Monday, March 29, 2010

The signing...

Whenever we have to sign a paper, whether it be a contract, a receipt, or whatever, we'll first READ what we're signing. Most of the time, we end up signing something that we totally understand. However, if you were handed a 2000+ page document and asked to sign it, you'd probably either read it and ask a lot of questions or give it to an attorney to read for you.
I ask then; why did Obama sign this Health Care Bill without reading it and knowing everything that's in it ? His signature made it the "Law of the Land".
When the head of Health, Education & Welfare was asked about certain items in this bill, she said that she hadn't read it yet but that anything that might have been left out could be added by a Presidential Executive Order. Doesn't that sound like a Monarchy to you ?
Why hasn't an issue this large been presented to the people to vote on ? I'm pleased that it is just a law and can be repealed. It could have NEVER made it as an amendment to the Constitution because it's unConstitutional. The bill forces people to purchase a product or service that they may not want or might not be able to afford.
The Health Care Bill contains items that have absolutely nothing to do with health.
Provisions are made for specific wage earners, specific communities and states and specific industries.
Why is everyone in Congress exempt from this "law" ? If it's good enough for us, why isn't it good enough for them ? Why have over 75% of the people (according to over 30 credible polls) been against it ? Why does Obama have to go "on tour" to try and convince us that it's a good thing ? He doesn't even know what's in it...
The worst part of this is, how are we going to afford it ? They think that by adding taxes and depleting existing programs like Social Security and Medicare that will solve the problem.
By now, you must be clear that this administration has their heads up their asses.
I urge every one of you to go to the voting booth in November and vote out everyone in office. I don't care if they're replaced with monkeys. Monkeys can't hurt us as badly as the existing government has and will continue to.
Believe me, "you ain't seen nuthin yet". Just look at the most recent deal from the White House; to be politically correct, Obama has agreed with Russia (as though we can trust them) to give up part of our nuclear arsenal. Super Stupid.
What will he do next to either put us in jeopardy or the poor house ? If you leave these people in office, you will end up broke and easy prey for any country that wants to attack us.
Do your part, today and every day until those conniving, unscrupulous, arrogant bastards are retired.........................

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Your Rights

Now that it's been declared that everyone has a right to health care and the government has made it mandatory for everyone to carry health insurance (and they will pay for it if you can't), then why don't they do the same thing with other things that everyone has a right to ?
As an example; we all have the right to carry a gun. Therefore, shouldn't the government make it mandatory that everyone carry a gun ? If you can't afford a gun, then the government should supply it.
Do you now see how absurd this new Health Care Bill is ???

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Congress has sent the message..."We know what's good for you...You don't".
Congress has spoken...the people have been ignored.
By now you all know how your representatives betrayed you. At least the Republicans held their position and not a one voted for an impossible bill.
Between the lies, the intimidation, the corruption and the back room deals, Obama, Pelosi and Reid set the tone with the passing (and signing) of this so called "Healthcare Reform Bill".
This now opens the doors for even more government interference in your life. They already have crippled private enterprise with all the rules and regulations they attach every year, they've cut the throats on the energy and natural resource sector, they still aren't done killing the bank and loan business, they killed our auto industry and will soon allow citizenship to anyone that wants it.
When I think about it, it really isn't completely the fault of a President that is clueless, or the evil of the leaders of Congress...the fault is also YOURS. You elected these people, you permitted them to continue with their corrupt ways and all you did was bitch about it. You now have before you the only two logical choices to get us back to honoring our Constitution. Those ways are either to remove ALL of Congress, the President and his inept Vice President, the judges on the Supreme Court as well as the heads of every cabinet and governmental department either by voting them out or an outright REVOLUTION.
To let these people continue with all of the things on their agenda (amnesty, takeover of the financial businesses, doling out of medical care for the aged, etc.), you are obviously discontent with FREEDOM and want to become totally dependent on the government. Every year, you lose more and more rights and freedoms under the guise of "your government protecting you".
If you do nothing, you are saying, "I'm willing to give up Freedom for the government to take care of me". With the passage of this bill, you've opened the door for this administration to run "rampant" over you, your family, your home, your job, your businesses, your food and water, your transportation, and most importantly, your FREEDOMS.

They have been using the "How To Boil A Frog" theory on us for over half a century.
*How to boil a frog, says to put the frog in a pan of cool water. Slowly, ever so slowly, turn up the heat until by the time the frog notices that the water is too hot, he can't jump out and is boiled to death.

How much government control does it take before we are slaves? They already have, year after year, taken more and more freedoms and rights from us......when does it stop ? It stops when you have no further chance of doing anything about it.
I beg you you to get rid of the evil that is about to befall us before it happens. We must get rid of these so called representatives that only represent themselves and laugh at the rest of us. Ever wonder how a member of Congress retires as a millionaire on their salary ? Ever wonder why companies hire them for millions of dollars a year as lobbyists and consultants ?
As in all Republics, once they start acting as a democracy, corruption and evil overtakes that government until it finally falls. Are you ready for the United States to fall into just a memory in future history books ? Well, that's where we're headed.
Do everything that you can...and then more, to stop this from happening. If you do nothing, you deserve the conditions that will fall on you.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Health Care Reform ???

