Monday, December 28, 2009

How safe am I ???

After the 9-11 attack, we were protected and there were no more muslim attacks in this country.
That is, until this administration. In this past year, we've had three (3), yes I said THREE attacks in our homeland.
Could this be because Obama is a muslim and sympathetic with the islamic agenda ? In his book, "The Audacity of Hope", he is quoted as saying, "When push comes to shove, I have to side with the muslims".
When Bush was told about the 9-11 attack, he was jumped on by the media for taking over an hour before he spoke to the people. Here it is, three days later and Obama has not come forward to speak with us about this most recent attack; and the press remains quiet. This is just more evidence of Obama's poor (if any) leadership. My country needs a President, not a weak little community organizer.
Why is it improper to use the words "terrorist", "war on terror", "islamist" anywhere in Washington ? Why are muslim training camps being permitted to exist in this country ?
I just noticed that not since 1974 has there been a hijacking or bomb threat of any planes going to or coming from Israel. Why is that ? The reason is that the Israeli's know that this is a matter of life and death. In this country, we use technology to look for threats because technology can't be sued for discrimination. In Israel, they don't give a damn about political correctness. Anyone that might even seem to be suspect is pulled out of line, especially muslims.
Until we get rid of Obama, you are not safe from chemical, biological or explosive attacks in this country. When are we going to have a national recall for an incompetent President ?
Obama (and his followers) keep saying that he "inherited" this mess. Well, the truth is that he has not only created new messes, but made the one's that he "inherited" even worse.
His appointee for National Security was speechless when asked what to do now, about this recent attack. Even his appointees are incompetent. We have already seen how his staff runs the White House; Chicago mob rule. And they can't even get it right, letting people in that haven't been cleared or invited. I thought that airport security was minimal until I see that White House security is a joke. It then dawned on me that Obama needs no security because he's a muslim sympathizer and supporter.
C'mon, people, WAKE UP and smell the country crumbling before your eyes...


Can someone explain something to me ?
I always thought that when a country went to war, they did so to WIN that war, not just for "the heck of it".
Since we are a very war loving nation, and we have self appointed ourselves as the World's Policemen, we have never been in one kind of war or another during my lifetime. If it wasn't a shooting war, then it was a cold war, or we were advising and supplying someone else's war.
Obviously, we've lost the mindset to win a war. You may not remember Korea or Viet Nam, but these are wars where we lost tens of thousands of lives for nothing.
Now we are engaged in a war in the Middle East.
First, we "clobbered" Iraq; only to leave troops there to rebuild it at our expense. Now we're in Afghanistan and seem to have made a little progress there. Apparently, our enemy is the Taliban and Al Quada. Then why are they getting larger and stronger as we lose more and more lives over there ?
As we borrow more money and commit more lives to this present war, it occurs to me that we have no intention of winning this war.
Some examples of this are:
(1) Not letting experienced Generals run the war, but instead, politicians, some of whom have never been to war, are making the policies and decisions on how this war should be fought.
(2) We're always striving to be "the good guys". How good can we look when all the people over there see are Americans blowing up their property and killing them ?
(3) When more troops are requested, it took almost a year before a "political" decision was made; and even then, the number requested was decreased.
(4) We know where the enemy is but don't go after them because of "Political Correctness".
We have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan while the enemy is secure in Pakistan. Our Generals know where, when and how to destroy the enemy. They are stopped by the White House because our pretender President would rather continue to lose American lives and create great debt while "trying" to "talk to the enemy". Not only has Obama proven that he's incompetent in global matters (see various summits around the world that he's been to), but he wants to "talk" to an enemy that has no intention of stopping or even slowing down.
Obama promised to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic. So far he is failing miserably. His pro muslim leanings have let muslims set up and operate anti American training camps throughout the United States while Obama throws parties, flies to other countries (for undeserved awards), gaining more disrespect than any President before him.
If I'm wrong...please set me straight on this war issue. If I'm right, then why don't we get out of the "war business" and leave it to others ?
I'm proud and lucky to be born in the United States. However, recently, I've come to fear my government as well as muslims.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wild horses...

Your tax dollars at work.
Another non-elected, Obama appointee, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who oversees the Bureau of Land Management has decided to roundup and slaughter over 3,000 wild horses.
These horses are not destroying the land and are not in danger of starvation. After the roundup, cattle will be allowed to graze and strip the sensitive environment.

