Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello Turkeys

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, I'm calling all of you that voted for Obama, turkeys.
The reason for that is that turkeys are really stupid.
You believed all of his lies that he told you to get elected. This is a Chicago trained politician that will say anything to get your vote and you never read "between the lines". He promised things he had no intention of delivering.
Example: Just today he said that he changed his mind and would be committing more troops to the Middle East. He also has reneged on cutting the tax breaks for the wealthy.
Apparently, his "Yes we can..." was really NO WE CAN'T. The only change that you'll see is your savings and 401Ks withering away so programs for the non-productive can be funded. In-other-words, your money in someone else's pocket.
What a bunch of turkeys you are. He'll slaughter all of you. Of course, he'll blame it on his carefully chosen cabinet. Every person that he's picking is being set up to take the blame (including the Bush administration) for his upcoming total failure as a President of this country.
Meanwhile, he's allowing Russia to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, but we're not allowed.
When does he start begging the muslims to not hurt us anymore ?
When does he nationalize our health care so it can become among the worst in the world ?
When does he give away everything that this country has worked for over the past 200+ years ?
When does he start issuing Executive Orders, negating everything from the past ?
When will all of you turkeys WAKE UP ???
Don't ever, ever say that I didn't warn turkeys.

Bailout ???

This morning on "Face The Nation", Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House) was interviewed and, although she certainly is not my favorite person, I was impressed that she said all of the things that I've been calling for.
Could this have been just "lip service", or is this the way she'll steer Congress ??? Only time will tell.
First, there is the issue of the "bailout" of the banks. She seemed upset that even though the banks have been given an infusion of taxpayer dollars, that they were still unwilling to make new loans. They took our money and bought treasury bills with it. Now they're asking for more money. Why should they get more of our money to invest so they can make profits and not comply with the purpose of giving them that money ?
Next is the automotive industry. They want bailout money too. How can a CEO that earns more than $20 million a year have the nerve to say that even though he was incompetent, he's still entitled to that huge salary but needs the gov't. to bail out his company ?
And, of course there's the insurance industry still clamoring for more federal money. They've already spent what was given to them on bonuses and "retreats' (parties).
Where do I get on line with my hand out for federal money ? I'll have no trouble investing it, paying myself huge sums and having a great party. Is our ineffective Congress going to keep giving away money and printing more to give away until we're broke ? When does this craziness end ?
Well, you voted in a Democratic President and a Democratic House of Representatives and so this is what you're getting for being so stupid. You better "cover your ass" for what's going to happen after Jan. 20th. You are about to see the largest waste of money ever to take place anywhere in world since the dawn of man. Stock up on lots of macaroni & cheese (if you can afford it) because that's what you'll be eating for the next four years.
Right now you're comfortable, sitting back, saying, "that won't happen to me". Well, I'm anxious to rub your nose in it when I tell you, "I told ya so...". Just keep doing what you've always done and ignore the problems while you let Congress make them worse. Come up with the excuses of "I don't understand it", "what can I do about it", "they won't listen to me", etc. Your representatives have already ignored you when 97% of the nation said "NO BAILOUT" and Congress gave us the finger and set aside $700 billion anyway. voted them back in again.......fools. You deserve what's coming.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A growing concern...

Hardly an hour goes by without some news about what Obama is doing next. Even though I thought he was a really bad choice for any governmental position because of his lack of character and connections with less than upstanding citizens (most of his friends can't even pass an FBI check to visit the White House), I still wanted to "give him a chance" to be a good President.
First of all, I'm very skeptical about some of the choices that he's making for his cabinet and other advisers.
After watching him and his wife on 60 Minutes on Sunday night, I was very impressed at how he never answered a "yes/ no" question but instead gave a lengthy, vague reply. What really scared me was how many times his wife interrupted and contradicted him. How dare she do that, especially on national television ? Who does she think she is, Hillary ??? It looks like he'll just be a "figurehead" while Pelosi runs the Democratic House of Representatives and Michelle runs the White House.
The last straw is when they announced that he was moving his mother-in-law into the White House also. Unfortunately, he doesn't stand a chance to do anything about anything before getting permission from his wife and her mother and the approval of the Speaker of the House (Pelosi).
As I write this, he's even considering bringing Hillary Clinton on board. I thought that he was an extremely bright man, but it appears that again (as in Chicago), he's making choices that come with grave consequences. Normally I wouldn't care, except what these people he's surrounding himself with will actually be running our country. They all have very specific agendas that have nothing to do with making your and my life any better and probably worse.
Obama hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's already, publicly reneged on all of his campaign "promises". His mantra was "change"...while everyone that he's dealing with (from his Vice President on down) is from previous administrations of the same "good old boy network". To me, that means nothing will change and it'll be business as usual with liberalism ruling for the next four years. You know that you're about to see this administration put the world not only into a great depression, but will be the cause of WW III.
I can no longer be willing to "give him a chance" as he's already abused that privilege. Get ready for the worst standard of living that you've ever had during your lifetime.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Our President...

