Sunday, July 31, 2011

What Debt Ceiling ?

I don't understand this business about a Debt Ceiling. Every time (dozens of times) that we get close to it, Washington has raised it. This is like every time you extend your credit card to its limit, you just get the credit card company to increase your spending limit without trying to pay it down by curtailing your spending.
Congress is fighting over things that aren't really a way to solve this controversy. One side wants tax increases, the other side wants a balanced budget, one side wants spending cuts while the other side wants spending increases...who are they kidding ? The obvious solution is :
(1) A final and firm debt ceiling that is NEVER to be exceeded.
(2) Reform our tax system to use the Fair Tax Plan which will eliminate the IRS and bring in more revenue to the government without raising taxes.
(3) Clamp down on fraud in government programs and entitlements, thus saving another $100-$150 Billion each year.
(4) Cut out "pork barrel" spending which amounts to over $800 Billion each year.
(5) Stop sending aid to countries where their governments and armies grab up to 97% of what we send as aid (Ex: China that is our biggest creditor, where we finance part of their army).
(6) Stop rebuilding countries that are war-torn. The people of Afghanistan and Iran are laughing at us as we build schools, mosques, roads, homes, etc. for them that they would not build for themselves.
(7) Stop spending Billions to prop up industries in other countries (Ex: $4 Billion to Brazil for their oil exploration).
(8) Ad a Balanced Budget Amendment (50 states already have one).
(9) And, of course, get rid of Obama and the Congress that we now have.
There is no need to cut spending for the Pentagon, Social Security or Medicare...just clamp down on the fraud and unnecessary spending in these departments. A restructuring of these departments for the future is definitely in order.
We've all been "had" by this stupid diversion about a Debt Ceiling to not notice the slick maneuvers by Obama to not have any blame for the outcome so he can be re-elected to cause more chaos, contrived crisis and bring down America even more than he already has. The debt ceiling could have easily been raised, but Obama needed a "good crisis" to help in his plan to destroy us. You only have to look around to see that most of us that are no better off or worse off than we were just two years ago is because of this administration and the politicians in Congress. Our only survival as a nation is to get rid of them all.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Apparently, Congress "can't see the forest because of the trees".
All of this nonsense over a debt ceiling is just a political ploy by Obama.
No matter what compromises are made, no matter what plan is submitted, no matter who does it; Obama either disapproves it or threatens to veto it.
Hasn't Congress caught on yet ? No matter how it turns out, Obama can say "THEY DID IT, NOT ME..."
All that the Congressional leaders need to do is ask Obama for his plan. Of course that would expose Obama as he isn't even sure what or why there is a debt ceiling.
You ignorant, bleeding heart liberals put a man in office that is totally clueless about running a country (let alone anything else). While he talks about cutting spending in Social Security and Medicare, his ObamaCare costs are many times larger. Where does he think the money is coming from ? If this keeps up, the only people in America with any money will be the politicians.
In the next election, an important question that should be asked of everyone running is, "Will you work for $1/ year and serve no more than two terms ?" Of course we'll need to know more about each candidate, but that should disqualify a whole bunch of phony politicians from the start.
There are two reasons that Obama wants to be re-elected...(1) While in office, his fortune has grown from "comfortable" to multi-millionaire. Another term would thrust him into the billionaire club. And (2) is that Obama, the egomaniac is so power hungry that he can't let go of control regardless if he is helping or hurting us.
Just ask yourselves...are you better off since Obama took office ? Why has unemployment soared five times as much for blacks and Latinos as for whites ?
I could ask many, many more of these questions until you would see that all of your answers point to a corrupt government being run by an incompetent narcissist.
Get rid of Obama and his advisers and supporters or lose everything..................

Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama speaks...America is pissed.

