Thursday, October 30, 2008

TV Primetime

We've all seen those infomercials on TV. They're aired either on weekends or late at night when the rates are lowest for TV time. However, the rates for primetime 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM (7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Central time zone) are considerably greater, ranging from $35,000 to over $100,000 per 30 second spot.
Last night, Obama bought 30 minutes at the beginning of primetime (replacing some of your favorite shows) on 7 networks in this country including NBC & CBS (Al Jezzera aired his mis-infomercial for no charge). If we calculate the minimum cost of this arogant display we see that 30 seconds at $35,000 X 30 minutes equals $2.1 million and on 7 networks, that comes to over $14.7 million. How many hungry children could he have fed for that money ?
Unfortunately, the only viewers that watched his mis-infomercial were already committed to voting for him, so this project was in vain. The companies that show the TV ratings, showed that most viewers turned to other stations when the Obama mis-infomercial aired.
Where did this money come from ? The major doners toward this fiasco were "the Nation of Islam", a faction of Al Quada in Pakistan, Colonel Omar Quadaffi of Libya and others with interests in the demise of the United States of America.
If you had watched his mis-infomercial, you'd have seen a very slick production produced, written, directed and edited by some very talented people at a cost in excess of $50,000. The entire production was filled with lies, half truths and loaded with mis-information. I guess that Obama isn't satisfied with seeing himself as the messiah, but now needs to be a TV star.
How desperate are his handlers and those running his campaign that they would permit him to go to these lengths ? Having never been a fan of Obama, just based on his character (or lack of), I am now thoroughly disgusted with this elitist egomaniac that wants to "change" our Constitution. That's some of the "change" he talks about How anyone in good conscience can vote for this man is beyond rational thinking.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trick or Treat

This afternoon I was having a discussion with my neighbor about the upcoming election. His 10 year old daughter was in the room with us and paying very close attention to what we were saying.
At one point she interjected, asking what Obama meant about "fair".
Now how do you explain the Obama political meaning of fairness to a 10 year old.
And then it came to me...
I told her the following:
"On Friday night (Halloween) you're going door to door asking for "Trick or Treat" expecting each house to give you some candy or other treat. After spending several hours walking all over the neighborhood and filling your "goodies bag", you'll return home.
Then, your father will reach into your bag and take out a bunch of your treats to give to other children that didn't get as much as you...just to keep it fair.
Then your father will take out more of your treats to give to those children that were too lazy to go out Trick or treating" just to be fair to them".
I ask her if she understood this concept and she said that she did but that it was unfair to her because she did all of the work and everyone else got most of her treats.
And that's what Obama's "spread the wealth" plan is all about. This is his trick of getting you to treat others with less income than you.
Do you people get it yet ??? You will get to support those that are either too stoned, too drunk or too lazy to earn money for themselves. That means that you get to have less of what you work for. Turn on your lights.......a vote for Obama is a vote for your poverty.

Watch what you say...

Be very careful if you should ask any "challenging" questions of either Obama or Biden.
All over the country, people (and their families) that have asked embarrassing questions of either Obama or Biden are finding that they've become targets of either defamation of character smears, income tax audits, excessive parking tickets and pranks.
They've taken these tactics right out of the nazi playbook, which makes any means to shut up dissidents as necessary.
As an example; in an interview for a radio station in Chicago, a female reporter exposed Biden in an outright lie about Obama's tax plan. That day, the interview was pulled from the air, the reporter fired and her husband received his notification of a tax audit two days later.
They won't only attack you, but they'll go after your spouse, your parents, your children and even your employer. There were hundreds of websites where you could find out the truths about any candidates "promises" or facts before the obama campaign had all but a few pulled from the internet. It becomes more difficult every day to find the few remaining sites where Obama and Biden are truly exposed for the lies that they are telling us. The bottom line is that they intend to socialize this country and destroy our opportunities to better ourselves and tax the productive class into poverty. They plan to make as many of us as possible to become dependent on gov't. in order that we continually vote them into office.
These two men are extremely dangerous for not only you, but our country as a whole. If they get into the White House, consider your way of life to be radically diminished. That's the CHANGE that Obama means.
I realize that your first choice might not be McCain; however, a vote for Obama is a vote for you (unless you're a slacker) to lose much of what you're working for. They plan to reverse the so called American Dream by taxing you into poverty...that's how they'll make it "fair" for everyone. They want a second Bill of Rights that will guarantee everyone a house, health care, a college education, an automobile, etc. Even though there are no provisions in our Constitution for the gov't. to provide for us, they plan on revising that at your expense.
It's actually become un-American to elect Obama.
Don't say that I didn't warn you if he wins when the s--t hits the fan and you're helpless to do anything about it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's just not fair...

