Saturday, April 30, 2011

What matters...

Well, it looks like the Obama "birth certificate search" has been finally resolved. It is official; he was born in Hawaii and is declared as a Negro. This also confirms that he isn't white. Does that really matter ? Some might say that there is a difference between having a black or white President. I don't think that matters.
Now Obama's proof of education is under scrutiny. We're told that he went to a junior college in Los Angeles for two years, then transferred to Columbia University (as a Political Science major).
In 1885 he moved to Chicago and two years latter was accepted to Harvard Law School (graduating in 1991). Does any of that really matter ? We've had Presidents with far less education as well as some with more.

What really matters is the things that a President does to help or harm our country. As an example, Andrew Jackson was condemned as a tyrant during his Presidency. However, it took that in order to bring our country's debt down to Zero.
What really matters is that Obama will go down in history as the WORST President that ever ran this country. He not only is a tyrant, but is clueless in running anything. His ego forces him to believe that he knows better than anyone else what is right for America. Now his focus is primarily on being elected.
He is not done with bringing America down. With the help (and direction) of his "collaborators" like George Soros and others that are hellbent in seeing the United States of America fail, he has already hurt this country with his policies, agenda and lies more than any President before him. Those that look up to him are surely ignorant about anything that has transpired since his election.
Just ask yourself, are you better off today than you were when Obama took office ? The answer for 99% of us is NO. Our cost of living has gone up, our National Debt is so high that it probably can never be paid off, more people are unemployed than were during the 1929 depression, we are engaged in three wars (why are we in Libya), a "Health Care Bill" has been forced down our throats that is so costly that we cannot afford it, etc.
Now this con man and puppet of foreigners wants to be President for another four years. In just two years he's done more damage than any President before him and he still has almost two more years to do more damage. And, he wants four more years.......that's unconscionable.
If we permit him to continue and to be re-elected, the United States of America, the American dream, our standard of living, our way of life, and our children's future are all in jeopardy. Yes, it really hurts me to see this man go about destroying my country.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Rising oil prices...

Why is Obama telling everybody that the rise in the price of gasoline is the fault of "speculators"? Is he really that stupid that he can't see the Real Truth that it's primarily his fault ?
In every interview with oil producers and the heads of oil producing nations, the thing that's continually being said is that because oil is priced in U.S. dollars and the United States keeps printing more dollars, there are more dollars chasing the same number of goods, thus making the dollar's purchasing value to drop.
It's not only oil that is being priced higher; just look at what food is costing you. Yes, everything is costing more because of the continued printing of dollars.
Only a government can take expensive paper, add high quality ink to it and make it worthless.
If your standard of living is dropping, you can blame Obama and his agenda. He always finds a way to blame someone else for his clueless incompetence.
Of course, it's not his fault...he is manipulated by Soros, his major campaign contributor.
No matter what Obama does, it is another step in deteriorating the American way of life. And now he wants to spend a Billion dollars on his re-election campaign. Anyone giving him sound advice is dismissed and he sets the media out to "bad mouth" them. He believes that he is the smartest person in the world and the rest of us are stupid. Where he's right about this is that we're doing nothing to stop him.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

While we're engaged in two wars and on the verge of a third, while parts of our country are reeling from disasters, while our economy is failing, while the gov't. is on the verge of not being unable to meet its financial obligations......
our President is flying around the country (at taxpayer's expense) attending campaign rallies and dinners to raise money for his re-election campaign.
At these events, he is either changing history or outright telling lies to those giving him money.
As an example: At a $35,000 per seat dinner in Los Angeles this week, he told the attendees how he grew up in poverty, his grandmother living on food stamps and welfare. He told of how his mother was on food stamps while she was attending college for her PhD.
The REAL TRUTH is that his grandmother was the Vice President of the largest bank in Hawaii, his stepfather was the Vice President of an oil company, there is no record of his mother ever having received (or applied for) food stamps, and his "poverty" was that he attended the most expensive private schools thanks to his grandmother. Meanwhile, his brother lives in a hut.
Obama has never been poor, never held a real job, is best known as a Community Organizer (THUG) and has no qualifications to hold any public office (from dog catcher to mail carrier).
Obama is a liar, wastes our tax money for personal gain and is not interested in making America better.
Last year he slashed a federal program in order to fund one of Michele's pet projects. Obama is exploiting his position to the point of dereliction of duty and should be not only impeached but RECALLED and removed from office in disgrace.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't you get it ???