I just listened to President Obama's speech regarding a solution to our debt ceiling crisis.
First, he started out by blaming others for his inadequacy in coming up with a plan to solve this dilemma.
His demeanor was mean and condescending in his castigation of the Republicans for wanting his outrageous spending curtailed.
During his term in office, over a Trillion dollars of wasteful spending has been spent on frivolous projects like research for shrimp on treadmills, teaching pigs to walk in an orderly line, etc., etc., etc.
Obama is first to take credit for things that happen on his watch such as the assassination of Bin Laden (even though the SEAL team had been set up and practicing for this under the Bush administration), but won't take the blame for anything that's gone wrong (such as the failure of his Stimulus Package).
When he speaks to Congress, he talks down to them, treats them like children and even throws TANTRUMS.
As the months have gone by, we are seeing an angrier and more confused man sitting in the President's chair (when he's in Washington and not out campaigning).
Perhaps Obama is finally realizing that he is "in over his head" and that running our country is not the job for a thug community organizer. He wears his ego on his chest...nothing is ever his fault or responsibility. He is NEVER wrong. Can you imagine what his poor daughters have to put up with ?
The bottom line is that even though Obama is the President of the United States of America, he is incapable of running this country and won't admit it.
The debt ceiling crisis is easily solved without threatening Social Security and Medicare recipients.
First, stop spending on special interest groups that benefit only a few with frivolous projects.
Second, repeal Obama care; that will cost us Trillions in the near future.
Third, balance the budget.
Fourth, discontinue all grants, regardless of who benefits.
Fifth, stop foreign aid to our enemies.
Sixth...and most important RECALL OBAMA FROM THE PRESIDENCY.
If he is left to continue, our country will be in ruin and poverty will run rampant throughout what is the middle class (at this time). President Obama and most of Congress are setting us up for another great Civil War. Obama is hell-bent on destroying the economic principles that have made America great. His policies and increased regulations have brought growth to a halt as businesses don't want to expand because under Obama, success is penalized. New regulations are causing many businesses to close, many professionals to retire early and a growing disgruntled population. Obama is aware that he is causing a wave of civil unrest to come over this country and is bringing in foreign troops to help squelch it. If he isn't stopped, there will be blood in the streets and you will be broke.
By keeping your head in the sand, you are supporting his incompetence and condoning the ruin of our country. Get involved, speak up, write to your representatives (and if they don't listen, vote them out).
Dammit..................DO SOMETHING !!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Debt Ceiling

What is the matter with our elected officials ?
There has not been any attention to a Balanced Budget for over 800 days so far.
All of the Democrats (Pelosi, Reid, etc.) all voted against raising the debt ceiling when it came up last time. This time, they want it raised. Talk about your "flip-flopping".
The Republicans want NO TAX INCREASE, a BALANCED BUDGET and SPENDING CUTS. What is wrong with that ? Social Security and Medicare don't need to be touched (other than curtailing fraud). There are tens of billions wasted on special interest programs and grants such as a Teacup Museum, Treadmill Research for Shrimp, etc. The reason that the 1600+ programs that benefit only a few are not being cut is that they would lose votes for those Representatives that originally got them.
Worst of all, Obama has no plans for solving the Debt Ceiling problem. He has already said on several occasions that he wants to raise taxes and raise spending. Actually, this is his way of penalizing the successful and shifting their money to the slackers while bringing down the economy of the United States. Just this morning, he was so pissed off at Texas Governor Perry for "bad-mouthing" him, that he ordered the EPA to shut down the three coal burning electric plants at a time when, due to the heat wave in Texas is causing more than normal electric usage (for air conditioning). He wants to punish all Texans for the words of their Governor.
The solution is easy...
(1) Freeze the debt ceiling
(2) Eliminate all ridiculous programs and grants
(3) Stop Foreign Aid to our enemies
(4) Recall Obama
Of course, you realize that all of those THREATS from Obama and his Democrat henchmen in the Senate are just that...threats to intimidate. The government has enough money to pay its obligations regardless of whether we have a debt ceiling or not. One big reason for our debt being so large is that we borrow money from China to give away to oil producing countries. Obama just gave $4 Billion to Brazil for them to continue their offshore drilling for oil while limiting offshore drilling in this country. Does that make any sense ? Obviously, Obama is dumber than he looks.
We have to get rid of this guy...........he's killin' our country.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Debt ceiling....

