Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The natural order of things


Every specie on this planet, left without a myriad of obstacles, would completely take over the planet as a scheme of survival of that specie. Some of this is done by randomness and some is done with intelligence driving it.
In the beginning, simple life forms emerged and devoured other simple life forms in order to survive. As time went by, some of these life forms became more sophisticated in order to speed up their overtaking of the planet. In doing so, there emerged a distinct hierarchy of life forms that (1) dominate, (2) support the dominant ones, and (3) that live off the discards of the other two. The dominant species become that way because of cooperation of the others, both inside and outside of their specie. Some species make bad choices in their path to survival and therefore become extinct.
Over time, millions of species have emerged and millions of species have disappeared. Throughout this process, as a specie becomes more sophisticated in its adaptability and survival techniques, it tends to speed up the time it takes in its quest to take over its original environment and eventually the entire planet. The faster a specie becomes dominant, we say the more deadly it is. Over the hundreds of millions of years since life (as we define it) first came into being, this process has continued right up to a specie developing into what we call MAN.
This specie, MAN, is the most sophisticated and deadliest of all life forms so far. In his short time on the planet, MAN has managed to become present and dominant in every corner of the earth. No other specie alters their environment or eliminates other species with the speed and accuracy of MAN. From the first emergence of MAN, he has develop ways to cooperate within his environment in order to dominate it. Eventually, this led to some MEN trying to dominate other MEN for reasons of survival and the original quest of taking over the planet.
Since every specie makes war in one way or another, it only makes sense that the most advanced specie would develop the most sophisticated wars.


For MAN, wars are fought for many reasons, be they survival, economic, ideological or just for "the hell of it". Opportunities come up for one group of MEN to support another group at war without sacrificing anyone from their group. Today, some groups (usually countries) supply money and arms to other groups in a game known as "Let's you and him fight" (Eric Bern, Games People Play).
As we "fast forward" to the most recent century (1900 to 2000+) one of several groups playing this game is called the United States of America (or U.S., yes, us). By supplying money, arms and technology to other groups and countries, we have created power bases that could (and will) continue in their fight to a point where we are no longer their benefactor, but become their enemy. To see how this works, find the most needy family in your neighborhood. Give them food, tools, instructions, teach them how to live (by your standards) and $100/ week for two to three years. They will become your best friends as they become bigger, better and stronger. Now; stop all of this charity and you become their enemy. They may become so angry that they attack you and burn down your house or kill you. This is exactly what has brought us to the point that we're at today in the Middle East.
We supported Al Qeada in Afghanistan in its fight against the Russians as part of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" philosophy. We gave money and arms to other Middle Eastern countries and trained their military. All of this was done under the facade of "bringing democracy" to that area. Well, from their ideology, they don't want democracy and we are now their enemy.


Now that several countries have built up large armies, developed weapons of mass destruction and chosen specific enemies; a great world war is in the making. Most of you that are reading this will see this war come into existence on such a massive scale that your life and that of MAN may become extinct. You may think that this is a terrible thing to happen; but consider the fact that it is just a speeded up version of "survival of the fittest".
Over the span of MAN's history, great empires have grown, dominated and then fallen. From this history, we see that no single group, power, country or ideology can exist forever. It's not a matter of who the "good guys" are; it's a matter of the natural order of things.
For our specie to survive, wars must continue. If we ere in these wars and eliminate all of MANKIND, any specie that survives will then go on to war in the never ending struggle to dominate this planet.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A conversation...

This afternoon, I had the opportunity to overhear a conversation between a "non-radical" islamic and a conservative Christian.

Why are the different chapters in the koran so contradictory ?
Anyone can take whatever parts of the quran they wish to live their lives by.

I've read it (the koran) all the way through and it's a book about war, destruction, enslavement and terror.
Oh no... no... no. The quran is the outline for a religion of peace, love and tolerance.

What are you reading ??? The koran that I read, spoke about killing, enslaving or converting anyone that wasn't a muslim.
You only read what your preconceived mind let you read. The quran that I know is all about loving our fellow man.

To change the subject; let me ask you about what's going on in the world of islam today. What will it take to stop all of this terrorism ?
Those people that you call terrorists are merely following their faith to allah. The truth is that islam will prevail. You Americans are the only ones doing anything to resist it. You will lose this resistance because you are a divided nation that has a vested interest by the liberal left of your country in islam winning. Your political correctness will let you do little to nothing regardless of what islam does to you or anyone else. It took 9/11 before you did anything; and even that is minimal. Your armed forces are wearing down; your Congress will not even permit them to win your war in Iraq. Ir will not be long before you are unable to even defend your own country.

So, what can we do to stop this insanity ?
There is nothing that you will do because of your fear of other's opinions. If after the first attempt to destroy the Trade Center, you had blown Mecca off the face of the earth, blown up all mosques and islamic religious sites around the world and imprisoned all islamists in your country, that certainly would have made me rethink this jihad. What has taken place since then, could never have happened. You are too weak and afraid to act appropriately. You don't understand that we are NOT afraid to are though. We don't care what other nations think about do though. We are not addicted to are though.
There are enough of us (islamics) already in your country to destroy it now; but your leaders are doing the job for us.
If I turned on my TV and saw Mecca destroyed and millions of Americans cheering, I'd be very afraid. However, it is the other way and you will be the ones that are afraid.

What about all of the peaceful muslims; why should they be penalized ?
It is every muslims duty to make this an all muslim world by any means. I am a non-militant, peaceful muslim. If all of the muslims that are active in the destruction of the United States were gone, it would become my duty to continue the fight. I can only remain peacefull until I am is so written in the quran. As a muslim, I am bound to follow the teachings of the quran. I have no choice. You have a choice; and that is to convert or suffer the consequences.

