Friday, July 31, 2009

Gov't. programs...

Well, here we see another failure of one of Obama's programs. First of all, he LIED to us all when he said he would not meddle in the day-to-day transactions of the automakers. Then he put in an "incentive" program that gave up to $4500 to anyone trading in a "clunker" for a car that got better gas mileage. The deal was that your "clunker" had to get 18 mpg (or less) and the vehicle that you were buying had to get at least 2 mpg better than your "clunker".
One billion dollars was "set aside" for this program and it was to run through November.
After only four days, this program has been canceled.
Now the dragon rears its ugly head.......
(1) Dealerships all over the country have laid out huge amounts of money for expensive TV ads, newspaper inserts, etc. and can no longer comply with their ads.
(2) Of the 0ne billion dollars, only $175 million has been paid and dealers are not receiving the rest.
(3) Thousands of car buyers have flocked to their dealers to take advantage of this gov't. gift and have bought more cars than the billion dollars will cover.
(4) Since the program is now cancelled, those that aren't getting the $4500 will have to return their cars and now the dealer is stuck with what was originally a new car that can only be sold as "used".

If the gov't. can't administer a program this small; what do you think is going to happen if they institute Cap & Trade or "Obama Care" ?

I've listened to Obama's sales pitch; I've listened to Pelosi's sales pitch, and when presented with identical questions, they give different answers. We already know that Obama is a flat out LIAR, so is Pelosi telling the truth ? I'm afraid not.
Meanwhile, as Representatives and Senators are holding "town hall" meetings regarding Obama Care; instead of just a few dozen people showing up, hundreds of angry citizens (voters) are attending these meetings to vent their anger. In spite of the people being heard, the Democrats will force this bill through (with Cap & Trade attached to it) instead of carrying out the wishes of the very citizens that voted for them to be represented accordingly.
We no longer have a Democracy that works. We have a handfull of people (Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reed, Frank, etc.) that are clueless on how to run a country and that have intimidated the Congress into becoming their "Yes men".
The United States of America is no longer run "for the people and by the people", but is being run (and ruined) by a dozen radical liberals.
Obama and his gang must be stopped or you can forget about the Constitution, your rights, your freedoms, your livelihood and your lifestyle.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

State vs Fed

In observing how the various state governments are being run during these times of economic strife, one particular state stands out as putting Washington to shame.
The Governor of this state believes in smaller government and has eliminated all redundant and unnecessary departments and employees.
In addition, this state has the following;
(1) A balanced budget
(2) A $9 billion cash surplus
(3) Increased medical care for uninsured children
(3) Increasing real estate prices
(4) Tax relief for small businesses
(5) No income tax
(6) Dealing with the illegal alien problem
(7) Incentives for businesses to move to that state
(8) Guaranteed admission to all state universities for students in the top 10% of their High School graduating class.
(9) Citizens are allowed to carry guns
(10) Low crime rates
(11) Lowest unemployment rate of any other state
(12) High longevity
(13) Clean air and water
(14) Minimal minority problems
(15) Extra considerations for senior citizens and the handicapped

Businesses and people are moving into this state in record numbers and small communities are growing to the size of medium cities with all of the amenities that a city would have (schools, hospitals, recreational areas, shopping malls, manufacturing, etc.).
Of course, one can argue about things they might not agree with in how this state is run; but the bottom line is that the economic crisis that we're going through, has hardly affected this state.
Why can't Washington take a lesson from this state and revise some of the things that they're doing that would help make running the country less costly ?
The only reason that this state can run so well is that the people running this state are dedicated to the people that elected them and not worried about being re-elected first. And, of course, this state is overwhelmingly Republican (with the exception of only one county). The citizens of this state also have the most amount of "state pride" and show it by displaying the state flag on their bumpers, flying the state flag, painting their roofs with the state flag, etc. It can be seen everywhere.
A lot of people are considering moving to that state...shouldn't you too ???

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dog & Pony Show...

Obama is pressing so hard for this "Health Care Plan" to be accepted that he had AARP hold a Tele -Town Hall Meeting that I watched on the Internet.
Of course, this was in response to his outright lie during his press conference where he said that AARP endorsed his plan. I called AARP and they denied any endorsement.
First of all, the AARP Tele-Town Meeting was a show that was put on for the elderly. All questions were pre-selected as those were the only things in the "plan" that he was knowledgeable enough about. Every day, the "plan" keeps changing and is getting bigger (over 2,000 pages now).
Even Cap-Trade is being added to the backend of the "Heath Care Plan".
During the AARP Dog & Pony Show, Obama compared our medical care with other countries, saying that we spend $6,000/ year, per person, more than other countries. What he neglected to say was that those other countries have poorer health care and less of it.
He spoke of the government option plan which would compete with insurance companies. Since the government doesn't have to make a profit to stay in business, it would put private insurance companies out of the health care insurance business by drastically underpricing them.
Again he lied when he said that the "Health Care Plan" was similar to what Congress has for their medical coverage.
Even Obama's private physician has said that the proposed "Health Care Plan" falls short and is opposed to it.
If this plan is so good for all of us, then why such a "hard sell" ? All of the other legislation that Obama has PUSHED through so far hasn't had to be "sold" to the public. Even members of his own party (Democrats) are opposed to it. The rush to get it into law so quickly is so no one will be aware of the implications and consequences until it's too late. This really is about a never ending infringement into the government taking over 1/6th of our economy and being able to dictate our lifestyles.
Beware...Obama will tell every lie that he has to in order to placate anyone's objections.
Please, contact your representatives in Congress and express your concerns and objections.
I've written a letter with 33 signatures from my area and sent it to my representatives. A copy of that letter was sent to you this morning to use accordingly. Let's hear your voice TODAY !