Both the Democrats and the Republicans have got this "Debt Ceiling" thing wrong.
Just leave it alone (or reduce it). Instead, cut out all of the unneeded personnel, programs and spending.
Most states and local governments in this country are doing just that...
As an example; there are over 450 employees in the White House that are paid a total of over $34 million/ yr.
Why has Obama increased the White House staff so much ? Was this his idea of "job creation" ?
We don't need to penalize the taxpayer by either raising taxes (Democrats) or cutting Medicare and Social Security (Republicans). We need to stop funding ridiculous grants for things like a Teapot Museum or Treadmills for Shrimp (I could list hundreds of these things that are being funded by the Obama administration).
What about all the private and personal spending of taxpayer money by the members of the House and the Senate ? This spending on things like new carpeting in a Senator's home, tuition for a Representative's daughter, etc. (i could list hundreds of these things that are being paid for with taxpayer money).
What about all the free money that we give (in the Billions each year) to our enemies and nations that don't need our money (as an example: China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc.)
When you tally up just the three money wastes I've listed above, it accounts for over $2 Trillion dollars (over 10 years). I use the "over 10 years" number because that's how Washington gets us to think it's all happening NOW.
Almost every member of Congress has increased their staff in the last two years (unnecessarily). Other than a Communist country, we (the U.S.) have the largest government (number of employees) in the world.
There are whole departments that are doing most of the same work as other departments, there are departments that could totally be eliminated. An example is the Department of Education, this is a states responsibility, not federal. What's the Department of Energy and the Department of Agriculture doing in their meddling in the Department of Interior's meddling with the Forestry Service about oil exploration ? See what I mean ?
We need less people in Washington, less rules and regulations, less departments, less grants, less foreign "aid" and less taxes.
While our benevolent Congress vote for cutting our incomes, they don't dare vote away any of their "perks" or income. They're even exempt from ObamaCare and insider trading.
I've been begging you to vote out EVERYBODY and start over with people that have this country's best interests at heart instead of worrying about being re-elected.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

A Case Against Diversity

A mini history of our growth...

The Pilgrims established settlements and colonies. They kept Catholics, Jews, Blacks, Orientals, etc. from any opportunities.
There was no diversity.

Nevertheless, people came to the "new land" and the population grew. as time went by, the colonies became states and a country (The United States of America) was born. Basically, this country was founded by white, Protestant, Europeans.
Still, there was no diversity.

As the people of the U.S. expanded their territory (at the expense of the natives), more territories became states and became part of the union of the United States.
Still, there was no diversity.

America continued to prosper as most of the new immigrants built the country. As time went by, the concept of diversity and "the great melting pot" started to become (reluctantly) acceptable.
And now there became diversity.

The Catholics became shop owners and civil servants, the Jews became doctors, lawyers and bankers, the Blacks, Latinos and Orientals became laborers and craftsmen. And the country continued to grow and prosper.

Finally, the country started to become divided between the conservatives and the liberals and finally a great civil war. After the end of this civil war, the country returned to its expansion, development and growth. The government still upheld its original Constitution (with a few amendments added). Now woman and blacks could vote.

After a while, the country fell into a great depression. One way to reverse this was to become more industrial and build a military "war machine". The next obvious step was to get involved in foreign wars. This moved part of the population out of the country and created jobs for those still in the U.S. (women and minorities).
We now had true diversity.

After WWII, the nation was trending towards liberalism with communism,unionization and acceptance of radical new ideas. Diversity and "the melting pot" was now in "full bloom", with every ethnic and religious group making great advances in science, engineering, medicine, art,natural resources, business, etc.
This went on without anyone noticing that the concept of diversity and "the melting pot" had peaked.

People were now coming to the United States to exploit it. Al throughout history, we find that as any group (tribe, country, territory, etc.) becomes more diversified, it eventually declines or is destroyed.

Today, in this country, the many diverse groups have instilled (by guilt) the concept of political correctness to give them an unfair advantage. The country is again becoming divided with our universities teaching liberalism to classes half filled with foreign students that have no intention of contributing to the betterment of the United States.
There is a flood of immigrants (legal and illegal) pouring into the U.S. daily. Today, most American "minorities" see themselves with hyphenated names (African-American, Mexican-American, etc,). Other than the natives that lived here before the Europeans arrived, we are all descended from another country and culture. Anyone born here is a NATIVE AMERICAN (no hyphen needed).

Political correctness and liberalism is pushing for even more diversity and the eventual deterioration of our society. I am not declaring that we return to the days of a white, Protestant society. I'm merely stating that with the influx of more immigrants and the (politically correct) special privileges being given to them, that Democracy (as we've known it) is no longer workable.

To make this easier to understand; Democracy is really "mob rule". We all vote and the majority wins (right or wrong). Right now, the Latino and muslim population is growing in this country at such a fast rate that they are overtaking America. They are moving into political office to eventually change the American way to their cultures. Most Latinos and muslims coming to the U.S. have no intention of becoming citizens or obeying our laws. Most, even refuse to learn our language.
Latinos (especially the illegals) come here for all of the (unconstitutional) freebies that our liberal government gives them. Not only do the muslims come here for those freebies but are infiltrating our country in a declared religious war against America.
Yes... it's a declared religious war by islam against all non-believers.

The bottom line is, as for all other societies in the past, diversity is now destroying America from within. This can be stopped; but first you have to stop being politically correct and demand a major change in our immigration policies, enforce our laws, make English our only language and stop giving away the taxpayers money to these people.