Sunday, November 24, 2013

Are we too late ?

After reading about the elections during my lifetime, I've found some common threads.   The financially powerful have determined who runs our country for over the past 70+ years.   Your vote doesn't count.   You had your last chance back in the 1930's.   Very quietly, Democracy in this country has been destroyed.   

We have reached a point in America where:
Our Constitutional rights are stepped upon or ignored
Corporate dollars dictate every action of the government
Democracy is dead

This has been accomplished by over taxation and the "dumbing down" of America.  The concept of Freedom is now only the pursuit of self interest.   You've been told to hold on to "Hope".   Hope is only in the imagination; it's really a non-experience.  

The American culture has has been eroded away by special interest groups that are now given special treatment.   We hear "The system is broken" and we apathetically take it for granted.

We have been divided (by this administration) into a society where we see:
Blacks vs Whites
Illegal Aliens vs Americans
Young vs Old
Haves vs Have Nots

We are told how to run every aspect of our lives (food, health, education, redesign of cities, etc.)
The wealthy control more money (over $13 Trillion) and power that they can afford to "rig the game".   As an example. try to go into business or buy a home...the rules, regulations, taxes, fees and paperwork keep almost everyone unable to participate in the "American Dream".

We now have a new generation that's referred to as the Zero Generation because of their huge debt, zero employment, zero hope, zero opportunity, etc.   Creativity and individual thinking and effort is stifled.   This stars the very first day in school.   We are taught to "Conform" with our first fire drill, where we're told to hold hands a file out in a straight line.   From then on, we are immersed in the concept of "team effort".

Today, our biggest export is violence.   America is no longer recognized as a Democracy.   We are governed by penalties and punishments.   All of our problems are solved by money or violence.   We live in a War Zone, surrounded by SWAT teams and other governmental agencies.   Everyone is a suspect or a potential terrorist.   We have given up on politics.

Our last remaining effort at regaining our freedom and our country is:
The need to believe that we can take it back
We need to organize
We need to Revolt...civil disobedience isn't enough.

There are "pockets" of Americans all around the country that are prepared to take up arms, and these groups are growing daily.   The government is also aware of this and preparing by agreements with the U.N. for troops, making plans to turn off the electricity, control the food and fuel supply, and declare martial law.

If we don't have a national revolt in the near future, you can kiss your ass goodbye.   The next few years are the "make or break" point for America.   If you do nothing but sit back and accept what is already happening, don't come sniveling to me about how the government screwed you because Ill just laugh in your face...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

More on ACA

I just finished watching "Meet The Press" with David Gregory where he had Nancy Pelosi (C-Dem) as his guest.   When she was asked some very pointed questions, she either avoided the question or gave political double talk about it.
When challenged about her statement regarding ObamaCare (ACA), "Just pass it, you can read it later...".   Her reply was that, "That's how things are done, if not, we'd never pass anything...".
Do you really want your Representatives and Senators to vote for things that affect your life without reading these bills and laws first ?   If you do, then who needs them ?   If you want people voting in your behalf, they should be knowledgeable regarding what they're voting for and how it will affect you.
No one in Congress meets the criteria of having your interest 100% in mind.   They are only interested in "going along to get along" and being re-elected.
I suggest that we no longer support career politicians.   If someone has already served, vote them out so we can have a chance at some new thinking.
Of course, I'm all for people having insurance to cover their medical needs; however, if you look at the ObamaCare "qualified" plans, the least expensive doesn't cover the most expensive medical procedures.   The plans that do, are so expensive that they are unaffordable for most of us.
ACA stands for Affordable Care Act.  
(1) It is a Law not an act.
(2) It is unaffordable.
(3) It diminishes health Care.
More doctors are either dropping out of ACA or are leaving their practices every day.
A huge amount of hospitals are not participating in the new law.
And, to make matters worse, there are age limits for many tests and procedures.
Read the ACA and you'll find that over 60% of it has nothing to do with health care, but is extra things dumped in it by various special interests.

On another note:
One reason people won't sign up for ObamaCare that don't want it is that they're willing to pay the penalty (which is a tax according to the Supreme Court), which is deductible from their income tax.
It actually costs them nothing..........Ta Da

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The True Intentions....

