Monday, January 18, 2010

More confusion...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have always been under the impression that the President of the United States was on my payroll (as a taxpayer). If that is the case, why is Obama spending my money to go to Massachusetts to make a campaign speech for a Senate race (the day before voting) ?
In any other business, that man would be "docked" for his time and expenses as well as reprimanded for doing personal business on company time.
By now, it's obvious, that he would rather travel continuously than do his job. Could this be because he is incapable of being the President and passes the decision making to his cronies ? I guess so; that way, when things go wrong, he can say, "I had nothing to do with that".
I say, let's fire this malingerer and replace him with someone that has a better work ethic as well as understands that it takes more to run America that being a community organizer.
We need to RECALL Obama before it's too late.

MLK B'day

Today, we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King as a national holiday (banks, schools, gov't., etc are all closed). I think that this shows how far we've come from the days of slavery in this country.
Interestingly though, is that of all our national holidays, only two celebrate human beings. Those are the births of Martin Luther King and Jesus Christ. Even the Presidents that we used to have holidays for (Washington and Lincoln) have been lumped together into what we cal "Presidents Day.
So, from this, can one draw the conclusion that we have enough holidays and that as we come up with more, we'll just lump together already existing ones ?
Although they're not national holidays, I think it might be appropriate to put Valentine's Day together with April Fool's Day. and celebrate it on Sadie Hawkin's Day.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

When Obama went to China, one of the things that he was adamant about was their censorship of the internet. Now Google has gotten into the argument.
As a sovereign nation, doesn't China have the right (even if we don't agree with them) to conduct "business" as they see fit, within their borders ?
Of course, nothing is being said about the hundreds of "workers" employed (job creation) by our government to monitor millions of websites, blogs and even chatrooms and even e-mail.
As soon as a video or document appears anywhere that exposes this administration, it is immediately deleted from the internet by these "workers".
Even the free press is no longer free to print the truth. All of the big newspapers, news stations and some books are controlled by this administration and are only allowed to give us propaganda.
Obama tried to convince us that he was in favor of "transparency" in his administration. With all those secret, midnight meetings and unholy deals that are made at these meetings to "buy" votes, we may never know the extent of how much freedom we're losing.
Obama gave himself a B+ when asked to rate himself on a televised interview. Members of the Trilateral Commission, the Bildeburgers, OPEC, ACORN, the U.N. and the Communist Party all agreed with him. He certainly gets a B+ for handing over this country to others that have only one goal....and that is to destroy us any way they can, be it industrially, economically, denying freedoms, controlling our health, polluting our food and water supplies and deteriorating our modes of transportation.
I'm angry and scared....I can't understand why you're not !
Some say that they "smell" revolution in the air. Does it have to come to that ?
I've urged you all to vote out everyone in Washington. Apparently, our votes don't count as the voting booths have become controlled by ACORN (Obama's army). Because of the voter fraud, Obama was elected.
You better become active or prepare to live as a slave or in poverty. This administration has circumvented our Constitution so we no longer have that document for protection.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I think that it's wonderful that the United States is able to respond immediately with aid to the natural disaster that occurred in Haiti. Besides being the policemen of the world, we are the rescuer of the world.

The biggest problems that I have with this are:
(1) Where are the other nations ??? Where is aid from Russia, China, France, Germany, OPEC, etc. ???
(2) All of this aid is being supplied with "borrowed money"; increasing our debt to China.
(2) Obama's statement, "What are we doing and why aren't we doing more?", before he even knew what we were doing.

Now don't get me wrong; I'm totally in agreement that we should help those poor people in Haiti, and as soon as we can, with as much as we can. I'm just so divided over why we (the United States) have to take on every problem that the world has as we go broke feeding people, fighting their wars, giving medical aid on every continent, and giving huge amounts of money to countries that don't even need it. Where is the United Nations ? Why should we be going broke while other nations just sit back laughing at us ?
I, personally have made a cash donation to help in Haiti, but don't expect others to do the same...but that was my individual choice. When does the rest of the world start taking responsibility for their fellow humans ?

Monday, January 04, 2010

Checks & Balances.

First we gave them $200 billion, then we gave them another $400 billion and, unbeknownst to the rest of us; your Congress decided that all of those zeros would'nt fit in the little rectangle on a check; so, for an Xmas present, on Christmas Eve, they voted to give them a BLANK CHECK (fill in what you will) of your money. That leaves the U.S. "balance sheet" so far in the "red" that we can never recover from it.
But that's not enough, wait until Health Care Reform, Cap & Trade, etc. start dumping their costs on us........OMG.
Of course, this additional money won't appear on any list as part of the $12.6 billion debt that this administration has piled up in less than a year. Because of how Washington is "cooking the books", we may never know exactly how far in debt we are.
I know, you don't really care because it's not coming out of your pocket........BULL----, the only way for this government to keep operating is by raising your taxes and putting their hands deeper into your pockets. You may not feel it just now, but you soon will see that interest rates go up, prices of everything go up, services cost more and you get less and your pay goes down. You may be too complacent to notice it right away, but sooner or later, you will. It will be too late by then for you to do anything about it.
Now that Obama sees that he can buy votes in the House and the Senate, the "American Dream" is over. This was the last generation to enjoy the standard of living that we have achieved.