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I listened to President Obama's "press conference" the other night. Actually, it was the "Obama Show", carefully planned, choreographed and rehearsed.
The "reporters" that asked the pre-arraigned questions were all called on by first name and asked "questions" that would let President Obama go into a confusing and lengthy answer (he actually never answered a question completely).
As far as the "Urgency" of getting "Health Care Reform"; is this the same "Urgency" that was needed to pass the "Porkulus package" (that hasn't been implemented yet) ?
I can't understand why he is calling this "Health Care Reform". Why do we need to reform the best health care system in the world ? People from every country come to the United States for the quality and availability of our health care system.
The real wording of this reform should be "Medical Cost Reform" as that's what is costing us so much. Americans (per capita) spend more on their medical care than any other nation in the world today.
The real rush to push this Health Care Plan down our throats is so no one will have the chance to read it thoroughly and see that it not only gives the gov't. complete control over 1/6 of our economy, but can be modified every few years until the government has complete control over what we eat, where we go and what we do.
In addition, in Maine and Massachusetts already have a similar health care plan in effect that is financially "breaking" the states budgets as well as providing less care than the other states that have no health care plans.
How can Obama try to sell us on this health care plan when neither he nor anyone else knows exactly what's in it ? This is why all of his answers were either outright lies, non-truths or half-truths. As an example: Obama stated that AARP had endorsed the Health Care Reform Bill. I called AARP and a representative told me that AARP is merely in "agreement" on one (and only one) item in the bill dealing with prescription costs for the elderly. Other than that, they had no idea what else was in the bill and certainly aren't going to endorse or promote it without knowing its details.
...and that's where the plan falls the details. Notice that not a day goes by without something being added, deleted or changed in this bill. If it was so good for us why hasn't it been presented (in full) to the public ? I'm sure that every newspaper in the country would jump at the chance to print it on their front pages. You won't get to know about its details until you see more money taken out of your paycheck, until you go to your doctor and have to be scheduled weeks from now, when you are denied a procedure because of age, occupation or lifestyle.
To make matters worse, one thing that is still included in the plan is free breast implants and free abortions. Let's get in line for that................LOL

By the a side note; did you notice that when asked the only question not related to health care, Obama was lost without his teleprompter and screwed up ? Finally, everyone became aware that Obama is also black...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hurry, hurry, hurry....

What's the rush ? First we were told that unless a stimulus package was approved instantly, that the financial world would come to an end. Well, without reading any of the legislation, our Representatives pushed through a bill that allowed them to spend $780 billion of our money.
By the way, most of the money has not been spent yet and the monies that have been spent, not only are unaccounted for but haven't created any jobs or done anything to help our economy.
Now the rush is on to approve Obama's "Health Care Plan". Before reading it, testing it, having public discussions about it or informing the public about its details; Obama wants it put into law.
Be far everything that Obama wants, he gets.........and everything that he gets, has far reaching negative consequences.
All of Obama's plans will not only fail over the long term, cause great hardship for more people than they will help (if any) as well as put this country into irreversible debt.
Yes...this is your fault ! You voted for him, you believed his lies, you still worship him and will do nothing until the time comes when you can't.
We are at the brink of "last chance". With a Democratic House and Senate (all screaming Liberals) and a President that rules by intimidation, we stand at the edge of losing our freedoms, incomes and the American way of life. This may be our last chance to do anything about this.
Obama is totally in "over his head" when it comes to running this country. He still is operating as a thug and community organizer rather than the leader of the United States of America.
He must be stopped. You must vote out every Representative and senator that now holds office as they are "owned" by Obama, and his only interest is in becoming your King.
In Europe, the leaders of the other countries saw what a buffoon he really is and "handed him his ass". Our press reported that "he was disappointed". Putin practically laughed in Obama's face at some of the ridiculous things that he proposed. The members of the G-8 meeting couldn't accept anything that he had to say.
On the bright side, he did get a great photo opportunity with the Pope, he got to belittle the people of Ghana and Michelle and the girls got another great shopping spree.
So, hurry, hurry, for anything he wants and do it ASAP. There's no time to read the fine print, just vote away anything that you think you have. Keep the "career politicians" in office so they can speed up giving away what's yours to those that won't put in any effort themselves. Help everyone "buy votes" so they can wield power over you and reduce your freedom, income, way of life and overall happiness while lining their pockets.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Follow the money.

