Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The new Ottoman Empire

Interestingly, Obama has done everything a coward can do to appease the muslim world.   He couldn't care less about Israel's survival.
 Looking forward, a thought occurred to me...Obama may go down in history as the catalyst behind the second Ottoman Empire.  
He has made the United States look weak and as a "joke" in defending itself.   Wrong as he might have been, at least Bush took action when we were attacked.   Obama, the muslim pacifist, chooses to do nothing but give meaningless speeches that verify his resolve to letting muslims do whatever they please in attacking our embassy's and our country.   As a "community organizer", Obama is still practicing the strategy of "do nothing and take no blame".
All Obama has is empty rhetoric which can't be delivered without stumbling if he has no teleprompter.
Isn't anyone of you concerned about the muslim threat ?   Do you really believe that there are "good" muslims ?   How can you have any respect a cult that suppresses all women, that stifles all progress, that has no moral values, that forces the return to a 1500 year old way of life ???
If Obama is re-elected, not only will you see Israel attacked by the muslims, but America will suffer attacks (chemical, biological and perhaps nuclear) that make 9/11 look like a dress rehearsal.
You voted for him last time when you knew nothing about him....Now that we all can see his Socialist, Communist, anti-America agenda, how can you vote for the man that will help the muslim world at the cost of America ?   If he gets re-elected, it's your fault because you didn't do enough to stop him and you'll deserve what you get.................

Friday, September 21, 2012

Time is short...

Something must be done soon...

We've all been told that America is about to "fall off a cliff".   What does that actually mean ?   It means that when we reach $20 Trillion in debt, not only does our credit go down the drain, but we will then be unable to pay our bills.   This means that government from Washington down to your local town will have to do away with their public services.   This means that all of that "free money" given out as entitlements will cease.   This means that the dollar will become worthless.   This means that you'll be on your government checks, no open banks, no manufacturing, no police, no transportation, no food available except at ridiculously high prices, no more "free" anything, no more inexpensive anything........YOU'LL BE ON YOUR OWN !
The Obama administration has increased our debt to over $17 Trillion and it's growing daily.   If Obama is re-elected, it will go way over the $20 Trillion mark and our ability to pay this debt will be impossible.
This administration has clouded this issue by controlling the media and omitting any honesty relating to this destruction of America.
You might ask how this happened and why our leaders aren't doing anything about it.   The answer is simple.   The United States of America was so great and the leading power in the world that others were seeking ways to bring it down.   They saw a great opportunity by putting someone in the White House that was as anti-American as you could get.   Once the community organizer thug known as Barack Obama fell on their "radar", he was pushed into the Senate and shortly afterward made President by stuffing ballot boxes.   He was new to us; we knew nothing about him and he promised us "hope & change".   The media and ACORN made sure that he would become President.
Now we know more about him.   From his early years on, all of his education came from men that schooled him in Socialism and Communism.   As a child, he attended a madrasa and was indoctrinated into islam.   If you want to know who some of his teachers and mentors were, just research Frank Marshall Davis, Lolo Soetoro, Jerimiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Edward \Said, Roberto Unger, just to name a few...
It was determined that America was so strong militarily, economically and politically that the only way to destroy America was to have this country go broke.   Obama was the correct choice to be made President that would gladly make this happen.   He is controlled by those outside of our borders to destroy America.
Not only is he spending and giving away Billions upon Billions of dollars, he is cutting back our defenses.   While the rest of the world is building up their armies and weapons (with our tax dollars), Obama is reducing our Army (Navy, Air Force, Marines, etc.), reducing our nuclear capabilities, our weapons, our intelligence organizations and our moral.
It was very important for ObamCare to become law as it alone will put us so deeply in debt that we can't recover from it.   Obama has "tied our hands" at becoming energy independent while financing other countries ventures into their energy independence with Billions of taxpayer dollars.
Obama (with the help of the evilest woman in Washington....Nancy Pelosi) is determined to bring down America.   You can listen to his rhetoric and promises, you can believe all the things he takes credit for, you can even think he's a "swell guy".   I don't think all of you are that stupid.   An indication of your concern is the huge jump in gun sales all over the country.   You know that something bad is going to happen if Obama gets re-elected.   You just aren't sure what it will be or what to do about it.
I'll tell you !!!   It will be the collapse of our government and our way of life as we know it.   What you can do about it is to make every effort to not let this man hold any public office ever again.   Urge your family, friends fellow workers, business associates and neighbors to not vote for him.
Become very active ASAP, as there isn't much time left before we get to vote him out of our lives...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Where is all the money ?