President Obama has turned a "blind eye" to the fact that this roundup violates the Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act, which Congress passed in 1971 to protect wild horses and burros as "living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West."

The roundups are done in secret, even though the BLM says that you can apply for a permit to watch. The way they get around this is by doing the roundup on private lands and therefore need not issue permits to watch. The roundups are done with helicopters and most of the horses are traumatized or die.
At the BLM website, they lie about how and why these roundups take place. Every animal rights organization has contacted the White House and have been snubbed.
I guess that Obama can claim this as "job creation". Aren't you glad that with all the debt that this administration is mounting, that we have enough taxpayer money to kill innocent horses in the wild. What the hell is the matter with this administration ?
This is just another one, out of hundreds of examples where Obama is permitting the violation of laws and the Constitution to continue his wasteful and unnecessary spending.
Where does this all end ? I'll tell you when......once we're broke. Watch your taxes go up in order to pay for things like this and the extravagant parties at the White House, etc.
You don't have to be a person that likes horses to understand this cruelty and wastefulness.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Open your eyes...

Haven't you figured it out yet ??? Pelosi and Reid are ready to throw their Democrat supporters "under the bus". They don't care if they get re-elected, as long as some kind of Health Care bill is passed. This will open up the continuation to put back into it all of the things they had to take out to get it passed.
What bothers me is how they BRIBED others to vote for it. It's one thing when you bribe someone; it's with your own money. Our Representatives and Senators that needed to be bribed to go along with party lines, were bribed with your money (not theirs).
They don't give a damn about our health. The passage of this bill is just another small step in Obama's agenda of Bigger Government and creating a European Socialist State. First it was the financial community, then the automotive industry, now it's the health insurance will be commodity producers (under Cap & Trade) followed by the rest of the insurance industry, transportation, natural resources and finally, small business.
This is how it works. They're just laying the foundation on which to build this country where everyone is either under governmental dictate or dependent on them for survival.
When you see a cement foundation being poured, you just think, "Oh, they're building something". A little later you see the framing going up and wonder, "I wonder what it's going to be". Then, before you know it, it's a huge mosque that you don't want in your neighborhood. However, then it's too late.
This is exactly how Obama is planning to take over the country.
Meanwhile, you just sit on your ass, saying, "This couldn't happen in America; I've got a Constitution to protect me". What you have failed to see is how this administration keeps violating your precious Constitution in order to move forward with the Obama agenda. Do you remember when Obama was quoted as saying, "The only thing that stands in my way is the Constitution". Well, obviously, he has decided to totally disregard it. Yet, you continue to do nothing.
Obama is even preparing for a citizen's revolt. He is filling our military bases with foreign troops (because he knows that American soldiers will not shoot at other Americans).
OPEN YOUR EYES........this is happening while you sleep. Haven't you noticed all of the legislation that is passed at night and on weekends (just so you won't know about it)?
WAKE UP, dammit !!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Banking Summit

Today, Obama held his "banking summit" where he spent most of his time exhorting the bankers for causing the banking crisis and demanded that they loosen their lending practices, threatening them with his resolve to fight them every step of the way.
The bankers replied that they would not go back to the banking practices forced on them by Barney Frank and Harry Reid that caused them to make loans to people that couldn't pay them back.
First of all, the banks never really needed the TARP money to "bail them out" as is proven by the fact that today, Citibank was the last one to pay back all of the TARP money that they were forced to take. Since the banks discontinued making loans to those that either couldn't or had no intention of paying them back, they invested the TARP money in treasury notes and made huge profits on taxpayer money.
Now Obama wants them to go back to loaning money to anyone not qualified to borrow.
Between Obama and his "advisers", we see the inmates running the asylum". Either they have a plan to destroy America or are really idiots (you pick which).
Banks are in business to make a profit. Do you think that they are stupid enough to loan money to people that can't pay it back ? Of course not; it was forced on them by the idiots that we've elected to represent us.
You must VOTE OUT EVERY ONE IN GOVERNMENT the first chance you have. If you don't, you're helping perpetuate the end of America.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The other day, I watched a football game between youngsters (Pop Warner Football). It looked like it could have been fun except that too many parents were condemning their kids for not doing better.
After the game, EVERY kid was given a trophy (on both teams), even the ones that didn't play. No wonder that some of these kids see no real incentive in excelling. This same attitude carries over into our move up to the next grade regardless whether you "passed" or not.
Trophies, Certificates of Achievement, Acknowledgment plaques, etc. are given out like candy at Halloween.
To make matters even worse, this giving of awards for nothing has permeated all of society. Some absurd examples are Al Gore getting an Academy Award for a mediocre "documentary" filled with misinformation or local incompetent reporters getting Peabody Awards for doing a barely passable job. Worse than that is President Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize for not only doing nothing but extending his nation in war.
Shelves in homes across this nation are filled with awards given to people that "were just there" but contributed little to nothing to get that award.
We have permitted mediocrity to be the utmost achievement. Awards have become meaningless. This is shown no better than in all of the "Awards Shows" that we see on television, where groups are "honoring" themselves.
We are no longer in awe of people that get an award (regardless of their efforts). Awards are meaningless. The real achievement is when one exceeds their personal best. No statue or piece of paper is needed to validate that.
What has become of us, regarding awards ???