The numbers are starting to come out on where the "stimulus money" went. Only counties that voted overwhelmingly for Obama have received any of the "stimulus money". This is "payback" for votes.
How is the money being spent to stimulate jobs and the economy ? A perfect example is that in one state (receiving $2.4 Billion) for road improvement, 23 jobs (that will expire at the end of the year) were created.
As a reward for the huge support during Obama's campaign, Goldman Sacks will be the firm that will handle the trading in Carbon Tax Credits.
We condemn other countries for their graft and corruption. How hypocritical of us when we are probably the biggest grafters and corrupters. It's just Obama "Chicago politics".
Just follow the money and you'll see that favoritism, graft, corruption and downright thievery are in full swing throughout our government from Washington down to your local counties.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Game time...

During the 70's, a game company put out a card game called "Nuclear War". In this game, one of the things that one did was to hide their true amount of warheads that they had.
Now, Obama is playing this game with the Russians. He's in Moscow trying to convince the Russians to scale back on the amount of nuclear warheads that they have.
Obama has promised to cut back our arsenal from 2,000 warheads to 1,500 if Russia will reduce theirs by 25%. What this means is that instead of being able to destroy the world 20 times over, we will only be able to destroy planet earth 15 times over.
First of all, do you really think the Russians will scale back ? Of course not.
Second, if you check the shipping logs of the contractors that built our nuclear warheads, you'll find that we really have 4,200 of them. Where are the other 2,200 hidden ?
What a ridiculous game this is. The only thing that's sane about this is that at least the United States and Russia are making a (feeble) attempt to cement strained relations with each other.
Of course, the world will not be any safer from nuclear war, regardless of how many warheads we claim to get rid of. If we do "get rid" of some nuclear warheads, where will they go ? Any warheads that we will no longer possess will end up in the arsenal of other countries (Japan, Israel, Great Britain, etc.).
In the meantime, the world is giving No. Korea and Iran all of the time that they need to develop their arsenal of these weapons and delivery systems.
Just like watching a chess game, we'll keep watching each counties "next move" in the "nuclear warhead game". The problem is that of all the players, Obama has the least expertise at this game and certainly won't "win".
Again, Obama will reduce the power and credibility of our country. None of you listened when we were told that of all the candidates, Obama had the least experience. Ironically, the most experienced person that actually had experience running a government (Alaska) was Palin.
So, even though this "nuclear warhead game" is not being televised on any game (sports) channel, let's keep watching to see how it all turns out. Place your bets now.....I'm betting that China and Russia are in the "playoffs" and the United States will have lost out, long before the game is over.
...and you fell for the con that Obama could be a great leader. The joke is on you now.

Again ???

Well here we go again...Michele is on another shopping spree. First, she and her girls spent thousands, shopping in London; now she and her girls will do the same in Moscow.
I can understand world leaders getting together, face-to-face, to discuss important issues; but why does the President of the United States have to bring along his wife and two daughters (that don't even know what's going on nor appreciate these "outings").
At home, millions are struggling just to get enough food while the Obama's are in foreign countries, pissing away our tax dollars. Didn't Emelda Marcos carry on the same way ?
After Obama finishes getting his ass handed to him by the Russians, he then goes on to the G-8 meeting where we all pray that the New Global Currency issue won't be brought up.
If the U.S. dollar is no longer to be used as the global currency, within days after that happens all of our money, investments, etc. become almost worthless. This is what Obama has gotten us to.
At the G-8 meeting, Obama is out of his league...he's dealing with real leaders, not "rock stars" like himself.
And of course, after the G-8 meeting, he then will go to Ghana to make a "very important" speech. What's that all about ? Ghana ? Please, I'm laughing so hard it hurts......LOL
I'm wondering, how many of you have been helped by any of this administration's plans ?
Can you name one member of the Obama administration (including Senators & Representatives) that has voted for anything that you benefited from ?
...and yet, you still think that Obama and his gang (Democrats) are really doing things in your best interest. Of course, the Republicans can't help as they've been destroyed by the last administration. Hmmm, isn't it time for the rise of a new party with new people, serving limited terms ???

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Do numbers lie ??? Yup !!!

Unemployment and jobless figures keep coming out and the numbers are staggering.
Today, the government announced that there is 9.5% of our country unemployed. What they didn't count were the people in prison, in the hospitals, those whose unemployment insurance has run out, the recently laid off that didn't qualify for unemployment insurance, etc.
Most groups that watch these numbers agree that the actual number is around 17.5%.
Even when the newly unemployed are less than the previous month, the Democrats tell us that the recession is slowing. What a lie that is....of course the numbers of people being laid off is decreasing; there are less jobs and less workers to lay off...DUH.
Obama gave us hope........the hope to get an extension on your unemployment insurance.
The stimulus package was supposed to create jobs. All that it has done was to create jobs within this administration and pay people to NOT WORK by extending their unemployment insurance, rather than paying people TO WORK by actually creating jobs (as promised).
...and you still stay fooled into thinking that Obama, the Democrats and this entire administration is the next best thing to sex. Well, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
All I know is that you're sitting back on your fat asses and following Obama's instructions to HOPE. Go ahead, HOPE in one hand and crap in the other...which fills up first ?