Saturday, August 29, 2009

Changing the rules...

Just to show you how our government makes laws and rules for us and then reneges or changes them, our Social Security system is a perfect example.
Not only has Obama declared that there will be no cost of living raise for Social Security recipients for the next two years, but is raising the premium that is deducted for your prescription coverage.
This means that everyone that is receiving a Social Security check and has also subscribed to the governments prescription coverage will be getting a smaller check.
See, when Social Security first started, the rules were that (1) it was never to exceed more than
1 1/2 % of your paycheck, and (2) the money was to be put in a separate fund, drawing 3 1/2 % interest. Well, more than 7% of your paycheck is now deducted and the Social Security fund collects NO interest because it no longer exists. The original, separate fund has since been put into the "general fund" and has been spent on various things such as the space program.
If it was just left alone and the rules weren't changed, not only would it be so large by now that it would not be in danger of going broke, but everyone would be getting almost double of what they receive now.
This is just the "tip of the iceberg". Obama has just signed a budget that is larger than all previous budgets put together and has to find some way to cover this huge debt. Obviously, your taxes will be raised and many of your deductions will be eliminated.
Remember, you voted for this guy that had no experience , without your looking into who he really was. Even as you read this, what do you actually know about Obama ?
Were stuck with this egomaniac for another 3+ years and you will be losing more freedoms and you will have your income and opportunities become smaller and more limited.
He is changing every rule he puts his hands on; and at your expense. He is printing money (backed by nothing) at such a fast rate that our dollar is becoming worth less and less daily.
So, what are you going to do about it ? Probably nothing, as your way of life goes down the toilet.
Obama must be recalled and a new President put in his place. He is destroying everything that you and our forebearers have worked for in creating the greatest country in the world.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Great Health Care...

We're being told that health care is a "right".
Let's get clear on this term, "right". A "right" is something given to you by your government and can easily be taken away. Just look at the many "rights" that you've lost in your lifetime, so far.

First of all, everyone has access to health care in this country. It doesn't matter how poor one is, they will still get health care at any hospital or clinic.

Next, let's consider what medical insurance is really about. Medical insurance is to protect you from a major or catastrophic expense regarding your health. It is not there for the day-to-day events such as a small cut or scrape, a common cold, a hangnail, etc.
My home insurance doesn't cover the little things like a light bulb burning out, a dripping faucet, a crack in the driveway, etc. My car insurance doesn't cover a flat tire, a broken fan belt, a burnt out tail light, etc.

The reason that medical insurance is so expensive is that it is being abused by a population that runs to their doctor for every little thing, be it real or imagined. I see emergency rooms filled with people that only need an aspirin or a little neosporin. Yet, these emergency rooms are filled with both the insured as well as the uninsured.
We already have a government run health care system that everyone goes on by age's called Medicare. The states also have Medicaid for the poor. As we all know, these government run systems are not only abused by the public but the amount of fraud is tremendous. These systems, if run privately would not be in the financial straights that they're in, being run by our inept government.

By the way; where in the Constitution does it say that the government is responsible for our health care ?

The problem is not the lack of medical care for everyone; everyone already has 100% medical care. The problem is the cost of health care. The ever climbing costs can be minimized if the health care industry was as well regulated as the car insurance industry is. All that has to be done is that caps need to be put on how much an insurer can charge just like auto insurance is (in many states). There is no need for these insurance companies to be building empires. They need to operate as a business.
Granted, the insurance companies first obligation is to their stockholders. However, does that justify their huge operating costs ? No it doesn't...the larger the health care insurance company, the larger their gyms and swimming pools are. It is said that the symbol of an insurance company is the crane. Not the bird, the construction crane; as they build bigger, more elaborate buildings to house their inflated population of workers. Look at the salaries of people in the insurance industry from the CEO down to the cleaning crew. Just the administrative costs alone account for 30-40% of their income and with all the abuse and fraud, they still make huge profits.
Even hospitals are no longer run by medical professionals, they're run and managed by "bean counters" with MBAs. Health care is a business and should be run appropriately. If the government would just get out of their business (with the exception of price caps) and let these companies become more competitive, they would trim their "fat" and costs would go down.
Anyone voting for a government controlled health care plan should be removed from office immediately as they haven't a clue about our health care system.
As Obama wants us to be more like European countries, Congress is looking at emulating the health care systems of other industrialized nations. What they fail to see is that in all of these countries, their health care systems are economically breaking these countries without giving the medical care as good as we can get in this country. In addition, the taxes in these other countries are far grater than our taxes and yet they're still going broke.
We have great health care in the United States of America; and that is why, those than can afford to come here for it, do. There is no waiting for a procedure in this country (other than the wait for a donor match for a transplant). We even give free health care to illegal aliens as well as the homeless and the very poor.
Why would anyone in their right mind want to change our system. We just need to get the costs under control.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Worth noting...

