Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lessons Learned
In 1919 Congress passed the 18th Amendment prohibiting the sale of alcohol.   The citizens objected so much that by 1933 they passed the 21st Amendment, repealing Prohibition.
The government learned that you can't prohibit people from things they want; so Congress came up with another scheme to control the citizens.
Let the people have whatever they want, but put taxes on those items.   The higher the tax, the more control the government will have.
Most of these taxes are hidden in the price of the item such as the Federal Excise Tax on the tires you buy for your car.   The list of taxes you pay is incredibly long and includes Aviation tax when you fly somewhere, Gasoline tax, Telephone tax, etc.
These taxes can be raised at anytime in order to make an item or service so costly that the average citizen can't afford it.   As an example, in 1934 a tax was put on machine guns, in 1968, that tax was increased and many other guns were added to the list under the "Gun Control Act".
Since the government has decided to let us have anything we want as long as we're willing to pay the tax on it, they're talking about Gun Control without prohibiting guns.   A gun is useless without ammunition.   Very soon a Federal Excise Tax will be added to the price of bullets and will be increased every so often until most citizens won't be able to afford to shoot their guns.
Now, since Congress has learned how to restrict our freedom of ownership without prohibiting ownership, we should have learned that we can reverse any of their decisions as was done in 1933.
Over 75% of the population is against ObamaCare (called the Affordable Healthcare Act; which is not affordable), isn't it time that we forced Congress to repeal it ?   All we have to do is take a lesson from those that came before us in repealing Prohibition.
Of course, the very first step is to get rid of President Obama that caused this mess in the first place.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

According to most polls, as of Fri. 10/ 19/2012, the popular vote shows Romney at 47% while it shows Obama at 32%.   The problem is that the popular vote doesn't count in electing a President.   It's the vote of the Electoral College that elects a President.   As of this date, Obama has 220 electoral votes while Romney only has 206 electoral votes.
I have always believed that this election is "rigged".   Just as the last election was corrupted with thousands and thousands of vote for Obama by dead people voting, illegal aliens voting and people voting for him multiple times.
This is just another example of how our election system has deteriorated and can be manipulated. I remember when Lyndon Johnson needed a few more votes to win in Texas; and an hour before the polls closed in Alice, Texas, the entire town voted for him in just one hour, giving him the win.
It was at that time that I realized that not only weren't some Americans "playing by the rules", but that much more corruption in voting was to happen in the future.
No one wants to talk about this nor does anyone want to do an in depth investigation.   That's where the statement; "Vote early and vote Often" comes from.
Most polling places have someone watching that there is no nonsense going on.   But who is watching the watchers ?   Be aware and vigilant when you go vote.   Notice anything that looks wrong and report it to someone outside of the polling place.   Even call your local radio or TV station to expose it.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

I don't want you to think that I'm a bleeding heart liberal after reading this post.   Actually, if you've read any of my previous posts, you know that I'm totally against illegal aliens.
I've spent the last few months writing to and speaking with Latinos from all over the United States.   

Here are some of the things that I've discovered:
(1) Most of the Latinos in this country (80%) are citizens and speak English.
(2) There are as many illegal aliens from Asia and the Middle East as there are from Mexico and Central America.
(3) No effort is being made about the problem of Asian and Middle Eastern illegals.   Only the Mexicans are being singled out.
(4) Over 80% of Latinos that are citizens are registered voters.
(5) In this election, one can't win it without at least 35% of the Latino vote.
(6) Latinos account for over 18% of small businesses in this country.
(7) This new generation of Latinos are uncomfortable speaking Spanish or can't at all.
(8) Other than the illegals, most Latinos make an effort to assimilate into America; Asians and Middle Easterner's do not.
(9) Most Middle Easterners come here to infiltrate America and destroy us.
(10) Most Asians come here for opportunity.
(11) Most Latinos come here to start a new life.
(12) Obama broke his promise to the Latino community when he promised them that he would make changes in the immigration system in his first year in office.   They feel betrayed.
...and the list goes on.

Since we share a border with Canada and Mexico, why can't we make the path to citizenship easier for immigrants from those two countries ?
Why aren't we rounding up illegal aliens from the Middle East and Asian countries instead of Latinos only ?
Why is Homeland Security even allowing illegals into the U.S. regardless where they're from ?
Why can't our Congress come up with a new, more applicable immigration policy (and enforce it) ?
Remember that 12.5% of the votes that Obama got in the last election were from the Latino community. Latinos would vote overwhelmingly for Romney if he'd just tell them his plans for immigration that included them.


Monday, October 01, 2012

Liar Liar.......

Finally, the truth is coming out about another lie from the White House.
A week before the attack on our embassy in Libya, a request was made to Washington for more security as they had information that an attack on the embassy was imminent.   This request was denied because "we helped them and they are our friends now...".
How do we know that ?   The Ambassador kept a detailed diary in which he wrote down this information.   Interestingly is that his diary was found four (4) days after the attack by a CNN news crew.  
The FBI, that immediately investigates these things still hadn't shown up in Libya.   A memorandum to the FBI told them that this wasn't a priority.   The White House has refused to produce this memorandum so far.
Instead of telling the people of the United States the truth, the White House, under Obama's orders,
decided to cover up their screwup.   Instead, they concocted the story that the attack happened "just suddenly" because of a movie made and seen over six months ago, depicting mohammad in a less that stellar light.   Not only was this an outright lie, but incited muslims in other countries to form protests at our embassies around the world.
By now, you should be able to see that Obama is a thug, a schemer, a liar and hasn't a clue about world politics.   You voted in a man with "community organizer" experience (at best), knowing nothing more about him to find out that he's pro-muslim, anti-American and schooled from early childhood through his higher education in communist and socialist agendas.
If you vote him in again, you deserve what you get.   This time it won't be as "pretty".   Only a really stupid person could vote for someone that has deteriorated this country as much as Obama has.   The only excuse for that is either ignorance or stupidity.   Ignorance can be cured; stupidity is permanent.   Which are you ?