Thursday, February 28, 2013

Clearing the National Debt

If you woke up one morning and realized that you were extremely in debt and that the interest on that debt was extraordinary, you'd probably set about making a plan to pay down that debt.   You might look at setting up a plan over a ten year period whereby you'd cut back on frivolous and non-necessary things.   You also might seek a source of additional income to put towards that debt.
But, that's you...not our inept government.
If Washington really wanted to balance their budget and get rid of the National Debt (with its huge interest) they would look at the "big picture".   One thing that could be beneficial would be turning our vast desert into fertile farmland.   This has been done in parts of the Middle East by their moving biodegradable garbage into the desert and turning it into the sand, thus eventually ending up with a very fertile growing area.   This country produces so much biodegradable garbage that we could turn an entire state like New Mexico or Nevada into states that produce so many fruits and vegetables that they would not only meet the needs of America, but could probably export their products also.   Just the taxes from the production and salaries of the newly created farms would be huge.
This nation has huge areas with untapped mineral, gas and oil deposits.   There are two reasons why they're not being exploited.   Reason #1 is there are so many government regulations that it makes it either too costly or too much of a hassle to pursue.   Reason #2 is lack of infrastructure to get these commodities to processing plants and to the end users.   Building more railroads, pipelines and highways would not only make the transportation of these items viable, but put tens of thousands of people to work, thus increasing more income for the government.
So, by dropping the oppressive regulations and investing in the infrastructure over a ten year period could totally eliminate the National Debt, put almost everyone to work and pour more money into Washington than its ever seen before.
An additional plus would be that we would not only become independent from importing natural resources, but become a major exporter.
This is a win - win situation.......everyone is employed, our food supply becomes localized, we no longer rely on other countries for our commodities and the government pays off its debt and ends up "rolling in money".

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

GAO announcement

The GAO (Government Accounting Office) announced today that ObamaCare would be adding $6.2 Trillion to our deficit.   So, we catch Obama in another lie......when he told us that ObamaCare would not add a single cent to the National Debt.
Now, he's up to his old tactics of creating fear in the population over the "sequester".   He's saying that if nothing is done to stop the "sequester", the economy will fall apart.   Remember when he told us that we had to spend $800 Billion to bail out the banks to stop the world's monetary system from failing ?   Well, less than $200 Billion of that has been used.   So, where is the rest of that money ?
For over four years, Obama has taken any situation and created a calamity out of it.   Stop believing this LIAR that we have, ruling our country as a dictator using fear to get his way. voted for him not just once out of ignorance, but a second time out of stupidity.
Until he's gone, we'll have large unemployment, more and more oppressive regulations, higher taxes, higher prices, and an overall poor economy.   He knows nothing about running this country, other than how to make it the failure he has always been (from failing as a community organizer, being an incompetent Senator, to finally proving to us that he can't handle the job of President.
Really; would you hire this guy to work for you ? or would you buy a used car from him ?   If you answered yes to either question, you're a F-----g idiot and should not be subscribed to this blog.  
Please let me know that you'd like your name removed from the mailing list as I'm tired of dealing with fools.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

2013 Budget Sequester

This nonsense that is being played out in Washington is absurd.
The Democrats are blaming the Republicans for not willing to raise our taxes and the Republicans are blaming the Democrats for not wanting a balanced budget.   Meanwhile, the only thing that the President is doing is sending out his cabinet members to preach "doom & gloom" and frighten the population with untruths and outright lies.
It's not just the Democrats or just the Republicans; it's all of Washington.
Yes, you voted for this Congress and the leaderless White House.   Yet you remain blind to the fact that President Obama is not a leader, he's actually way over his head in any government role.   He even was a failure at his "claim to fame" as a community organizer.   He is an over-educated, socialist Chicago thug that can't see the big picture and how everything that he does, hurts this country one way or another.
The budget cuts are really simple.   Instead of cutting our military and other very necessary departments (although he built this huge government and its redundant departments), there are areas that will cause no pain to Americans.
First, there are departments that should be eliminated and given back to the states.   The Department of Education is just one example.
If we were to eliminate all subsidies, grants, special interest grants and foreign aid...that would cut over a trillion dollars out of the budget instantly.
Cut out the NEA...anyone that wants to support the arts can do so but why should the taxpayer give a grant to "art" such as a crucifix upside-down in a jar of urine.   Or how about the Tea Cup museum, or the Train museum, or grants to corporations, forgivable loans, etc., etc., etc.
Washington is talking about $85 billion of cuts, which is nothing since the interest on our debt is over $500 billion.   Of course, Congress will continue to get their automatic pay raises.   So why should they care how their decisions (or lack of decision) affects the rest of us.
If you had any backbone, you would have voted out every incumbent in the last election.   Only those that were well versed in how poorly our government was being run and the destructiveness of Obama, voted against the incumbents...the rest of you were clueless and kept them in office so you must bear the blame for the deterioration of our country and how the rest of the world is calling our government a joke.   We give billions to other countries (that don't need our money except to build their military and line their pockets) while we have massive poverty, homelessness and unemployment that could be reversed with that money.   Doesn't Washington know that you can't BUY friends ?
When is enough enough ?   What does it take for you to get up off your fat ass and do something about this government ?   If you do nothing now, it will be too late when the S--- hits the fan..................

