Saturday, February 21, 2009


What are the fools in Congress thinking ? As soon as they started discussing "BUY AMERICAN" and added it to the "stimulus package", the rest of the world took notice. This is known as Protectionism, which means closing trade with other countries.
Even though Obama insisted on "watering down" the wording of this in the "stimulus package", 30 countries have since instituted some form of Protectionism as a retaliation.
Since the world is dependent on a global economy, any sort of trade barriers are harmful.
Of course, as an American, I prefer to buy products that are made in the United States by fellow Americans. The problem with this is that over the years, Congress has instituted so many laws, rules and regulations that we can no longer be competitive in the marketplace. This is one reason that almost everything that we buy today is made in another country or assembled in another country. As an example; the United States was the first country to manufacture television sets and was the major exporter of them. Between the federal restrictions and cheaper labor elsewhere, NO televisions have been made in this country for dozens of years. We invented the VCR and the DVD, yet all are made elsewhere.
We even "outsource" services to other countries. Most of our medications are made in other countries even though they were developed here first.
Where in our Constitution does it give the federal government permission to interfere with private enterprise ? Why have we allowed Congress to create so many restrictions on our businesses that we have to rely on other countries for almost everything that we purchase ?
Go to your local shopping center or mall and look at the labeling on the things that you want to but...good luck in finding many things that are made in the United States.
We have a great workforce, many natural resources, brilliant business minds and enough investors to be the world's leader in production of almost anything. This country was built on this way of operating and became not only the most advanced country in the world but the richest. Today, the only thing that we lead the world in is ignorance.
To get back our prosperity and way of life, every member of Congress must be replaced and only those that promise to uphold our Constitution should be voted for. All rules and regulations that hamper business must be retracted. The states must be given back their power to make laws about things that are not in the Constitution.
Obama is shoving our tax money (the stimulus package) down the throats of every state Governor whether they want this money or not. If the states take this money, it comes with attachments that not only burden the states in the future but gives the federal government even more control over the states. The "stimulus package" is a very clever way of (1) nationalizing our industries, (2) taking power away from the states, (3) socializing the entire country, thus removing all incentives for progress, and (4) setting us up for a dictatorship in the future.
Of course, as in the past, you'll just sit on your ass and let this happen. Don't say that you weren't warned once it's too late to do anything about it.
You that have read my previous entries might think that I seem a little too radical. The truth is that rather than being radical, I'm really afraid for my future and the future of my children and their children. Yes, this administration is changing your way of life permanently and not for the better. They took over during very difficult times and had a golden opportunity to turn it around; but instead, they have manipulated the situation so that the rest of the world will fail and we will all be vulnerable to those that seek our destruction.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Well, Obama finally got his Stimulus Package (SP). Of course they (the Senate) had to charter a plane to fly in one more Senator in order to get the 60th vote needed. The reason that no Republicans in the House of Representatives voted against it was simple; the bill (over 1,000 pages of legislation) was handed out at midnight prior to the voting day. Since no one, yes I said NO ONE had a chance to read it, how could they vote for it ? On the other hand, the Democrats said that if their Democrat President wanted it, that they should vote for it.
Would you sign a contract without first reading it ? I guess that you would since you voted for these people (including Obama) without reading all about them.
Now we're not only stuck with a liberal Congress that caused this problem in the first place, but we also have a President that takes his "marching orders" from his handlers. No matter what you might say about our previous President, he still could think and act for himself. Notice how Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi have kept Obama out of Washington while this voting was going on. President Obama is about to sign into law a bill that he hasn't read and is assuming that everything that he's told about it is so. Why not ? It's not his money, it's not any member of Congresses money. It's your money that will be wasted on "pet projects" that have nothing to do with strengthening our economy.
Obama uses the word "audacity" in some of his speeches and you hardly noticed it. Now you have the chance to see what he can our President have the AUDACITY to sign a bill that he hasn't read and has no knowledge of what's in it other than what he's been told by corrupt legislators ? For a man with a 127 IQ, he certainly is acting like a fool.
I keep trying to want to see Obama as a success, but he is "hellbent" on making this country worse than when he took office. Maybe, I've got it wrong; isn't one of the goals of our government supposed to be that of making our country better ?
On another note; where is all this money coming from ? I'll tell you where it will come from. Since most of the nations that loan us money have "cut us off", we'll have to get the printing presses rolling and print up that money, thus putting more dollars in circulation and finally rampant inflation. This bill has sealed you fate. You will never again enjoy the way things were, your income will decrease, your expenses will increase, your opportunities will minimize, your children's futures will be limited and you'll probably blame everyone for this when it is your fault for voting blindly...just like Obama will when he signs this wasteful bill.
If you think that this is the end to appropriating more government money, you a fool too. This is just the start of getting more hundreds of billions of dollars wasted. By the time that this administration sees the failure of these bills, they'll have spent over two and a half trillion dollars for nothing.
The best way to see how bad this is, is to watch where the money is spent and whose pockets it ends up in...certainly not yours or mine. You can bet that every croney of a Democrat Congressman (and Congresswoman) will become very wealthy from this while the middle class gets wiped out. The assigning the money to specific industries will have stings attached so that those industries will become nationalized without ever using that word. It's already happened to banking; next will probably be the medical and insurance industries followed by transportation and construction.
Does this sound familiar ? This is exactly what Hitler did in Germany...nationalize one industry after another until the Nazi regime ran everything. It's called fascism (a not so polite name for liberalism).
Prepare for hard times ahead or you'll end up as one of the poor that will vote for any promise of help or as Obama says, "HOPE".