Apparently you are not very open minded at all.
This has nothing to do with open mindedness; this is about my belief in the true God, allah.
You Christians only follow your bible when it's convenient. The rest of the time you violate it. You are not dedicated to you beliefs enough to sacrifice everything for what you claim to believe; I am...

...and so the conversation went on and on. Now, this was a "peaceful, non-militant" muslim speaking, not a radical terrorist. That scares the hell out of me, even though he is being quite realistic coming from his beliefs. Maybe we could take a lesson from this.

On being insulted...

What's the matter with everyone these days ? It seems that no matter how "tough skinned" some people represent themselves as being; they're really hypocrites. They are insulted by some of the most ridiculous things.
We've gotten so afraid of saying anything that is "politically incorrect", that when something is said, they come out of the woodwork to complain.
For instance; let's look at the furor over a statement by Imus on the radio. So he referred to some girls (that he doesn't know) as Ho s. Big deal.....................
I understand CNBC running like the wind to distance themselves from him because of their "fear" of getting hate mail. However, what exactly did he do wrong ? He pissed off a few people on the Rutgers team by his use of FREE SPEECH.
Doesn't our Constitution guarantee our right of free speech any longer ?
Some of you have never heard the speeches given in mosques and some churches...they are full of hatred for another group. There will always be groups of people that are openly prejudiced against another group. The KKK is an example of a group that is openly against blacks, Catholics and Jews. According to the constitution, they are free to feel and think the way they do as long as they don't break any laws. Personally, I think that they're what.
Almost anything we say can be considered offensive to someone. How did you all get to be so sensitive ? I believe that everyone (especially those that consider themselves minorities) are just looking for a reason to be "offended" so they can find something to do with their mundane lives such as protesting, marching, rioting, etc.
If you continue to be offended by any little thing that is said, you're gonna be pissed off all of the time.
What I've noticed is that the black community and the muslim community are not only the biggest protesters of politically incorrect speech; but they are also the biggest offenders, using very upsetting speech in their day-to-day communication.
Yes, I've singled out two minorities. The reason is that they're the ones making the most noise about something that they are the most guilty of. When a person is referred to as a Redneck or Whitey, no one is upset and usually sees the humor in it. Try using the "N" word and watch what happens. Try calling a muslim a "terrorist" and see what happens.
By now, we all should have become tough skinned enough to not have anything said affect us to the point where we get angry.
Political correctness has forced people to become hypocrites and liars due to their being afraid to say what they're thinking. Everyone has biases and prejudices (except those that lie about it).
I laugh when I hear someone say, "Some of my best friends are --------------". That's nonsense. Some my best friends are not humans; they're my dogs. My best friends are not of any particular race, religion, nationality, etc. I couldn't care less what someone's background is; what matters is, do I like them and do they like me. Every group has a mixture of sensible and stupid people. I'm against the stupid ones.
No matter how we refer to someone, they can say it was offensive. As an example; when I called someone a human being, they became irate and screamed at me that they were more than just a human being. Isn't that absurd ? Quit worrying about who you're going to offend; you're offending everyone anyway...just look in the mirror (LOL). Quit paying attention to what people call you. None of it matters anyway.
Too bad if this upset you...............................

Thursday, April 05, 2007

U.S. Policy undermined

I'm really confused. Is Nancy Pelosi our Vice President or is it Dick Cheney ???
She's acting like she thinks that she's the President or Vice President of our country.
First she goes off on an unauthorized trip (at taxpayer expense) to Syria where our government has minimized relations due to their support of terrorism then she has talks with the President of Iran (probably claiming that she convinced him to release the 15 British troops); and now she's in Saudi Arabia.

Who authorized this trip ? Who is paying for it ? What purpose is it serving ?
The answers are:
(1) No one authorized her to do any such thing. She got up one morning and decided, "How can I embarrass the present administration today"?
(2) You, the taxpayer are picking up the cost of this very expensive "Middle East tour". That's just another way your tax dollars are being wasted...on a whim by a power hungry, ego driven, inept politician.
(3) The only purpose of her trip is to go against U.S. policy and to show the world that she's in power, not George Bush. Her trip has done nothing but undermine all of the communication and negotiating that we've done to date with these terrorist states. She is determined to make our country and the present administration look foolish.

Our constitution defines TREASON as anyone giving the enemy aid or comfort during a time of war. We are engaged in a war and her actions certainly are giving (at the least) comfort to the enemy. NANCY PELOSI HAS COMMITTED TREASON and should be tried for this crime.
What good is having an administration and its policies (whether you agree with them or not) if anyone can just go about falsely representing the United States with their own agenda ?

Please call or write to your representatives in Congress to have this "speaker of the House" removed from office immediately.
DO THIS TODAY before she creates any more insanity. Who knows what she'll do next ?
She is dangerous and is hurting our country (and its future). Although there are those that oppose the present administration, few of them are focused on not doing their job, but rather solely devoting their position to bringing down our present government. We are a Constitutional Republic and should be operating as such.

What I don't understand is, why hasn't our President spoken out about this treasonous act that Pelosi is engaged in. These are very fragile times and only harm can come from someone like her being a "loose cannon". We have procedures and protocols for dealing with other nations; which Pelosi has violated to the extreme.

The scary thing is that if anything should happen to either our President or Vice President, she moves up in office and could be dictating policy and that would be our county's demise.

It is your obligation to get this power hungry woman out of our government. She is a more formal version of Cindy Sheehan.
In times like these, we certainly don't need self appointed spokesmen for our government. I'm appalled at Pelosi's actions and you should be too.