Our government was almost "shut down" by this administration because our Congress couldn't come up with a budget.
First of all, over 700,000 government employees were considered as "non-essential". Well, if the country can continue without these "non-essential" workers,; that shows you one example of how large this government has grown. Of course the grants to ACORN, NEA, EPA, etc. weren't even considered in any cuts in spending.
It finally came down to Congress fighting over supporting Planned Parenthood. Why does the government even involved with this organization in the first place ?
The biggest slap in the face to the American people was that Obama was going to keep our troops (all of them are volunteers) fighting two (soon to be three) wars and halt their pay...putting an additional strain on the families of these men and women of our Armed Forces.
Bringing down the cost of running our government is easy. The following should be done;
(1) Discontinue Foreign Aid.
(2) Resign from the U.N. and use that building (in Manhattan) for housing.
(3) Eliminate all departments that take away states rights (like Department of Education).
(4) Stop funding special interest organizations (like ACORN, NEA, EPA, etc.)
(5) Reduce (or freeze) Congressional salaries.
(6) Eliminate pensions for all 1 & 2 term Congress members.
(7) Institute the Fair Tax and then the IRS is no longer needed.
(8) Stop borrowing.
(9) "Grandfather" all recipients of Social Security and set up a new plan for those still contributing to it.
(10) Reduce or eliminate subsidies to corporations.
...and this list could go on and on...
The bottom line is that our government is so large that it is no longer affordable. In addition to this is the fact that it is run by incompetent people that permit our Constitution to be violated by a tyrannical President.
If you think this country is being ruined, watch out if Obama gets re-elected. He then has nothing to lose (since he doesn't have to worry about getting elected again) by completely destroying our country.
Don't you get it yet ??? If you don't, then you're really stupid and shouldn't even be allowed to vote.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Enough is enough...

By now, you all must know that the "Great Experiment" called Democracy has run its course and can no longer survive. The Constitution has become a document to challenge rather than respect and uphold. The States have lost their rights and the people no longer rule their destinies.
With Obama declaring a run at a second term and willing to spend over a Billion dollars I realized that even though the Constitution states that the President's term be limited to two consecutive terms, Obama will subvert this amendment in his original goal to become Dictator of the United States.
This administration has declared on several occasions the the Constitution stands in their way.
Under Obama, the United States of America will become just "AMERICA". The plans are already in place (in Washington) to divide the country into five separate areas.
The people no longer have any of their original rights and freedoms. Every freedom or right that you think you have is hampered with technicalities and restrictions. Of course, you realize that these so called rights and freedoms are bestowed upon you by the government and can be taken away at any given moment. You've already lost most of them.
This country went through a great Civil War when several of the states withdrew from the union of the United States. That was because of economics, slavery and egos.
Since Washington, and particularly the Obama administration is dictating to the states and using coercion to make them comply to Washington's dictate, there is no longer any reason to be part of the United States of America. Each state can either survive on its own or merge with its neighbors. Large states like California and Texas can do very well on their own as they contain natural resources, manufacturing, farming and economic establishment.
Yes, I'm calling for secession from the United States. We no longer need Washington telling us how to live our lives. We no longer need Washington to tell us what to buy. We no longer need Washington to give away the fruits of our labor to other countries and those that are not deserving. Since our armed forces are only used to fight in other countries rather than protect our borders, they are worthless in defending the United States of America.
Enough is's time to take back our country from the corrupt politicians and ego maniacs that are in power now. Democracy has finally failed. Its downfall came once the liberal factions found out that they could vote away the property and money of the producing classes. The original reason for the income tax was to make sure that no one could ever become wealthy enough to revolt (exactly as Carl Marx wrote it).
You're being taxed into poverty. You may not see it yet. With the Trillions of dollars of debt that has been dumped on us in just two years, the only way out is to tax us until we are too poor and beaten down to resist.
We must act now; before it's too late. Many of those than can afford it are leaving, or have already left this country. Like it or not, we will engage in any one or more of the following in your lifetime if you don't act n0w:
A food war
An age war
A tax revolt
A race war
A resource war
You may think that this is too radical. Just look around, ask your friends and neighbors how they're not as well off as they were two years ago. Why is everyone saying that our children won't live as well as we have ?
The most practical solution is to disassemble the United States. Get rid of Washington completely. Get the United Nations off of our land. Bring our troops home to support the freedom of the states that they live in.
Institute a "Fair Tax" so everyone keeps more of their earnings (yes, we'll always need a Tax to support our local governments).
I don't know about you, but I want my FREEDOM back. I have the concept that I have RIGHTS...I want those respected, not stepped on by the tyrants of Washington. The Supreme Court no longer interprets the Constitution, it now makes LAW. The President no longer follows the Constitution, he dictates his will.
Since most of the media (TV, newspapers, magazines, bloggers, etc.) are controlled by Washington, you have to go out and find out what's really happening. You won't find it in you daily news.
How many times do you need to be lied to by those in Washington before you stop believing them ?
We must REVOLT or SECEDE now or forever lose our future.