Thursday, February 12, 2009

More parts of the Stimulus Package...

Of course any moneys given away by our benevolent government will end up in someone's pockets, and that's the purpose of the plan.
As an example: In Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco district there is a mouse that's been almost totally eliminated many years ago. The Stimulus Package (SP) has allotted $30 million for "Mouse Habitat Restoration". Of course, who's going to go up against Pelosi as she is a Democrat, a woman, Speaker of the House and third in line should anything happen to Obama and Biden.
Now I see how this will create jobs and help our economy. People will be needed to restore the living environment for those poor mice,people will be needed to monitor the progress of these mice, people will be needed to manufacture, package and deliver mouse traps and mouse poison once the mouse colony is restored. This should easily get our economy out of the hole that it's in.
There's $300 million for the purchase of golf carts for governmental (city, state and federal) properties, in order to get from building to building. Wow, this will employ people to build, deliver, maintain and stripe parking areas for these carts. That really is going to help put food on your table.
By this reasoning, all the banks should buy corporate jets with our money as it takes people to build them, to fly them, to maintain them, to house them in hangars, etc. This will make us all rich...LOL
Congress is raping this country with ridiculous spending and you get to pay for it all, even though most of you don't want this Stimulus Package. There's nothing in it that will help you personally.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It should be clear now...

Although our attention to fraudulent practices has been diverted to Bernard Madoff who bilked $50 billion from investors with his "ponzi scheme", Congress was forced to put on a show to pacify the American public about where their $350 billion went (to the banks).
Today, the CEOs of the nations leading banks were called before a Congressional Committee to account for the TARP money given to them.
I watched these hearings and my suspicions were finally confirmed. At no time were any of these bankers asked directly, "What did you do with the money" ? Instead, they were asked about cancelled contracts for jets, cancelled bonuses, $1/ year salaries, etc. It was a great show and at times I though I was watching a movie written by Hollywood's best writers.
In reality, Congress was covering their asses (Frank, Reed, Pelosi, etc.) as it became very apparent from the questions and answers that some of our Representatives were in on this scheme too.
After an entire day of questioning (very selected), not one person has accounted for a single cent of the taxpayer money given to them.
Last week, Wells Fargo fessed up to using some of the money to buy another bank (Wachovia).
However, not one cent has been used for loans as was originally "intended". Some of the banks bought Treasury Bills with the money and collected income from that. Still, no one knows exactly where our $350 billion is. Now the banks want another $trillion to "bail them out".
Don't you get it ? Those people that you elected to represent you see the "ship sinking" (our government failing) and are taking this last opportunity to line their pockets and off-shore accounts before the public figures it out.
Just look at the farce that Obama is pulling; going to poor cities to try to "sell" his "stimulus plan" to people that have no say in it. Shouldn't our President be in Washington trying to convince Congress ? Since some of our Congress sees that only 4% of the "stimulus plan" actually goes for helping the economy, they're having a hard time justifying voting for it.
So, there you have it...a corrupt Congress and a puppet President. And, all you fools are still bowing down to your "savior" Obama...
I'll truly be amazed if this "stimulus plan" doesn't throw the world into a major depression. And, as history has taught us, the only way out of a depression is a world war. War always stimulates an economy.
We must get rid of those Representatives, those Senators and even the occupants of our White House and go back to what our Constitution intended.
You've been scammed and don't even know it because you're too lazy to research any of the people that you vote for. Our government MUST BE REPLACED by honest, competent people that put our country before their pockets.
Obama IS NOT the "messiah" as so many of you call him. He's just a clever, well educated man that is actually incompetent in his present position and is being controlled by his "handlers". He's acting like a little kid. Just falling short of throwing a tantrum because he can't get his way. Watch his facial expressions and body language when he speaks. He's actually talking down to us. His ego is so large that it blinds him from seeing that he is President in name only and the corrupt handlers are "pulling his strings".
You may be thinking that "they" won't let it get much worse...well, when you can't afford your mortgage, to feed your kids or even fuel up you car, don't say that I didn't warn you.
The most expensive commodity that this country has is ignorance. In your ignorance you not only permit this country to be raped but continue to put the people in office that are doing it.