The United States gives Billions of dollars to all of the countries in the Middle East.   The greatest portion goes to the countries that are our enemies.   The worst part is that these monies are supposedly "earmarked" for civilian aid and are not spent on it.   We have no requirements for reporting or oversight as to where all of our taxpayers money is going.   No one has to account for the money that we give them.
A perfect example is the recent killing of our Ambassador to Libya.   We gave Billions in money as well as weapons and tactical support to help Libya become free.   However, the Libyan government did little to nothing in protecting our Embassy there.
Another big example is the tens of Billions and weapons given to Pakistan to help them build their army to get rid of the taliban.   To the best of any one's knowledge, none of this money has ever gone to the intended's all gone into private foreign bank accounts of government  officials.
The Pakistani's complain about our drones killing "innocent" people when we kill taliban and al quada leaders.   So why aren't the Pakistani's using their own army and police that we've paid for to get the radical muslims out of their country ?
Even in Afghanistan, where we arm and train their army, their soldiers turn on Americans and shoot them.
It's that muslim mindset..."what's mine is mine; what's yours is mine and you are always wrong while I am always right".
Every muslim country has one excuse or another for why the taliban or al quada is operating in their country.   The real reason is that they are muslims and support the other muslims as long as they're anti-American.   And yet, we keep putting American lives at risk and dumped huge amounts of money into the various countries leader's pockets.
Next April, when you pay your taxes, think about how much wealthier you're making the leader of a muslim country.
I for one am tired of seeing dead and maimed Americans coming home and watching muslims burning our flag in the streets.   What the hell is Obama's foreign policy ?   Is it to give our money to our enemies to hopefully "buy their friendship" ?   You know that no muslim can be trusted to be our friend (read the koran).   Enough is enough.............No more foreign aid to any country that has even one anti-American living there.
I've had more than enough of this administration's "DO NOTHING" attitude regarding America.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Possible Solution

How much more do we have to take ?   How stupid is our administration ?
Can't anyone see the pattern ?   In every case where we have interfered with another countries problems, it's "bit us on the ass".   As an example; we armed Al Quada and now look at what they're doing to us.
We stick our noses in everyone else's conflicts that are really none of our business.
Who declared us as the policeman of the world ?
No wonder that we're so in debt.....first we give millions and millions of dollars worth of arms to people that will turn on us, then we put our American troops at risk, then we destroy the property of those we claim we're helping and finally, we spend billions rebuilding what we destroyed.   All of this in the name of Democracy.
A possible solution might be:
(1) Leave other countries to solve their own problems.
(2) Stop arming our future enemies
      The money saved from this alone can reduce our debt considerably.
(3) Instead of arming future enemies, arm every American citizen.
      This works in Switzerland where everyone is armed and crime is almost non-existent.
(4) When any of our interests or property are attacked, retaliate immediately with overwhelming death and destruction.
(5) Build an armed force that no one would dare challenge and let them do their job.
(6) stop caring what others might think of us......Political correctness is for the weak.
(7) Forget about the Arab countries and develop ties with other powers like Russia and China.
(8) Being that we're being "hijacked" by muslim countries charging ridiculously priced oil, if we were Strong, we'd just take it (or at least set a world price).

Say what you will about Bush; but he came up with ":Shock & Awe" even though he may have had his facts wrong about WMDs.   However, he acted appropriately against an enemy anyway.
There is no muslim country that is our friend.   Why are we going further in debt and risking American lives on people that are not only unreasonable but hate us anyway ?
Isn't it time that we focus on solving our problems instead of the rest of the world's problems ?

...and of course, Obama is such a wimp that he'll do nothing about our Ambassador being killed.
We need strong people running our country whose interests are for America first.
Bottom line..............America first, the hell with our enemies.