Friday, July 23, 2010

The ELEPHANTS in the room...

We hear the expression "Elephant in the room...". This means that there is an issue so large and frightful that no one wants to talk about it.
Well, obviously, the Obama controlled press certainly won't bring the following issues to the public, so it has become my job (I guess).
Let's start out with all of the corruption in our government.
Every day we hear about some Senator or Representative abusing their power, not paying their taxes, doing deals "under the table" and outright breaking the law. Because of this, dozens of "Oversight Committees" have been formed, thus creating jobs and larger government. Interestingly, these new committees, new agencies and new departments whose job it is to "oversee" the existing corruption, is not only making our government larger under the guise of "job creation". The big problem with this is that all of these newly formed groups are either headed by very inexperienced people (as payback favors for getting Obama elected) and are staffed by inexperienced people.
This brings us to another issue (Elephant)...all of these new groups are overwhelmingly run and staffed by minorities, qualified or not. No one wants to talk about the "reverse racism" being practiced by the White House. This administration has caused the largest divide between the races that any of us has every seen before.
Obama struts around saying that he got the Health Care bill passed, the Stimulus bill passed and the Financial Reform bill passed. Notably, approximately 75% of Americans are against these bills, as well as the provisions in them that have nothing to do with the bills themselves (read them and see for yourself). That was only because of backroom deals with members of Congress that can be "bought" and the 60 members of the Senate that Obama owns. He has totally divided the Congress as Democrats versus Republicans, regardless of what the issue is.
Another Elephant...Next Friday (7/30/2010) will be the 94th anniversary of the "Black Tom Attack" on this country. Most of you probably have never heard about this. On Sept. 30th, 1916, Germans that had infiltrated our country and been living here (illegally) for years, blew up one of our largest arms stockpiles on Black Tom Island in New York. Today, because of our "political correctness", we have thousands of anti-American muslims spread throughout this country getting themselves ready for the next 9/11 event. The press never tells you about the hundreds of times in recent years that muslims in this country have been found with deadly biologicals or huge amounts of explosives. They say that these incidents aren't publicized because they don't want us to "panic". That's not true...if you knew of just a fraction of the threats to our lives, you'd want every muslim thrown out of this country. Just like the Germans in 1916, the muslims that are here now are this century's wave of anti-American infiltrators.
Another Elephant is how Congress spends our money...Yes, it's our money, not theirs. If you look through the pages of the U.S. budget, you'll see that we have to borrow money from other counties (such as China) and pay interest on these loans in order to give away billions of dollars to other countries. As an example:
$40 Billion to Mexico
$35 Billion to Lebanon
$18 Billion to Columbia
$40 Billion to Russia
...and the list goes on and on.
Is it any wonder that we have starving and homeless in this country when we're giving away your money to 77 other nations and organizations around the world ?
So, when are you going to voice your discontent with this administration ? Do you have the guts to vote them all out in November ? Does your state have the guts to enforce laws against illegals ? What do I need to do to motivate you to start screaming at your government and change things so that America can be free and wealthy again ???

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another hoax....

Well, this regime (administration) is living up to its mantra of "never let a good crisis go to waste".
Obama is against "Big Oil" so everywhere we look, we're shown pictures of oil drenched swampland, oil soaked birds, people cleaning up oil balls, etc.
This has all of us going along with the "moratorium" o drilling for oil in the Gulf.
After speaking with several people that volunteered to help clean birds and the beaches, they all said that they left because there was little to do. The pictures and videos that we see on the news are isolated incidents and that the fishing was great. This is why the local fishermen in the gulf states are against the "moratorium" because it includes shutting down all fishing and related enterprises, including the support industries for both the oil industry and the fishing industry; thus unemploying tens of thousands of wage earners.
The White House is not responsible for creating jobs. If they quit making stimulus packages, new rules and laws and just get out of the way, the private sector can recover easily.
The White House also has a new way of counting new jobs. If you pay me $50 to mow your back forty, and I pay you $50 to mow my back forty...the government then says that two new jobs were created and the GNP went up by $100.
Write or call your Congress and tell them to get out of the way. Nowhere in the Constitution does it give the government the power to determine our fiscal opportunities.
Although I frown on conspiracy theories, I'm almost convinced that this Congress, in realizing that they are all about to lose their "cushy" jobs, are planning on taking the rest of us down with them by destroying the economy of the United States.
This administration has already dived the citizens of this country by age, race, economic status, etc.
We want everyone removed from our government (Federal as well as local), and get new people in these positions of power so we can move forward.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Financial Reform Bill

Just like the Health Care Bill, the 2,315 page Financial Reform Bill (S.3217) has little to do with financial reform. First of all, not knowing what's in it, the House of Representatives voted for it in June.
Most of the bill is not about finance, but about controlling more of America.
As an example; there is one whole section that addresses employment. It states that all financial institutions and their contacts and customers must have a diverse employment policy based on the latest census. More specifically, every bank, brokerage firm, advisory service and rating agency must employ the same percentage of race, sexual orientation and ethnicity that the most recent census shows this country to have. It goes on to say that every business that uses these institutions and companies must also have the same diversity in their employees. In other words; if you have a small business, the bank that you write your checks from, can not have you as a customer unless your employees fit the same diversity as the government deems to be that of America.
This provision alone is worse than the failed Affirmative Action Bill from years ago.
The loopholes that the bill contains, restrict the way the financial institutions only slightly and it's "business as usual" for them.
This isn't Financial Reform...this is Hiring Reform.
However, you won't know about it because no one in Congress has read it. Just like the Health Care Bill, you'll find out how it hurts (rather than helps) this country, only after it's passed and initiated.
Since most of Congress knows that we'll probably vote them out soon, they are "hellbent" on doing the most amount of damage that they can before they have to change careers.
Sure, just like we needed a reasonable Health Care Bill, we also need a Financial Reform Bill; but certainly not what Congress has voted for and will shove down our throats.
Why do these bills need so many pages ? So no one will read them in their entirety and remove everything that doesn't pertain to the original intent of these bills.
Why do you continue to pay these people (yes, their your employees) that are screwing us so badly ?
Would you keep an employee that was doing damage to your business ? Of course not.
Let's get these bastards out of our government. I even urge you to RECALL the President and Vice President.
It doesn't matter what Party they're affiliated with; if they're in office, they must go.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Oil Spills