Now that we have a new President elect, it's time that I re-evaluate my thoughts about him.
First of all, I must say that he should be allowed to make mistakes as all Presidents have done before him.
A good thing that's come of this is that many feel that the Civil War is finally over and that blacks no longer need to call themselves "African-Americans"...they're just Americans, like everyone else. Blacks can no longer say that America is racist.
A bad thing that's come of this is that gun sales have gone through the roof in anticipation of the new gun controls that he may institute.
Regardless, Mr. Obama is now our President and is due the respect that the office is entitled to. He is our President, like it or not !
In his latest speeches, he has finally become honest with us; telling us that he can not kept his campaign promises. There shouldn't be any disappointment over this as anyone with half a brain should have known that he not only was telling us lies but that most of those promises were impossible to keep. His past record shows that he continually has had poor judgements in choices throughout his adult life. Therefore, we must expect more poor judgement on his part.
In the meantime, until he either steps on our Constitution or starts a wave of tyranny in this country, I am obligated to support him...and you should too.
Obviously, I didn't vote for him and righteously so. That's "water under the bridge". He is coming into office under tremendous pressure and needs every bit of support from all Americans to help resolve the problems this country faces. This doesn't mean that we can't be critical of his decisions; it means that we practice his mantra of "hope". That we hope he is effective in bettering our position in the world, is effective in keeping us out of a depression and is effective in protecting us from terrorism.
Should he start chipping away at our freedoms in the name of any of the above, I will be the first to ask for either his resignation or impeachment.
So, let's sit back and give this man a chance..................I wish him luck in being a great President.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Well, the election is over and due to the ignorance of the majority of voters, the greater of the evils has emerged victorious.
'A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.'
'From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.'
'The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.'
'During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:
1. from bondage to spiritual faith;
2. from spiritual faith to great courage;
3. from courage to liberty;
4. from liberty to abundance;
5. from abundance to complacency;
6. from complacency to apathy;
7. from apathy to dependence;
8. from dependence back into bondage.
We already have reached the stage of dependence and now have elected a President and Vice President that are "hell bent" on moving us into bondage.
Now, with the Congress being controlled by the Democrats and a radical, far left President (and Vice President), there are no checks and balances left in place. We will now have their liberal plans shoved down our throats, such as excessive regulations and taxation in order to "redistribute the wealth", gov't. run free health care, amnesty for illegal aliens, and of course the "bigee"...confiscation of all of the guns and ammo in public hands.
Remember, Hitler took over by winning an election which then was immediately followed by a ban on citizens owning guns.
For many, Obama is seen as the "Messiah". In actuality, he is the anti-Christ. Unfortunately, because of all of you ignorant voters, I will now have to suffer (along with you) the consequences of your action in voting in as President of The United States of America the man that will take this country from the crisis that it's in (financial collapse, costly war, overrun by illegal aliens, etc.) to the final death throws of our democracy.
The only chance that we might have in preventing this will be a civil war and the reinstatement of our Constitution as it was originally intended. Short of that, your freedom will slowly disappear and you will finish your life living under tyranny.
I've continually warned you, but in your ignorance, you've put the final nail in the coffin of freedom in this country.
I can't even say "thanks" for being so stupid. Remember, the most expensive commodity this country has is IGNORANCE.