Thursday, July 18, 2013


I've been thinking about what our President should be doing for the United States and the people of this country.
If I were President:
(1) I would only draw a salary of $1 a year as I wouldn't be in it for the money, but rather to put our country back in its leadership and prosperity role.
(2) On the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, I would report to the people everything that was discussed and voted on (as well as who voted for what) by your elected representatives (Senate and House).
(2) I would secure our borders with U.S. Army personnel and eliminate the U.S. Border Patrol.
(3) I would temporarily shut down the printing presses from printing any more money (backed by nothing).
(4) I would force Congress to create a new, easier to comply with and totally fair to all income tax system.
(5) I would publicly expose any and all corruption in the government.
(6) I would eliminate all agencies that were unnecessary for the government to function
(7) I would follow the Constitution to the letter and demand that everyone in government do so.
(8) I would give back any States Rights that have been taken from the states.
(9) I would stop all federal borrowing.
(10) I would discontinue foreign aide (especially to our enemies).
(11) I would get the government out of our private lives and give back the expectation of privacy (where practical)
(12) I would eliminate all wasted expenses from the largest down to even $1.00.
(13) I would consolidate all departments into only the necessary ones.
(14) I would grant a tax credit to any company or business that employed (and trained) veterans returning from war.
(15) I would form the United States National Bank and eliminate the privately held "Fed".
(16) I would stop all subsidies to companies and corporations with a gross income of over $1,000,000 per year,
(17) I would forgive the balances on all student loans that have been paid regularly for 5 years or longer, and get out of the student loan business.
(18) I would get the government out of dealing with moral issues (abortion, gay marriage, etc.) and give this power to the people and their beliefs.
(19) I would hold everyone accountable for their actions.
(20) I would make sure that the legal arm of the government vigorously prosecute, fine and imprison anyone whose actions were counter to the prosperity of all (the big banks CEOs as an example).
(21) I would make agreements with our bordering countries (Mexico and Canada) to share in labor and resources.
(22) I would prohibit special interests from "lobbying" our Congress (this includes companies, corporations and individuals).
(23) I would concentrate on rebuilding our infrastructure (bridges, roads, etc.).
(24) I would let the experts do their job instead of Congress (that lacks the experience and expertise).
(25) I would get a law passed that limited terms of office for all elected officials (just like the President is limited to 2 terms).
(26) I would put a cap on all federal salaries, pensions and other payments.
(27) I would get a law that no one in government could draw more than one salary or pension at a time.
(28) I would build an armed forces that could protect us from any event.
(29) I would be reluctant to get involved in anyone else's wars.
(30) I would streamline the voting process to eliminate fraud.

With all of that, you can see why I'd never be President.   It takes away too much money and power from those that are in this for their reasons and not for America.

PS: What would you like added as #31 ???


A car for everyone...

Imagine that our government decided that everyone was entitled to transportation.   That they passed a law that said everyone must have a car and every car dealer must sell everyone a car at the same price, but give away their cars to anyone that couldn't afford to buy one.   In addition, heavy excise taxes were levied on tires and gasoline (bringing the price of tires to over $2,000 each and gasoline at over $150 a gallon) to pay for the free cars.
I forgot to mention that all cars sold by dealers or private parties had to come without tires.
Eventually, most car dealerships would close down because they had to give away more cars than they sold.   Since the upkeep (cost of tires and gasoline) became prohibitive, most cars would sit idle and finally rot away.   And so, the original intent of making transportation available to all would actually make car ownership available to very few.

ObamaCare is a similar situation.   Since everyone must have health insurance and those that can't afford it, get it for free.   And, since insurance companies must insure everyone, regardless of their medical condition(s).   And, since employers must provide insurance for all full time employees.
And, since reimbursement to doctors will be reduced to "control" medical costs.
The consequences are catastrophic...
(1) The cost of health insurance will go up in order to cover the people that are insured for free, as well as the cost to the insurance companies for those with expensive pre-conditions.
(2) Doctors, seeing that their income will be reduced, are already leaving the profession.  Most doctors are no longer accepting new patients or those with Medicare.   Try to find a "family doctor" in your area that will accept you as a new patient... lottsa luck.
(3) Since the cost of insurance will become so high that more and more people will not be able to afford it, the gov't. will have to subsidize this cost (thus adding over a trillion dollars a year to the budget, breaking the country).
(4) Employers are already putting more and more of their full time employees on part time status to avoid having to pay for this higher priced insurance.   And, now we have employees with less income (paying less tax) that are unable to afford to buy their own insurance.


Fewer doctors available for more patients.   You'll have to "reserve" an appointment months in advance.   Emergency rooms and clinics will become overwhelmed and unable to give the best care.
The middle class will have their income reduced enough to put some of them below the poverty level.
The additional cost to the gov't. will become a major part of the budget, causing even more debt.
All told; everyone loses and only the Socialists win.   Nancy Pelosi said "Just sign it, you can read it later..."; and your incompetent representatives followed Harry Reid and ignored your protests.
Worse yet, you re-elected those that ignored you.
What does it take for you to revolt against a gov't. that's screwing you, not only with Obama Care but in ways that you're never told about until it's too late ???

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Where is the outrage ???

 I've been trying to inform you about things that are important to our country's survival and your way of life.
Our laws permit us to assemble, to protest and even take collective action.
I've watched the "limited" coverage that our gov't controlled media shows us of citizen uprisings in other countries.   I'm most impressed at what triggered the recent civil unrest in Brazil.   All because of an increase in bus fares, millions of their citizens have stormed into the streets,....protesting against some of the same things that we casually permit in the United States.
We have the least progressive tax code of any industrialized nation.
We are listed by the United Nations as the 5th most corrupt government on earth.
Our news is controlled by the government and we are primarily fed stories of sex, violence and conflict, rather than what's really going on.
We have been taught to be apathetic, making us each say, "What can I do about it?"
We are the least informed nation regarding what is happening in our country.
We have allowed a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class by banks that stole trillions of dollars and are still at it with taxpayer money shoveled at them ; and no one was punished for it.
Money is what controls our Democracy, not what our founding fathers intended.   They intended for us, we the people to control our gov't.   Not the other way around.
Huge sums of money are given to multi-national corporations as subsidies that they use to send their production to other countries and leave Americans jobless.
Now that we've had a chance to "read it" (as Pelosi said), we're just beginning to see that ObamaCare is not only unworkable but will break the economy of the country.
Our privacy has been invaded.
Our Constitution has been bypassed.
We are deeper in debt now than in any other time in history; with little chance of ever paying off our debt.
We just borrowed $1.5 billion from China to give to Egypt.   Insane
Why aren't we marching in the streets ?   Why are we re-electing the people that continue to destroy us ?   Why aren't you OUTRAGED ?
The path that we're on can only lead to a civil war.   The gov't. is aware of this and has been making great preparations  for the past 4 years.
The time has come to stop this destruction of America.   You can do something about it.   Your representatives aren't interested in your letters, phone calls or e-mails.   The corporations make sure that they stay in office.
Organize or partake of marches and protests.   Don't be violent or destructive.   Let your voice and opinions be known.   If you speak loud enough and there are large numbers, the press has to cover it,
thus waking up the apathetic, ill-informed and mis-informed and getting them to join you.
We must never again let this nation fall into radical, socialist hands.   We must get back to living by our Constitution.   We must only be represented by people that have our best interests at heart, not theirs.  
Remember...if you do nothing, then don't complain when you lose everything (and that day is coming).