Friday, December 11, 2009


I've always made several assumptions about poverty that included things like, "poor people don't have a chance" and "poor people never had an opportunity" to "the poor can be helped".
Over the years, I've had the opportunity to know many poor people and listen to their "tales of woe".
It just occurred to me that POVERTY is a mental attitude.
The folks that grew up poor, but never knew it, usually went on to get educated and became successful. On the other hand, those that know that they're poor, just accept it and do little to nothing on their own to free themselves of poverty.
Of course, there are exceptions to this that one could use to argue the point.
However, go out in your community and ask a poor person what it would take for them to be better off...Almost every time, they'll tell you what someone else has to do for them.
A Test that I used in hiring was to give the person an impossible task and leave them to figure it out. After about a half an hour, I would return and ask why the task wasn't done.
Those that told me why they couldn't do it were let go; those that told me what they needed to complete the task , were hired.
That's the difference... Those that stay poor tell you why they're poor. Those that climb out of poverty have sought out the tools (education, change of environment, etc.) to no longer be poor.
So, next time you see a poor person, be very clear that they are responsible for their condition.
This all may sound "cold and heartless", but it's the truth.

Saturday, December 05, 2009


What is really going on with Obama ? Here he is going on his 10th foreign visit in less than a year in office (No other President has ever done this in his entire term). Each time that he is roaming around the country trying to convince his shrinking group of "followers" about one thing or another and setting up unlimited "photo ops", this country is being run by his Chicago cronies that know NOTHING about running anything.
His newest trip abroad is disguised as his attendance to the International Climate Summit which is from !2/07 through 12/18. The truth is that he is really going to Oslo to pick up his "well deserved" Nobel Prize and will make a quick appearance at the summit on 12/18 only.
This shows us that he really doesn't give a rat's ass about "global climate changes"; it's just another nonsensical political move for his ego.
Bottom line is that this administration is in way over its head. The country is being run by inexperienced incompetents including the President himself. Obama has spent an equal number of hours attending the lavish parties he and his wife throw as he has spent in the chair in his office.
Obama has kept only one of his promises.....that of "change". Yes, he has taken the leadership of a country that was not doing well and took advantage of that to force as much deterioration as he could (blaming his errors on the previous administration and others). Not only does he continually lie to us, he hasn't a clue about what he's doing. Even his ACORN office in Chicago has gone broke.
He tells us that unemployment is going down. What an absurd statement that is. What's really happening is that there are fewer jobs left to lay off people from. So, if one month we have 500,000 laid of and the next month we only have 300,000 laid off; we actually have gone up to 800,000 unemployed. Not 200,000 less as Washington wants us to believe,
The "job summit" that he just had was not for creating more jobs, it was for large corporations to be able to contribute more money to his 2012 campaign. The press has been kept from reporting anything negative about this meeting.
As far as the Health Care bill, the real reason for it is to cover those that aren't contributors to our system (Socialism). The truth about this is that there are about 40 million people in this country without any medical coverage. Of that, 15 million are either homeless or on the verge of homelessness; 20 million are illegal aliens; leaving only about 5 million Americans uninsured. Of this remainder, we don't know how many could afford insurance but would rather spend their money elsewhere.
There is nothing wrong with our health care. People come from all over the world for delicate operations because we are so good at it. The homeless and indigent can go into any clinic or emergency room and receive the best treatment (even operations) absolutely free.
We only need Tort Reform and removal of HMOs and PPOs, then the system will become less expensive and more efficient. If all the fraud was removed from Medicare, the system would be self sustaining.
This administration is being run by buffoons that are "hell-bent" on socializing this country and taking away our freedoms.