Sunday, February 21, 2010

An SS solution

For years, I've been hearing that the Social Security System is running out of money and that by (various dates) sometime soon, it will be broke.
First of all understand that originally, Social Security was a separate fund, until 1965 when it was so large that greedy politicians moved all of the money into the General Fund, and that's when all the pork barrel spending started (thank you LBJ).
In order for those collecting Social Security benefits to continue to for the rest of their lives, and future generations receive payments, I propose the following:
(ages and percentages may be modified after the next census)
(1) As of Dec. 31, 2010, all persons over 40 that have contributed to Social Security Taxes, be "grandfathered" and allowed to receive benefits that are in effect today (including the COLA).
(2) A separate fund be set up called the "Retirement Benefits Program" (BRP) for everyone else. This fund will receive 3% (mandatory by law) of all earned wages (no limit) and be credited with interest not to go below 3% per year. The money in this fund will be used to buy United States Treasury Bonds.
Those that are self employed may participate with their 3% yearly contribution.
Upon retirement or reaching age 55, everyone that has contributed to the BRP will have to designate which annuity the plan will purchase for them (giving the individual complete credit for all contributions and interest earned) that will give them an annual income for life. In most cases, the lifetime income will be far in excess of what they would have gotten from Social Security (even if it was solvent).
Within one generation, the future retirees will be guaranteed a retirement income as well as it being of no expense (other than interest on the Treasuries) to the government, as well as practically all Social Security recipients will have passed on, making the payout for Social Security benefits dwindle away.
Of course, those that earn more and contribute more will be entitled to more. Those that don't contribute anything will be entitled to nothing.
At no time can this fund go broke or be "under-funded" because its investment is in the ability of the United States to buy back its Treasuries.
This plan covers all those that are contributors, leaving out those that failed to contribute. A plan of this type can go on indefinitely with no hardship on the taxpayer.
Since this is just a general overview, please write to me for either more explicit details or suggestion for improvement. Social Security must no longer be a Ponzi scheme and must become a thing of the past. When the last person that is "grandfathered" in the Social Security System passes on, the "books will be closed" on Social Security benefits forever.

States Rights and your vote.

With the "primary season" upon us, I've become aware that many Republicans and Independents are registering as Democrats in order to either vote against the Democratic incumbent or to vote FOR the weakest Democratic candidate.
They figure that this is one way to help clear Congress of at least the career politicians in the Democratic Party.
I haven't heard yet how they plan on cleaning out the Republicans.
The reason for this purging of career politicians is to get people into those seats that will honor and respect the 10th Amendment of our Constitution.
In case you're not aware of what it says, I quote:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people".
Do you "get it" ???
As an example: Washington has no right passing laws about medical insurance, abortion, gun control, and all the other things that are not delegated to the government. It's up to the individual states to determine how they wish to deal with the myriad of problems that Washington has stepped in to interfere with.
Washington certainly has the right to deal with immigration and has done nothing to stop the flow of illegal aliens. Most border states have the solution but are hampered in their efforts by Washington.
So in the upcoming out anyone, regardless of party affiliation that has served one or more terms in our Congress and help America out from under the hand of tyranny.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Your Social Security...A Primer

On Aug. 14, 1935, President Roosevelt signed in the Social Security Act as part of his "New Deal". All of Congress and the President were exempt from this tax. The first payroll deductions started in 1937.
Your Social Security Number is NOT to be used for identification.
However, your employer is obligated by law to deduct it from your pay anyway...
At that time, payroll taxes were to NEVER exceed 1% on the first $3000 of income.
The first person to collect Social Security was Ida May Fuller of Ludlow, VT. on 1/31/1940. From 1937 to 1939, she paid in a total of $24.75 and received over her lifetime a total of $22,888.92. A great "investment".
Since its inception, Congress has made several changes that have been tested in the Supreme Court (but to no avail).
1949 - Rate increased to 3%
1956 - Rate increased to 4% and Disability Benefits added
1961 - Men could retire at 62 with a 6% reduction in benefits
1962 - Women could retire at 62 with a 25% reduction in benefits, but no penalty for widows
1965 - Lyndon Johnson added Medicare to the "fund", added the money from Social Security to the General Fund and allowed widows to collect at 60
1972 - An increase in benefits of 20% was introduced
1974 - Under the "Privacy Act", your SS number was to be used as Taxpayer ID and the tax rate was again increased to 7.65%
1975 - A Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) was added
1977 - Under Jimmy Carter, the tax rate was increased to 6.15%
1983 - Congress and the President became covered for SS benefits
2008 - the amount of income to be taxed rose to $102,000
Now that the government has broken its original deal with us and keeps modifying it, Congress wants to include illegal aliens in the system. Obama has stopped the COLA for at least the next three years. The retirement age keeps increasing.
Looking ahead, eventually, everyone will be eligible to collect SS but not until age 100 and receive less than $1. Obviously, this game is about to end.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lessons learned and not learned...

Lessons learned...
A lesson that our Congress has taught to business is "to spend it all".
In the business sector, it is common practice to spend every cent of a departments budget each year or they might not get that much next year.
Regardless of what party one is in (Democrat or Republican), that is how Congress works.
As an example; The leading pork spender in the House (Barney Frank, Democrat of Mass.) and the leading pork spender in the Senate (Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Republican of Tex.) both have been heard to say, "If I don't spend it, someone else I might as well get all I can..."