Obama is out running around the country "trying" to convince people that his "Health Care Reform" plan is necessary. His approach is to "bad mouth" and condemn anyone, organization or industry that disagrees with him or exposes his omissions and lies.
He tells us that it will cut costs. He doesn't say how, except by taking money from Medicare to help pay for it and increasing taxes. Bottom line is what difference does it make if you pay for it out of your left pocket or your right one ?
I went to a large hospital to find out why medical costs are rising.
The answers were as follows:
(1) Medicare has cut back on how much they will now pay for procedures and exams.
(2) 22%-24% of the hospital costs go to service non-paying illegal aliens. This difference has to be made up somewhere in order for the hospital to stay open.
(3) As medical technology increases, so do the costs of this technology. X-ray equipment, MRI machines, new surgical tools, etc. all cost a lot of money and the hospital has to take in enough to pay for their equipment and skilled staff.
(4) The premiums on mal-practice insurance is EXTREMELY high.
Is it any wonder that fewer Americans are going to medical school these days ? Chances are that the doctor(s) that see you are from some other country. Why would anyone spend all of those years studying medicine and at great monetary expense, to end up working for a hospital or HMO where their income was restricted and their insurance and equipment costs were astronomical ?
When I was young, becoming an M.D. was not only prestigious, but was monetarily, very rewarding. That is no longer true.
The last thing we need is even more government interference in one of the best (and yes, overpriced) medical systems in the world.
Q. Why do drugs cost us more in the United States than anywhere else in the world and Congress has made it illegal for us to buy them from another country ?
A. Your Representative has gotten huge campaign contributions from the drug companies to vote for keeping prices high in the United States.
Q. Why is mal-practice insurance so costly ?
A. Because incompetent doctors are permitted to keep practicing. Another lobby of the medical industry to keep Congress from doing anything about it with more large campaign contributions.
Q. Why is Obama "hell bent"on shoving his "plan" down our throats ?
A. Because he doesn't care that most of America is against it and his ego is on the line.
Not only doesn't he see the "big picture", but he has no concept on how to govern.
After all, he was a "community organizer" for a failed organization.
You know when he's lieing to you...his lips are moving. Thank goodness that as corrupt as they may be, the Republicans are at least listening to America.

Monday, March 08, 2010

The American Dream...

Let's suppose that you're an illegal alien that has been living in the United States for the past 5 years. You're working in construction and get paid $50,000 a year (under the table); your wife and kids get welfare and food stamps and all of their medical is taken care of at local clinics and hospitals.
During those 5 years, you bought 2 houses for "nothing down" and rented them out for $250/ month more than the mortgage, insurance and taxes. This gives you an extra $6000 a year in tax free income (because you don't file an income tax return).
For the past year, you've stopped paying the mortgage and your houses are going into foreclosure.
Now, under the new Obama plan that takes effect next month, you elect to "short sell" the 2 houses, getting completely out of the mortgage, insurance and taxes and are being given $3000 ($1500 per house) of taxpayer money as an incentive.
So, you've been making $50,000/ year; have saved about another $25,000 by not paying your mortgage, taxes or insurance for the past year and are getting out of debt with a $3000 reward.
This now frees you up to but another 2 houses for nothing down, at reduced prices and with a much lower interest rate. In addition, the government will give you $6,500 for each house you buy as an incentive to buy these houses. You now rent them out and start the "cycle" all over again.
All of this money and opportunity without a cent out of your pocket.
***By the way...this incentive will now bring down the value of all the other homes in the same neighborhood.

On the other hand, you're a citizen and taxpayer that has put 20% down on your home 5 years ago and have been making your mortgage, insurance and tax payments on time every month for those past 5 years. Because of the real estate bubble falling apart, your home has gone down in value to below what you owe on it. If you take advantage of Obama's new incentive plan; you lose your down payment (20%) and any equity that you thought you might have, as well as ruining your credit score. You have no money (except for the $1500 that the government will give you) so you can't even buy another house.
Aren't you glad that you "played by the rules" and got screwed ? Aren't you glad that you paid your taxes so that the illegal alien could have a better life than you ? Aren't you glad that Obama, secretly snuck this new plan in without the knowledge of the American public ?
Besides feeling stupid, been "had" and angry...what are you going to do about it ???
Ans: NOTHING. And that's because you're either too lazy, too scared or just plain stupid.
What you can do is everything in your power to get rid of Obama, his cronies and all of Congress. Between those people, they've not only violated our Constitution, but have completely shit on the American Dream.
Not only are you getting screwed but the illegal alien won't even "thank you" for it.
In any other country, there would be mass riots and the existing government toppled if this happened.


Obama has now found a new way to reward the banks for making bad loans and to reward those that took the bad loans in real estate.
Next month, starting April 4th, Obama is encouraging anyone that is behind in their mortgage payments to "short sell" their home.
A "Short Sale" is when you sell your home for less than you owe on it.
The incentives are;
(1) The seller (homeowner) gets $1500 of your tax money to walk away, free of any debt.
(2) The bank (or mortgage holder) gets $1000 of your tax money as an incentive and gets to "write off" the balance.
(3) 2nd mortgage holders get $3000 of your tax money and the "write off".
He (Obama) is setting aside $75 billion for this program.
One of the repercussions of this is that all homes will now go down in value (including yours).
The banks lose nothing, the mortgage holders lose nothing, the delinquent home owner walks away debt free...and the taxpayer picks up the tab for all of this.
There is NO INCENTIVE for those that have paid their mortgages on time and are current or for those that have worked hard to pay of their homes.
Not only does this totally destroy the real estate market but makes all of us that have "played by the rules" feel betrayed by that incompetent egomaniac. He is rewarding his banking buddies and shifting the wealth of this country to the non producers.
The "American Dream" of home ownership has just been flushed down the toilet.
The only alternative that I see for all of us, is to stop making our mortgage payments, sell our homes for less than we owe...and then buy them back at a reduced price with a smaller mortgage at a lower rate. Of course, if we all did that, it could break the back of the financial community (and we don't want to hurt them...LOL).
I am totally outraged at what Obama is doing to this country and those of us that have worked so hard to preserve our future.
Could this be the first step in the government takeover of the real estate market ???