Monday, February 09, 2009

1st Presidential News Conference

I don't know if you watched (or listened to) Presidents Obama's first Presidential Press Conference tonight (2/9/09). I assumed that he would speak as an attorney, for which he's schooled in being.
Well, he certainly did just that...never answering a question directly, always throwing in confusing rhetoric and worst of all, stuttering, stammering and constantly re-saying his words. Without a teleprompter, Obama is a very poor speaker.
This press conference was supposed to "sell" the American people on going for his Stimulus Package (SP). First, let us be real about this; the SP was really written by Pelosi and her cohorts. It is hundreds of pages of items that have nothing to do with the economy or jobs. No one has completely read it through or knows why they're voting for or against it. It is designed to not only spend (waste) money for "pet projects" but to set the foundation of nationalizing every industry in the nation.
As an example, look at some of the provisions in the Healthcare sections. It states that a new department (more government) would be formed to oversee Medicare spending and would be the gatekeepers that would determine if the cost of medical care (operations, medicines, etc.) would be worthwhile for those over 65 years old. Yes...this is one of those items in this package.
Our Vice President, Joe Biden just said that the SP has a 30% chance of failure. When Obama was asked about that, he laughed at Biden (his V.P) and never said that the chances for success were greater. Additionally, he kept commenting on "we'll try this, we'll try that..."
He even threw a new phrase into our governmental jargon. The words "Ideological Blockage"; meaning that if you're not thinking his way, then you're wrong.
He's making some very bad an example is appointing a tax evader as head of the Treasury and IRS. That's the same as having a fox guard the hen house.
The jobs he's talking about creating are only temporary and go away when the projects are completed. More money to the banks is absurd. As an example, Wells Fargo declined any federal "bail out" funds, and after Barney Frank forced them to take it, they bought Wachovia with the money. Wow, that sure stimulated the economy.
The really worst part of this "show" was Obama's demeanor. A friend of mine that teaches body language and facial movements, commented that when Obama tried to answer (or not answer) any question, he was not being truthful.
Well, you voted for this guy with no track record in the Senate and no real governing experience and now we're all stuck with him. The bag boy at the supermarket could make better decisions. I so want him to succeed but so far he's paving a path to perhaps ending up as the worst President we've ever had. If he keeps moving in the direction he's going with the appointees he's surrounding himself with, we're not only destined to throw this nation and the rest of the world into a great depression, but opening the doors for Al Quada to make large inroads into America. Please let me be wrong..........

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Stimulating the economy.

Have you seen the "stimulus package" that's being presented to our Congress?
First of all, there isn't one thing in it that puts money in your pocket.
It expands almost every governmental agency. That is what they call job creation.
It is a shopping list for the Democrats that they've been trying to push through for years. No wonder that not one Republican has voted for it.
Obama keeps breaking all of his campaign promises and "bringing both sides together" (meaning Democrats and Republicans) isn't happening. As a matter of fact, his stimulus package is separating them even more. Like you, I too was "hoodwinked" into thinking that Obama was this extremely bright individual that had my best interests in mind. I'm starting to see that he is making dumber decisions than his predecessor (Bush).
The "change" that he spoke about was never defined and we now get to see what it is. It's the making government so big that they can nationalize every industry. The stimulus package that's been given out so far, nationalizes the banking industry. Next, the government is going after the automotive industry. Obviously, construction and transportation will be next.
I also am starting to see a trend in why this administration is being so frivolous with the taxpayer's money. Notice that some of Obama's appointees are income tax evaders; and that's the one's we know of. How many others are "staying under the radar" ? It's not their money being thrown away but only ours.
It becomes more obvious every day that Obama is our President in name only and is being run by his handlers that have a clandestine agenda of moving our country closer to that "one world government" that reduces us from being a "first world country" to just another country in the pile. This has already been accomplished in Europe with their European Union (which is failing).
To shovel money into projects that produce nothing but only temporary jobs such as building more infrastructure or throwing money at an already failing educational system doesn't help the economy at all. Bailing out industries that are mismanaged does nothing for our economy.
If you really are sincere about helping turn around our economy, it's really easy. First, reduce or eliminate all capital gains taxes for at least a five years so that there is an incentive to invest and spend. Next, reduce and freeze all existing mortgages to 5% or below to help save the homes of people that are being foreclosed on. And, deregulate most industries to allow us to compete with other nations. I guarantee you that this will not only turn around our economy very quickly but make us one of the most prosperous countries in the world again.
In addition, stop all foreign aid (especially to our enemies), eliminate most subsidies and let the marketplace seek its own level, make lobbyists illegal and make single item bills mandatory (no more pork snuck into bills), limit all government spending (with the exception of military) and let poorly run businesses fail so that well run ones can be more successful.
Do all this and we not only can eliminate our income tax but the government will end up with enough surplus to pay down our national debt.
We will be prosperous, stronger, happier, healthier and the envy of every other nation in the world. Because of your politics and avoidance of being more educated in what our representatives are doing, you've just gone along with things for too long and now you're the victim of it. In your heart, you know I'm right.