Sunday, August 31, 2008

A qualified President

I keep hearing so much talk about who is and who isn't qualified to be our next President. I'd like to clear up this matter by telling you to read your Constitution of The United States America.
It clearly defines the qualifications needed by a person that aspires to become President of The United States of America.
The only qualifications are;
(1) they be a natural born citizen
(2) they be at least 35 years of age
(3) they have been a resident of the United States for at least the last 14 years

Well, it seems that McCain and Palin certainly meets those requirements. There is no question about Biden; but Obama was born in Kenya not in the United States (or its territories).
The Republican National Committee has produced several different birth certificates for Obama and they were all proven to be fraudulent or forgeries. The only documented proof of Obama's birth is a Certificate of Live Birth issued in Mombasa, Kenya. It is dated 10 days before the first birth certificate in Hawaii is was issued.
So, Biden, McCain and Palin meet the Constitutionally required criteria to be running for President and Vice President. Are the Republicans going to get a qualified person to run for President or do the Democrats win by default (or no contest) ?

Monday, August 25, 2008

The new title holder...

Many years ago I realized that Roseanne Barr was the angriest woman in America. Then along came Rosie O'Donnell; and she took the title away. A few years later, we were all exposed to Hillary Clinton.
Now the first two were trailer trash, but Hillary was an educated attorney so a new standard of anger and hatefulness was established.
The bar has now been raised. When I first heard that Harvard graduate, Michelle Obama say that "this was the first time in her life that she was proud of America", I started to pat attention to her. Every time I see her on TV and watch her facial expressions, head movement and body language, I'm appalled at how angry she is. With her new hairstyle and practiced smile (for the camera), she tends to fool a lot of people. Michelle has now taken the crown as the angriest woman in America.
We all wondered how long Roseanne or Rosie could remain in a relationship and we all won our bets that it couldn't be very long. With the Clintons, it's strictly because of politics and money that they remain together. After all, how much can Bill take ?
Can you imagine what Barak has to put up with (behind closed doors) with that hateful Michelle ?
After watching her speech at the Democratic Convention, and paying close attention to her tonal qualities, facial expressions, feigned smile and aggressive body language, I actually became afraid of her. If Barak should become our next President, I pity the poor souls on the White House staff. She'll make Hillary seem like an angel.
Congratulations Michelle, you are, without a doubt THE ANGRIEST WOMAN IN AMERICA.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Olympics

Well, now that the 2008 Olympic Games have finally come to an end, we can all get back to seeing our normal programming on NBC again.
After all these years, NBC Sports still hasn't learned the nuances of shooting a sporting event. Maybe they should take lessons from the other Network that has it down to a science. As an example: Keep the ball in the center of the screen...
In 776 BC, the first Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece and the events were running (200 & 400m), jumping, discus throw, wrestling, boxing, pankration (boxing & wrestling combined) and equestrian (horse & chariot races).
Over the years, events have been added as well as dropped and in 2008 we have such ridiculous events such as "Ribbon Dancing" that's a real sport (LOL). How about the T&A show called Women's Beach Volleyball. That event is strictly so dirty old men (and women) can ogle practically nude, tall, breastless females jumping around in the skimpiest attire permitted on daytime TV. How about the challenge of age for those cute little underdeveloped Chinese gymnasts (not that the other girls are much more developed).
Of course, having an almost unlimited number of pool events would naturally lend itself to a single individual dominating and winning a record number of gold medals instead of one for each separate venue.
Don't despair as we have the Winter Olympics to look forward to with the excitement of "Curling". To make matters worse, the Olympic Committee is considering adding Bridge (a card game) to its list of events.
Actually, who really cares who the fastest or straightest person is ? Other than a specific event or person that you may be interested in, who watches all of this waste of energy, money and propaganda ? If you're bed ridden, with no remote control and the TV is stuck on NBC, you have a legitimate excuse...the rest of you either have no life or are brain dead.
Don't get me wrong, this was great for ratings and the economy in general. The Opening and Closing Ceremonies were spectacular and true entertainment. I'm waiting for the addition of either "marbles", "stick ball" or "tiddely winks" to the games before I'll need a front row seat.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Is Obama a citizen ?