It's just not fair if you;
(1) Spent more time in school than others to get an education.
(2) Worked while in school in order to not acquire any debt.
(3) Got a job and worked your way up the ladder.
(4) Bought health insurance to cover yourself in emergencies.
(5) Invested your extra money wisely.
(6) Can afford your mortgage.
(7) Paid off any loans such as your automobile.
(8) Work for a company that gives you paid vacations, health insurance, sick leave, etc.
(9) Worked hard your entire life to get a pension.
(10) Feel content.

That's exactly what Obama is saying in his speeches to those that have chosen to sit back and expect the gov't. to help support them. Obama has now dropped his $250,000 ceiling for earners to $200,000. How much lower will he go, $50,000 ?, $10,000 ?
He wants to make it "FAIR" for all by "spreading the wealth" from the earners to the non-earners. This goes beyond socialism...this is communism.
I can understand that if you're a lazy, uneducated, bottom of the social ladder person, that you'd vote for communism. It means that you can continue to not contribute and get a better standard of living. On the other hand, why (unless they were mentally deranged) would anyone in the working class, business owner, or corporate employee vote for Obama. His election will penalize you for trying to do better.
He says that he'll not raise taxes...that's a lie. In 2010 the tax breaks end and he will not renew them...your taxes will go up. He talks about change...what does that mean ? The change he means is that the productive will support the non-productive even more than they do now by increasing the budget to give away more money through expanded (and new) gov't. programs.
Anyone voting for this egomaniacal, elitist, far right socialist is helping him turn the United States into a third world country.
Don't be fooled by his speeches as they're rife with lies, untruths and misinformation. Besides that, he is merely a puppet that is controlled by his "handlers" in order that they gain power while he gets blamed for it.
Don't be a fool by voting for Obama. If he wins you'll get what you deserve......poverty.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm fed up....

I'm fed up with people telling me that if I don't vote for Obama, that I'm a racist.
Apparently this election is about race, not qualifications or character.
As far as qualifications go; Obama hasn't a clue about running anything, especially our country. The only reason that he became a Senator was because he forced his other opponents out and was elected because he was the only one left on the ballot. During his very short term as a Senator, he has done nothing in the Senate but either abstain from voting or blindly voting his party line.
Obama has far less qualifications than Biden, McCain and especially Palin.
On the subject of character; besides ignoring his white roots and being married to a far left evil, militant woman, he has spent most of his adult life being indoctrinated into socialism, communism and black revolution. During his career as a "community organizer", he closely worked with the thugs, unemployed, drug dealers, pimps and the rest of the lowest in Southside Chicago. His organizing was confined to forming mobs for protest marches and intimidating white landlords and white employers.
He preaches "change & hope". What does that mean ? As far as HOPE goes, that's a word used by those that just sit and wait rather than's the word we hear in church on Sundays. The change that he talks about has nothing to do with making our country or government any better; his change is to "redistribute the wealth". That means taking from the productive people and giving to the non-productive people. His first allegiance is to the black population of this country as all of his speeches infer.
In short; Obama is not qualified and is the worst kind of racist.
Ask any black person who they're voting for and why. They'll tell you they're voting for Obama because we need a black man in the White House. Ask them what they know about him or the issues and 9 out of 10 will say that either they don't know or those don't matter.
I could care less what color or sex a candidate is. I will vote for the person that is either best qualified or will do the least amount of damage. Obama is neither...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Education and the American Way