As an example of how well our government programs work, just look at the most recent "Cash for Clunkers" program.
In the first four days of this program, it ran out of money. Congress then added another two billion dollars to keep it going. The problem is that as of today (8/17/09), less than 1% of the car dealers that are participating in this program have been reimbursed. To add insult to injury, over 80% of the applications for reimbursement have been rejected (mostly for some small error or omission).

On another note; the Canadian Medical Association is meeting to figure out how to make their health care system work better. It finally comes out that the Canadian system is a huge failure and financial drain on everyone. France has had the very system that Obama wants and is ready to "scrap" it because it is bleeding the country dry in expense without giving good health care.

We don't have a health care problem. People come from all over the world because we have the VERY BEST health care. What we have is a "cost" of health care problem.
All uninsured are already receiving optimal health care already, at emergency rooms and clinics all over the country.
The only people that are affected by not having insurance are those that can afford it but refuse to buy it. Everyone one else is either covered or has insurance.
As an example, if I didn't have my own private medical insurance, I would still get the same care by just going to the local hospital. Of course I wouldn't be "first in line", but would still receive the same care.

Please do your part.......get rid of all of Congress as they come up for re-election; and get the government out of our business by making them adhere to the Constitution.
Obama is in total disregard of the Constitution and will eventually make it irrelevant.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

The truth is coming out.

By now, more and more (interested) Americans are starting to become aware of some of the provisions in this so called "Health Care" plan that Obama wants to shove up our asses.
First of all, it's not to go into effect until 2012; so what's the rush to get it done by the end of this year ? The rush is so we won't have enough time to read it all and digest what it means to all of us.
A lot of it is written so that after it's passed, it can then be interpreted to give the government complete control over euthanasia, what procedures would be allowed for senior citizens and chronically ill infants as well as forcing insurance companies to longer be profitable and shut down their health coverage divisions.
Obama has come forward to urge anyone that supports his plan to go out to the "town hall meetings" and shout down the protesters. The only violence at any of these meetings has come from Obama's clandestine army, ACORN, that has already beaten several citizens for shouting out their opinions or wearing anti-Obama pins.
Apparently, Obama believes that the only voices that should be heard are those that agree with him. This again is typical Chicago thug action. What has happened to our right of assembly, our right to free speech and the other freedoms that he is, or will soon be denying us ?
Fortunately, his approval ratings are finally sinking below 50%. Those that approve of his actions are either the minorities that voted for him, illegal aliens and the non-contributors to our economy.
Ask yourself, why is Congress and the other government officials exempt from this Health Care Reform ? Why wouldn't anyone in Congress want us to have the same plan that they're covered under ? If this plan is so good for us, why are we being told lies about it ?
If you read it, you'll find out over 100 reasons why it affects you negatively. Every country that has national health care is going broke because of it and they are rationing services and care as well as constantly raising taxes to pay for their plans.
Most important; do you really want the government running any program, since they screw up everything that they run as well as making it more and more costly ? They're already starting to shut down libraries, post offices, some public schools, etc. Can you name even one government run program that has ever been run efficiently ?
So, if you want your elderly parents (and you, when you become a senior citizen) denied health care instead of "end of life counseling" as the plan calls for) or your chronically ill children to be given medication instead of treatment, then be supportive of one of the worst pieces of legislation to ever be proposed by our government.
Just to give you an example of how absurd this plan is, it covers EVERYONE including illegal aliens, foreign visitors that come here for medical treatment, and even some non-citizen relatives of people that have immigrated here but their relatives are still living in another country and are citizens of that foreign country.
How long do you think this "reform" will last before it breaks our economy and you're denied some treatment because of age, lifestyle or some other arbitrary decision ?