Lessons NOT learned...
A lesson that our present administration has not learned is that the best way to improve the economy is by lowering taxes, NOT RAISING THEM.
Since this administration has borrowed us into astronomical debt to fund ridiculous programs and increase the size of government, this country is broke. To alleviate this problem, this administration is about to raise all of our taxes. They will be sneaky about it and tell us lies. The truth is that by letting the Bush tax cuts expire next year, that will be a tax raise. Obama will use the "wealth envy" ploy to convince us that only the wealthy will be additionally taxed. That will be a lie.
The truth is that by having taxes go up in any segment of the population, will cause more unemployment as well as more inflation.

This administration sees the damage that previous administrations (from the 40's to date) have done to this country and realize that we are at that point where a "final blow" to our economy and freedoms will collapse this nation irreparably.
Since your Representatives no longer read your letters and e-mails, the time has come for everyone to march on Washington and physically remove all members of our present day government and immediately replace them with people that will honor our Constitution to bring us back to being the wealthiest, brightest, healthiest, most productive and powerful nation on earth.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

No Need for a Military

I've always understood that our Constitution allows Congress "to raise and support Armies..." (Art.1, sec.8). I see the wisdom of a nation as great as ours having a well established military. We have an enormous budget, dedicated to maintaining our military.
When we're engaged in a military action (right or wrong), isn't the objective to become the victor of that action ? Why then has our government restricted our ability to prevail in any military action ?
The present rules are:
We can only shoot back when shot at, if no civilians are present.
We must be attacked first.
We must give all prisoners their Miranda rights.
We must treat all of the enemy with respect and dignity.
...and the list goes on.
In the Middle East military action taking place today, we have no chance of ever succeeding as long as our troops are restricted from taking the appropriate action(s) required to beat the enemy. I ask, then why do we even need this waste of money and American lives if we have no intention of winning a conflict ?
Obviously, we really don't need a military; and that expense could be used to pay down our debt.
In WWII, our President let the experts (the commanding Generals) fight the war, not armchair warriors in Washington. That is why we were victorious in both Europe and the Orient. There was no political correctness in those days. Even here at home, we incarcerated all Japanese and Germans on our soil. The German population ran into Canada so not much is mentioned about their arrests.
The attached is what every nation except the United States goes by when they're engaged in a military conflict.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Come fly with me....

As you know, members of Congress fly a lot. They go back and forth from their states to Washington, go on election campaigns, go on "junkets", go to foreign countries and even go on vacations by plane.
In most cases (and especially those for personal use), they fly on commercial airlines at either their own expense or at a reduced rate.
Not so for Nancy Pelosi. I just found out that last month, she crossed the $2 million mark in using Air Force planes to fly not only herself around but to fly her children and grand children on vacations and other events.
The $2 million does not include the food, drinks and booze that was also supplied on these flights.
She travels exclusively on an Air Force 747, so that she has all the amenities provided to first class fliers on commercial flights.
Bear in mind that Pelosi is;
(1) Hell bent on ramming Health Care down our throats
(2) Is using your tax dollars for her personal use.
(3) Is third in line for the Presidency
(4) Has always had a poorly thought out agenda
and as an added note, is downright evil and ugly.
Notice how she never really answers a question with the appropriate answer, but chooses to either lie or "skirt" about the question.
This is just a commentary to let you know who is wasting your tax dollars and on what.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Wrong, wrong, wrong....

Today, the liar of the century (Obama) told us more of his "bull----".
When he announced the largest budget in history ($3.8 Trillion), that, by the way will all be from borrowed money as the unemployed are no longer contributing to the taxes that Washington takes in, he spewed his misinformation with propaganda and lies again.
He said that the national debt increased over the last 10 years by $101 Billion and that the Clinton administration left us with a surplus.
The truth is that after Clinton had left office, the "books" were then audited and we found that Clinton had "cooked the books" to reflect a surplus rather than the true deficit.
He didn't take into account that:
(1) We were attacked during the last 8 years, but said that we engaged in a war that we can't pay for.
(2)He never mentioned that during his term in Washington, that he voted for EVERY spending bill that the Democrat controlled Congress (for the previous 3 years) passed.
(3) He said that he was going to "create 3 million new jobs. How ??? We've already lost over 7 million jobs. Aren't those jobs still there, just needing to be staffed ?
(4) He announced that he was going to cut the deficit. The first item in this cut was the proposed pay increases for our soldiers, fighting a war that he won't let them win.
...and I could go on; but you get the picture. This man is either being fed a ton of misinformation or he really is stupid.
He refuses to take responsibility for the chaos that he's created over this last year and continues to blame everyone else (the Republicans, Bush, Wall Street, the banks, the insurance companies, etc.)
He totally supports a world government rather that honoring our Constitution.
He supports all muslim complaints.
He refuses to do anything about the illegal alien drain on our economy.
How can we "recall" this horrible, gutless, egomaniac that's lacking any skills or aptitude in running even a community project, let alone, our country ???
We must remove him from office before he does any more long term damage. In addition, I beg you to VOTE OUT every incumbent in Congress in the November election.
Please help me save my country.