"The Cat's Outta The Bag" regarding ObamaCare.
First of all, why is it such a hard sell ?   Have you seen the controversial ads to get younger people to sign up for it ?
Why weren't we told all of what was in it before it became law ?
Why didn't anyone that voted for it, read it ?
Why were we lied to about certain parts of it ?
Why is more than half of the this law dealing with things unrelated to health care ?
Why wasn't an American company used to build the website ?
Why is the website such a failure (and so expensive) ?   Three people in Seattle built a better website that works every time, in just three days, just for the fun of it.

Well, now that our attention has been shifted from getting rid of the law to focusing on signing up people and getting the website running, we should look at what this really is all about.

Do you remember "HillaryCare" ?   When Hillary Clinton tried to force National Health Care down our throats, everyone rejected it because it meant government control over our health and controlling one seventh of our economy.
As soon as Obama became President, Clinton made her move.   She spent countless hours and days helping Obama (coaching him on what to say and what not to say) to get some kind of health care plan started.
From the beginning, ObamaCare was designed to fail.   Why you ask ?   The answer is a bit complex but I'll try to take you through it.
We all know by now that Obama isn't the "sharpest pencil in the box", but Clinton is not only very bright but ruthless too.
Now here's the bottom line on this...ObamaCare will continue to fail.   When Hillary Clinton runs for the office of President (and she will), she'll announce that she has a plan to save the health care plan for America.   She will be elected as our new President in 2016 and by then most insurance companies will have gotten out of the health care business, paving the way for "single payer" health insurance.
What does that mean ?   It means that the government is your insurance company and you pay them the premiums and they decide who gets what and when.   And Hillary finally gets her way.   And you lose a big big freedom.
If you think that this is looking too far into the future, just sit back, relax and watch it happen...

If you think Obama has hurt this country, Hillary is Obama on steroids....she'll complete the destruction of our Republic.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Likes & dislikes

What everyone likes about ObamaCare:

Children under 26 can stay on parents insurance.
Insurance companies have to give you insurance even with a pre-existing condition
No lifetime caps on your benefits

Some of the things that we don't like about ObamaCare:

Premiums go up for most of us
Deductibles go up for everyone
20 new taxes
Unemployment goes up
Working hours cut to 30 (or less)
Doctors leaving the medical profession
Huge amount of additional paperwork for doctors and hospitals
Much longer waits to get an appointment to see a doctor or for a test (See RomneyCare)
Prisoners in jail are exempt
Age limits on medical procedures
Waivers to buddies of Obama, unions, AARP, etc.
Congress gets a subsidy paid for by taxpayers
Only if Obama likes your present plan can you keep it
...and the worst is the same as sharia law; having to buy something you may not want or you must pay a tax...

I could list many more, but you get the idea.   This is a scheme to get insurance companies out of the medical insurance business and have a complete government control over your health.   This sounds like an Orwellian nightmare.   It also will increase the death rate for senior citizens so the Social Security rolls will decrease.

But, you still love Obama, Pelosi, Reid and all those that voted for it but never read it.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

This Just In...

I just became aware of a new insidious secret deal that Obama is making with a few other countries.  It's known as TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement).   This "deal" is so secret that when Congress has requested to know more about it, they were told, "it's none of their business" by Obama himself...
The agreement is with 12 other nations that will cause the United States to lose up to 20 million jobs and increase the prices of everything including food, medicine, energy and consumer items, and transfer that wealth to other nations.   This is another way that Obama is planning to destroy the middle (working) class in this country.
Just as NAFTA has cost America over 3 million jobs, TPP will be even more costly.
The meetings between the 12 nations involved include the CEO's of the largest corporations and banks in the world, but deny access to any members of these countries Congresses, Parliaments, etc.
Why is this being kept a secret from not only Congress but the American people ?
Answer:  Because it is so damaging to America that if it were known what it's all about, there would be such an outrage that Obama would be "tarred & feathered" and removed from office.
Besides his being the biggest LIAR any President has ever been, he's a SNEAKY anti-American and is dedicated to the demise of the United States of America as we know it.
Our only hope left is to remove all incumbents from Washington and keep Clinton from power.   Every time that I've warned you about something, you did nothing and you paid the consequences.   I warned you about electing Obama...but you did anyway.   I warned you about ObamaCare but you embarrassed it anyway.   Everything that I've warned you about. you've chosen to ignore.   You deserve what you get by doing nothing to stop this tyrant (Obama).  In your ignorance and apathy, you've chosen to let your way of life and the United States deteriorate...........SHAME ON YOU !