Today's topic is about education in this country, today.
Many years ago, we set up a public education system and made it the law that everyone become become educated in this country. A great part of our greatness is that we demand that all of our children be able to read, write, do math, understand science, know their history, etc.
In academic tests, America has fallen far behind all industrialized nations and even some third world countries.
Our solution for the past 50 years has been to "throw" more money at education. Obviously, this isn't working. An example is that the school district that spends the most money per student per year has the lowest academic scores in the country. That school district is Washington, D.C., spending over $13,000 per student per year. Now they're even "bribing" students with cash payments for good attendance, being on time, doing their homework, etc. What is with that ?
How do we get back to being #1 in education in the world ? We have more colleges and universities than any other nation, but they are filled with foreign students, not Americans.
In this country, education is a right afforded to all (for free). What will it take to uplift our students to a class of well educated people that go beyond their basic education and excel in the halls of higher education ? Certainly, money isn't the overall answer.
First we must look at the incentives that are given to our teachers to see why our children are NOT being educated and motivated.
A major problem starts at home. Every parent must become more involved in knowing what their child is learning, how they can help to increase that learning and to motivate their children to do better.
There must be rules about attire, no cell phones or video games, or any other distractions. After all, this is school, not a lounge or social event.
Almost anyone can become a teacher. Some are well suited for that job, but many are not. One of the big barriers to improving our level of education is the Teacher's Union, which stands in the way of any change. I suggest letting the Teacher's Union "scream their heads off" as the following changes are put into effect.
(1) Every teacher in the public school system must take an exam every two years to prove their efficiency in both the subject(s) that they're teaching as well as their teaching methods.
(2) Teachers salaries will be based on the scores of these exams. For every point above the national average that a teacher scores, they will be given a 1% raise for the next two years. Anyone falling more than 10 points below the national average, they will be put on probation and must retest the following year. Falling below a second time will constitute immediate dismissal and cancellation of their teaching credentials.
(3) Bonuses of 1% per student that ends the year with all A's will be paid to the responsible teacher.
(4) We must go back to a grading system of 0 through 100 rather than the A through D grading that we now use.
(5) Sports must become an extra curricular activity financed by the budget (less than for academics) allowed for Physical Education. After all, aren't these students in school to be educated, not to play ball ?
(6) English only is to be spoken in all classes (with the exception of foreign language classes).
(7) A multilevel system must be put in place so that students with learning difficulties be in classes that teach at a slower rate and where the classes are small enough so each student can get as much of the teachers help and attention as is required for that student to become educated in the basics. The next level up would be for the average student and the classes would be appropriately sized so that every student can avail themselves of their teachers time and help. A third level would be set up for the exceptionally bright and motivated student to be able to not only learn the grade level that they are in but to have an opportunity to take on more advanced learning in those as well as other subjects.
(8) All students must be made responsible for their participation in their learning process. Any student resisting learning or disruptive must be removed from their class immediately and not permitted to return until they change their attitude.
(9) At the end of 10th grade, students that are not "academically motivated" will spend their next two years in a trade school where they will have the opportunity to learn skills for a particular career (auto mechanics, plumbing, computer repair, landscaping, etc.)
(10) An my student not qualifying for any of the above will be put in a special class where they will be given mundane assignments and "baby sat" until they reach legal age where they may leave the system. These students will not be allowed to mingle with the rest of the student population during the school day or on school property. Yes, they are the outcasts and are being partitioned away from those that want an education.
What these changes will do is give both teachers and students the incentives to do their very best. Within a few years after these changes are put into effect, fine tuning to the system may occur, making it work even better.
If the money spent on education is reallocated to meet the above , we'll find that we can educate our children for far less than we're spending on them now. Filling a classroom with computers, building a first class football field, having "school elections", restricting discipline, etc. contributes nothing to educated our young ones that we expect to run our country, our businesses and maintain our infrastructure someday.

Monday, October 20, 2008

To earn or to steal ???

Is the Obama campaign that desperate that if they can't earn the win, they'll steal it ?
Early voting has already started in many states and there are reports of Mickey Mouse having voted 27 times, Ronald McDonald has voted 4 times already, Max Fart has voted twice in the same precinct today. Those and other false voters have all voted Democrat tickets.
Apparently, ACORN has done a great job "signing up" new (false) voters. This is the new way to "stuff" ballot boxes. Obama is used to this kind of "Chicago election" tactic. He won his seat in the Senate by challenging his opponents registrations and ended up running unopposed.
To make matters worse, McCain-Palin signs are being stolen from all over the country. In New York, a dumpster was found filled to the top with these signs. In Los Angeles, a man was caught stealing these signs. He claimed that he was being paid 50 cents for every sign he stole and had made over $300 already.
This going way beyond the occasional prank. This is a well planned effort to minimize the McCain-Palin advertising. Not only is it unethical, but illegal also.
Are they (the Democrats) that desperate that they have to stoop to this level ? Between stealing signs and "stuffing" ballot boxes to give them an edge, they've disgusted those voters that are becoming aware of these underhanded shenanigans.
Can you imagine how this country will be run if it becomes an Obamanation ??? Fortunately, I was born with something that prevents me from voting for's called brains.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Where is Michelle ?