No matter what news you watch, read or listen to, you're immersed in news about the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
The last time an oil spill got this much attention was with the Exxon Valdez in Alaska.
What I want to know is why when there's a spill in the United States that it makes the news. If you look around the world, you'll see that much more oil is being spilled everywhere else.
As an example; Nigeria has had the equivalent of two Exxon Valdez's every year since 1979. What about the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by a Mexican driller that lasted over nine one reported that.
Saudi Arabia spills more oil each year than all the oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico since drilling there began.
Iran had huge oil spills in 1972, 1983 and 1985; yet not one word in the news. What about the massive oil spill in Iraq in 1991 ? How about the massive oil spill by Venezuela ? We'll never know how much Russia is spilling, but estimates make the BP disaster look like a trickle.
Sure, this recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is huge and newsworthy, but so are the spills made by other countries. Why does it make the news only when it happens to America ?
It's part of the "cost of doing business" to have oil spills when you're dealing with such huge quantities of oil.
Do you think that the drillers want to lose a single barrel of oil with prices as high as they are ? Of course not.
They are doing their best to get every drop of oil to the marketplace.
The BP oil spill is certainly not the first and won't be the last. You drill, you spill.
The real culprits behind these spills are the governments (ours included) that either permit drillers to do as they wish or restrict them to the point where it's only a matter of time until there's a giant oil spill.
Now,our government has us running around screaming "the sky is falling" and using this most recent accident to promote their agenda for alternate fuels and power. Until the technology, for these alternative sources are improved, they are still very costly and cumbersome.
Sure, we should be concerned about the BP problem; however, we should be just as concerned about any waste of energy or oil and how it's wrecking our environment, the planet and eventually, our way of lifeCheck Spelling.
C'mon, BP aren't the only "bad guys" in the oil business.
The obvious solution to avoiding any oil spills in the future is for the world to stop using oil for more cheap food, no more cheap clothing, no more cheap transportation, 75% of all drugs can no longer be made, no more plastics, etc.
Whether you love or hate the oil companies, until you're ready to step back 200 years in your way of life and its creature comforts, you're stuck with the need for oil. So quit your bitching about it.

Friday, July 02, 2010


Your Congress just voted a $10 Billion for teachers. This is to buy votes in November.
After you vote in all those incompetent bastards, in December there will be revealed Obama's Value Added Tax.
First, Obama will start screaming about our debt to panic Congress into voting for this VAT.
This will be accomplished by the bond crisis that is being planned in the White House as I write this.

Yes, a BOND CRISIS is being carefully planned by Obama and his cohorts.
After they vote in a VAT, it will be increased every year after that.
So, Obama's promise that any tax hikes will not affect anyone making less than $250,000/ year is a LIE. The VAT will be on EVERYTHING that you purchase (in addition to the taxes on those items already).
Once there is a Bond Crisis, no nation will loan us money and will start to recall the Treasury Notes that they already hold. In order to pay them back, a new tax will be levied on us...This will be called the Value Added Tax.
Not only has the White House declared to not wasting a good crisis, they are now plotting to have one.
With a VAT in place, most corporations will be forced to relocate overseas, increasing unemployment, reducing the incomes of those still working and letting the government take over existing companies, thus making gov't. the only major employer. The jobs aren't being outsourced, the companies and corporations are moving out.
This will eradicate the middle class and make them part of the poor. The poor will be so large that they will become dependent solely on gov't. handouts and will vote in anyone promising them any "freebie".
We are rapidly moving towards a Communist society with Obama setting it up. His picture already hangs between Stalin and Mao. Those that hate America, cheer at his every move.
He wants illegal aliens to be made legal.
He wants our power to win a war restricted (ask anyone in Afghanistan).
He wants everything that we produce to have restrictions that make it impossible to stay in business.
He already has forced a $10 trillion ObamaCare down your throat.
He has already stepped on our Constitution.
He, personally has used his power in illegally firing heads of private and public corporations.
He is acting a a foreign agent dedicated to the destruction on this country.
You idiotic liberals, just keep driving around with your Obama stickers on your car as he makes it impossible for you to own or drive it.
You think that you'll be OK because you have investments, property and savings ? With new legislation, your investments and property will be heavily taxed and your savings will be penalized; all to the point that they cease to exist. Before he's finished with you, the gov't. will own, regulate and supervise every aspect of your life. The only difference between you and the slaves of the past is that you won't have a steel chain around your neck. By making the majority of you poor, chains are no longer needed.
Look at all the damage Obama has already done...and we have two and a half more years for his destructive agenda.
You idiots voted in a person that you knew nothing about. Now you're getting what you deserve. The problem is that those that didn't vote for him are being punished too. The sad part of this is that most of the people that voted for Obama (and the other liberals) are so ignorant that they would do it again.
We will all suffer while the world continues to laugh at how stupid Americans are.
Yes, a Value Added Tax is coming. So, get ready to earn less and pay more.