and take away an incentive for some home owners and buyers.
In addition, under the "new" banking regulations as set forth by the Federal Reserve the banks that hold those "toxic assets" can now revalue them higher before they have to sell them to the gov't. This is a huge SCAM. I've always been told to "follow the money" whenever something didn't seem right. Well, it looks like your Congress and the banks are the profiteers in this case.

How much of this economy has to be raped and given to unscrupulous politicians, bankers and foreign countries (including our enemies) before you start screaming about it ? Just look at the Foreign Aid part of the budget that Obama just signed...we're giving foreign aid to Saudi Arabia, No. Korea, China, Iran, etc. What's wrong with that picture ?
No matter, you'll just sit back and let your country, your lifestyle, your savings and investments, your future, your children's future and even your grandchildren's future go down the toilet so a few Congressmen and bankers can become trillionaires.

Everyone in government (from your local crossing guard to the President of the United States needs to be replaced immediately, and our Constitution needs to be adhered to. Almost every part of the Constitution is being violated by the gov't.

History repeats

In watching Obama's "world tour" and listening to what he's saying, there is no wonder why all of those foreign leaders "love this guy".
He's saying that the U.S. should lead the world in getting rid of their nuclear weapons. He wants to get rid of all of our nuclear weapons in order to set an example that he "hopes" others will follow. Putin (Russia, Hu Jintao (China), Ali Khamenei (Iran) and of course, Kim Jong Il (No. Korea) are all rolling on the floor with laughter. How naive is Obama ? Does he think those other countries will give up the greatest weapons that they have because the U.S. did ???
This reminded me of when Neville Chamberlin (Great Britain) had talks with Hitler (Germany) and was persuaded to scale back the British military. Remember what happened next...Hitler attacked Great Britain.
As we all know, Democrats have always gone for increasing taxes and cutting back on military. Now we have a Democrat in the white house and a majority of Democrats in the Congress. What will happen next ? You do the math.
Isn't it bad enough that between China and Saudi Arabia, they own over 90% of the U.S. debt ? Now if we cut back our military and get rid of our nuclear arsenal, we become "sitting ducks" for both economic disaster as well as military invasion.
Is this administration "giving away the farm" ? All the money that has been thrown away and the only job creation has been Obama's advisors. Do you still believe in his "porkulous package"? Do you still believe in "hope" ? Do you really think that with Obama (and the Democrats) things are going to get better ? If you believe any of these things you're either dumb or stupid.
Sure, Obama promised "change". His interpretation of that word is that all Americans will be left with is pocket change as the country will then be ripe to dissolve Democracy and install either Socialism or a Dictatorship.
You's your fault ! Wotcha gonna do about it now ???

Friday, April 03, 2009


I noticed something that I can't make sense of...Obama called for the resignation of the CEO of General Motors and refused to bail out Chrysler, and yet he insists on retaining the CEOs of the big banks to continue running them. These are the people that are at the heart of the economic crisis that we are in today.

You must ask yourself these questions:

Why has both Paulson and Geitner rejected regulating the banks ?

Why did we give $7o billion dollars to shore up a failed foreign bank after they were fined $750 million for defrauding the American people ? The Swiss bank is UBS.

Since the law demands that failed banks be closed, why isn't this administration following the law ?

Why are the people that caused this problem not being replaced ?

Why are the banks all saying that they're solvent and yet saying that they need another $2 trillion to survive ? Which is the TRUTH ?

After the 1929 depression, Roosevelt called for a full blown investigation to find out what caused it. His administration then put into law several things to prevent those things from happening again. During the Clinton administration, these laws were either reversed or abandoned. Where's the investigation this time ? Obama refuses to have any of this fraud to be made public. He's afraid that it will cause a collapse of the banking system if the TRUTH be told. Obama thinks that he knows what's best for the American people so he supports the COVER UP of the fraud done by the bankers.
Obama is treating us like mushrooms. We're being "kept in the dark" and fed bulls__t.
The people that run Obama all have fears of going to jail, losing their ill gotten fortunes and being discredited publicly. Again, just FOLLOW THE MONEY and you'll see that Obama and most of the Democrats in Congress are all in cahoots regarding this COVER UP.
Don't you wonder why not one Republican member of Congress voted for Obama's new budget ?
It's because it puts not only you but your children and even your grandchildren in debt for their entire lives. Obama is at the G 20 meeting where he's seen as being very popular. Everyone there wants him to succeed because the other countries can get more U.S. dollars from America and don't have to join us in any wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.).
This administration is breaking laws, violating our Constitution and COVERING UP the fraud that's being perpetuated on the American people.
Don't just take my word for it; look into it yourself and the little bit that you'll find will "blow your mind". However, you'll just sit back and say "No, this isn't happening". You're a perfect example of the "How to Boil a Frog" theory. You are the frog in the pot and the heat is very slowly and quietly being turned up.
As an American and sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, I'm appalled at your lack of action. Although, it is understandable that you voted for the "Hope" promises and have been lulled into thinking that Obama will solve all of your problems.
How loud do I have to scream in your ear before you wake up ???