Where are they hiding Michelle Obama these days ?
Obviously, Obama's handlers regard his wife as a campaign liability so, in order to help keep her mouth shut, they've kept her from public appearances as much as possible.
It all started with her statement on Feb. 18, 2008 at a rally in Madison, Wisconsin where she said. "And let me tell you something - for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country".
What kind of person says that publicly when her husband is running for the highest office in the land ? I'll tell you a little about this black militant, anti-white, anti-Jew, venom spewing elitist.
She is a graduate of Princeton University where her graduation thesis was "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community", where she espouses her "blackness" and hatred of whites. She also announced that her influences of "black separatism" came from Stokely Carmichael and his book "Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America".
Michelle was raised on Chicago's South Side by a middle class, working family. She not only got her degree in sociology at Princeton, but received her law degree from Harvard (1988).
As an example of her anger; when questioned about a statement that Bill Clinton made about one of Barack's plans, she said, "I want to rip his (Clinton's) eyes out"!
This is a woman filled with anger and hatred toward all of us. Her elitist views look down on all whites, all Latinos, all Jews and most of the blacks that haven't been college educated. She is closed minded and fierce in her hatred.
Do you want this woman in the White House, whispering her hate into the President's ear each night ?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Voter Fraud !

Besides lying about everything, Obama and his supporters at ACORN are registering voters all over the nation by registering homeless people, illegal aliens and under age teens. If they don't show up to vote, their ballots will be filled in by a democrat at that voting place.
In addition, everywhere in the country, fraudulent voter rolls are being challenged. ACORN is registering voters from gravestones, making up names and adding middle initials to already registered voters (in order to vote in these new names). Some small towns have discovered that they have more registered voters than the entire population of the town. Remember when LBJ did this in order to be elected in Texas...
The Democrats are so desperate to win this election that they're leaving nothing to chance.
Although Obama claims that he knows nothing about this, his close affiliation with ACORN makes one think the contrary. This is typical "Chicago politics" and how the ballot boxes were stuffed when he ran for the Senate.
Can you imagine what he'll do if he ever gets to the White House. He is so confident that he's already won that he and Nancy Pelosi are already planning their agenda in Congress.
It is critical that you not only vote, but that you DO NOT vote for Obama.

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Idiots of Washington

Well, Congress finally passed the $700 million bail out bill.
This means that they have socialized losses and privatized profits.
In order to do this, theyb had to bribe many representatives with add-ons; otherwise it wouldn't have passed again. They were determined to pass this bill even if they had to vote over and over, no matter how many times it took. These provisions increased thwe bill by over $105 billion more.
Where is all this money coming from ? How much of this is coming out of your pocket ?
Over 90% of the American public is against this bill, but our representatives ignored what we wanted and went against our wishes in order to enhance their "buddies".
VOTE OUT EVERY INCUBNANT... they just screwed you !
Some of the provisions in bailing out the banks were:
Getting rid of a 39 cent tax on 30 cent wooden toy arrows.
A subsidiary for bicycle commuters.
Increasing deduction costs for TV & fil makers to $20 million.
Extending depreciation for NASCAR and race tracks.
Tax credits for companies in Samoa.
A $13.50/ gallon rebate for Puerto Rican Rum.
...and the list goes on with dozens and dozens of "goodies".
The one that is really sneaky is the provision that all employers add mental health coverage to their medical coverage for their employees. What this is about is that the employees contributions would then increase to the point where they would drop their insurance. This would then have an additional 40 million uninsured and they could then nationalize the health care industry.
The best that this bill can do is to put off the inevitable fall of the institutions that they're trying to protect.
VOTE OUT EVERY INCUMBANT..........your representatives just screwed you !