When asked, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) posted Obama's birth certificate on their website. This birth certificate was challenged and so a different one was posted which has since been proven to be a forgery.
An attorney (financed by guess who) named Philip Berg has proven that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya and seven days later flown to Hawaii where a new Certificate of Live Birth was filled out. These facts have been covered up by the DNC until now.
According to our Constitution, only a person born in the United States can qualify to be a nominee for President of the United States. That is why the Governor of California can't run for President, he's a citizen of the United States but was born in Europe.
Philip Berg is going to sue the DNC for falsely allowing a non-qualified person (Obama) to be put up as a candidate for President in the upcoming election.
This is just another one of the lies and cover ups that Obama is guilty of. Be clear that Obama is NOT eligible to run for President of the United States. If Obama is not in front of a teleprompter, he can hardly articulate a complete thought; and that statement will change by the next day when frowned upon by the public.
Almost everyone that I've asked why they're voting for Obama knows nothing about him or what he stands for. He talks about hope...c'mon, hope is what ? He talks about change. His change is for more taxes, giving into muslim terrorists, bigger government, etc. Not one black person that I've spoken with cares about who he is or what he stands for; they're just voting for him because he's black. If anything is said against him or his evil, manic wife, they're called a bigot. So if you don't vote for Obama then you're a racist...
When does this insanity stop ?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The beginning of the end.

I'm so saddened over the fact that my children (and yours) will have less opportunities and a chance at a better life than I have. What's even worse is that our grandchildren will have even less of a chance at a good standard of living than our children.
During my entire lifetime, the United States of America has always been number one in everything in the world. We were the richest and most powerful nation in the world. Now we've slipped to #5 in medicine, #12 in education, #5 in economic wealth, #3 in standard of living, #2 in automotive and this year we fall to #2 in manufacturing. We're only second to Russia in domestic crime and will probably become first shortly due to illegal immigrants.
I wondered how and why this was happening. After doing a little research the answer just jumped up at me and is now so obvious. Between the liberal thinking and our corrupt and inept Congresses there have been so many laws, restrictions and litigations that any progress is hampered to the point where we have no incentive to better ourselves.
Since the inception of a United States of America, we have fought and struggled to make our lives and our country better with each generation. This generation no longer cares or is even interested in continuing with that trend. Of course, you can come up with reasons or excuses for this fallback in a specific industry or field, but those arguments are irrelevant when you look at "the big picture". The only thing that we lead the world in is auto accidents and a progressively lowering level of education.
You're all content to drive home in your new car and sit in front of your 50" HDTV and bitch about everything that's "wrong" without doing a damn thing about it. Yes, YOU are the reason that our standard of living is falling apart. You have the power to elect people that do give a damn. So far you've gone to the voting booth and elected representatives that had personal agendas and persisted in "buying" votes by "giveaways" to those that refused to contribute to our system. Today, we've become so used to our government taking care of us with "freebies" and political correctness that a huge industry has emerged just to sue everyone and anyone over anything, regardless of who is hurt. Your church has been a partner in all of this by shoving "hope" and charity in your face instead of motivating you to get off your ass and do better.
I'm glad to have been part of the last generation of growth, freedom and prosperity. Fortunately, I'll probably be gone when everything starts to fall apart. Unfortunately, the generations after mine will curse us all for not doing something about it.
Keep your liberal thinking and keep giving this country away and know that the future is your doing. Vote for those that have let this happen; keep them in office so that this downward slide can continue in an orderly fashion. Elect a President that will support a corrupt and incompetent Congress. Do nothing but just go about your daily life as you watch your income slowly dwindle, your cost of living increase, your opportunities disappear, your children become less and less literate, dependent on products and services from other countries as well as poorer health care. As a matter of fact, don't vote at all and let this decline happen more rapidly.
What the hell is the matter with you ?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

America attacked...

I'm having a problem understanding what prompts us; or gets in the way of us going to war when attacked.
On July 30, 1916, the Germans blew up the factories on Black Tom Island in New York City. Woodrow Wilson was running for re-election on the "No War ticket" and told the people of this country the lie that it was just an accident. Several months later after he was re-elected, we entered WWI.
On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (as scheduled) and Franklin Roosevelt entered us into WWII immediately. This was planned to bring us out of a depression.
We had been building ships, tanks planes and munitions in preparation and needed an excuse to go to war.
...and now we enter the era of political correctness...
On February 26, 1993 the World Trade Center was attacked, and although it was done by islamic militants, Bill Clinton did nothing about it because he was in the process of scaling down our military.
On April 19, 1995 the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was bombed by islamic trained Americans and again Bill Clinton did nothing about it.
On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center is attacked again; and finally a President (George W. Bush) takes action against the islamic militants. Nonetheless, he too has to lie to the American people in order to start this most recent war. in Iraq.
With all of his faults, George Bush is the only president (since Roosevelt) with the balls to retaliate when we are attacked. Notice that as long as everyone knows that we'll hit back if attacked, they'll hold back. We haven't been attacked again in this country since 9/11/2001 because everyone knows we will attack them.
Why do the people of this country bad-mouth any president that will fight back for this country ?
Why do the people of this country want a President that wants to "negotiate" a peace when that will only open us to being attacked (note the Clinton years).