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Minimum Wage

I remember when President Obama was running for election his first time that he promised to raise the minimum wage to $9.50.   And, of course, like most of his promises, it didn't happen.    Now, in his second term, he's lowered his request to just $9.00.
First of all, shouldn't the minimum wage be a States Right ?   Where does the government have the power to control wages ?   The real reason that this has become an issue isn't to help the poor, it's another way to buy votes from the ill informed.
Some states are "Right to Work" states; which means that everyone has the right to work for whatever wage they agree upon.
As an example, I know of several servers in restaurants in Texas whose wage is $2.13 an hour (state regulated).   They rely on tips and the best of them makes over $15 an hour with their tips.
By raising the minimum wage, you increase the price of labor which has to be passed down in increased prices to the consumer; or hire less people to do more work.   The intent is to "help" minimum wage earners ability to live better.   If their income increases and their cost of living then increases...they've gained nothing and everyone else loses.   Why stop at $9.00 per hour ?   Why not make it $20.00 per hour ?
The lazy and incompetent will remain that way while those that perform well will continue likewise.   I remember when I had a job with a guaranteed hourly rate.   Coming from a good work ethic, I went about my job doing the best that I could,   Very shortly, I was told to "slow down"  as I was making everyone else look bad, and if we worked more slowly, we could get overtime to finish our assignment.
The place where I saw the hard workers making more than the "slackers" was amongst people that work on commission, where they got paid according to their productivity.   This separates those that you'd have work for you from those that you'd fire.   Whole industries are based on this payment model (the insurance industry as an example).
Of course collective bargaining (unions) has its merits so that everyone doing the same job receives the same wage.  Unions are very controversial these days so I'll bypass the arguments for or against at this time.
We might fare better if the minimum wage was dropped to $3.00......not gonna happen.   Until Washington gets out of our lives and controlling our freedom of making a living, we will continue to have less of a chance to climb out of poverty or better ourselves.   The minimum wage argument is strictly another scheme in destroying the middle class.   The wealthy will always be wealthy and figure out more ways ti increase and keep their wealth, while the poor will always remain poor (with a very few exceptions) and the middle class will bear the brunt of both.

Monday, February 04, 2013

OK...What's going on ???

We've all seen the news  that Hillary Clinton has resigned as a cabinet member.   Obviously, she is starting her campaign to run for President in 2016.
This seemed understandable until it became apparent that almost everyone is creating distance from Obama.   Since his re-election more than half of his cabinet has resigned including military leaders.
The (controlled) press has not publicized this exodus from the White House and Pentagon.
We all know by now that Obama IS NOT A LEADER.   However, those on the "inside" obviously know something that we don't.
With all the secrecy and "behind closed doors" lack of transparency in this administration, this poses an alert for me.   WHAT IS THE WHITE HOUSE PLANNING ???
Obama and his "henchmen" (Pelosi, Reid, etc.) have succeeded in forcing a health care law down our throats that is not about health care but is the first round in destroying the middle class.   As more and more parts of the law are implemented, you get to have more restrictions in your life and less money in your paycheck; as well as more people losing their full time jobs and moving to part time.
Some of us have seen the influx of U.N. troops onto our military bases in the United States without questioning why tens of thousands of military from other nations (Indonesia, India, etc.) are being stationed in America.   I believe that the White House is planning something that we will violently resist; and since a recent poll showed that over 90% of American troops would not shoot at fellow Americans,
it makes sense to have foreign troops here for the revolt or civil disobedience that might incur.
How many more people at the highest level of our government will be resigning soon ?   We won't know because it's too embarrassing for Obama that the citizens see that he hasn't the support for his future plans to destroy America.
Why did you vote for this Socialist,  pro U.N., incompetent "community organizer" ?   Were you stupid ? were you ignorant ? Or were you conned like those that were stupid and ignorant and fell for the cry of "Hope & Change" ?   You notice that those words are never used by Obama now that we see the nonsense that it was. 
Stay alert and watch for something big to happen that will affect you life, income and ain't gonna be pretty...................................