Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama Part 4

Obama holds the American middle class in contempt. He betrays this contempt in both small and large ways. One small telling way was his response to the successful candidacy of Scott Brown to replace Ted Kennedy in the Senate in Massachusetts following Kennedy's death in 2009. Brown ran on the slogan, "I'm Scott Brown, I'm from Wrentham (a working class town, I drive a truck, and I'm asking for your vote". In an off -the- cuff comment, Obama put Brown down by saying, "Anyone can buy a truck". This dismissal shows Obama's remoteness from the real lives of most working Americans.
But Obama's worst display of his contempt of middle class America came in his remarks before a San Francisco audience (caught on tape) during his 2008 campaign, when he offered the following explanation of how working class Americans have responded to a changing economy that has cost jobs in their communities:
"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for twenty-five years and nothing's replaced them. And it's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations".
The assumption that he makes is that Americans worship God and engage in hunting, not from conviction or for genuine enjoyment, but purely out of resentment.
This contemptuous elitism comes directly from Obama's background in elite academic institutions and his career as a "community organizer" in mold of his radical inspiration, Saul Alinsky. Marc Landy best explains this as , "Obama is a member in good standing of the "new class" of law and business school professors, economists, foundation executives, think tankers, congressional staffers, and media pundits who have melded with the captains of industry, finance and politics to form the participate of our times".

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama - Part 3

Obama carefully maintains what is known as "plausible deniability" of the fact that he is a socialist - pointing out that he did not nationalize the banking sector as many leftists wanted him to do. Obama and his supporters are correct in making the argument that his program is not socialism in the sense of government ownership of the means of production. It's actually worse; Obama's variety of socialism can be regarded as welfare statism on steroids, or maybe even fascism - state control of private resources. Obama proudly pointed out to Wall Street bankers in 2009 that "my administration is the only thing standing between you and the pitchforks" of angry people. This hasn't stopped Obama's political allies from exploiting the "Occupy Wall Street" movement to whip up support for tax increases. Obama's socialistic orientation can be seen in the bailout of General Motors, which involved abrogating debt contracts under threat of coercion, closing car dealerships based on political considerations and awarding equity in the company to the President's labor union allies that had done so much to make the company unprofitable. This is the erosion of the rule of law that is typical under socialism.
Obama's not so hidden agenda can be seen in his approach to his signature issue - universal health care. Speaking to a union audience in 2003, Obama said,
"I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer universal health care program....a single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that's what I'd like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House."
"Single-payer" universal health care is a euphemism for fully socialized, government run health care. During the 2008 campaign, Obama specifically repudiated single-payer, but what has become known as "Obamacare" is designed to facilitate an eventual governmental takeover of the entire health care sector. Just as Obama was a "stealth" candidate, concealing his true views, Obamacare is a "stealth" takeover of health care, designed to fail in ways that will require more government power to remedy.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama - Part 2

The Obama administration can be seen as the culmination of Woodrow Wilson's plan to change the President from chief magistrate of the government to the "visionary leader" that moves America to a new and different place according to his ambitious "vision". Obama has concealed his deep radicalism in the campaign, and has continued to obscure his socialist goals since taking office, but it has become clear from tell-tale signs in his background that he is ambitious to being the agent of liberal reform in modern times. Wilson and the Progressives represented the first attempt at liberal reform; FDR and the New Deal was next in liberal reform; and LBJ's Great Society was the third step in advancing liberal reform. Each of these steps led to large increases in the size and reach of the federal government, with more spending, regulations, and higher taxes. They also created electoral realignments in favor of Democrats. Obama hoped to achieve another realignment that would give Democrats a long lasting and durable majority in Congress. The 2008 election delivered large Democratic majorities, representing a possible realignment similar to the 1932 election, however, the 2010 midterm election showed that the American people do not support Obama's agenda.
Each past "wave" of liberal reform also entailed a weakening of the Constitution, and the Obama agenda is no exception. Only the checks and balances of the separation of powers between the branches (a feature of the Constitution that Woodrow Wilson hated the most because it constrained visionary Presidents like himself and certainly Obama) have kept Obama from implementing more of his radical agenda. Still, he has made great strides in forcing the nation to the left. Embracing the slogan of his first Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, that we should "never let a good crisis go to waste", Obama used the banking crisis of 2008 to enact a nearly $1 trillion "stimulus bill" on the basis of the discredited Keynesian theory that government can heal the economy simply by spending borrowed money. And, of course we know that the "stimulus bill" failed, prolonging the recession and pushing the nation into unprecedented and truly threatening new debt. Obama promised that the "stimulus bill", by spending money for "shovel ready" projects around the country, would limit unemployment to 8%. But unemployment soared to over 10% and has remained high. Obama later admitted that there weren't many "shovel ready" projects. Much of the money went to reward favored Democratic Party constituency groups and to expand the left's favorite government programs, such as the Energy Department's loan guarantee program for "green energy" that resulted in the Solyndra calamity and other corrupt dealings as well as a multitude of failed "green energy" companies.
But to only look at the economic results of the stimulus is to miss the "big picture". The "stimulus bill" was political, rather than economic. By adding almost $1 trillion of new spending in one shot, increased the "baseline" for federal spending for all government programs. The stimulus was a chance to increase the size of the federal government PERMANENTLY. A few of the programs will shrink a bit with the formal end of the stimulus period, but overall, the size of government and most spending programs will be much higher than before Obama took office. Prior to Obama, federal spending averaged around 20% of GDP; the "stimulus bill" bumped the federal government's spending to a new plateau of around 25% of GDP, and Obama's health care plan will increase that level further.
By the way - During his campaign, Obama promised that he would deliver a Net Spending Cut. He knew that he was lying to us...
By deliberately creating a huge federal deficit, Obama has created massive political pressure for tax increases. Permanently higher taxes are the necessary condition for a larger government, as new programs require a larger share of taxpayer's income and wealth.
Obama made it very clear during the 2008 campaign that redistributive egalitarianism is his core principle - both in his answer to a question from ABC News's Charlie Gibson in a primary debate, and in his answer to "Joe the Plumber" during the fall campaign. When Gibson pointed out that cuts in the capital gains tax usually raised revenue, and asked Obama why he would want a tax increase that might depress revenue, Obama replied, "Well Charlie, what I've said is that I raise the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness". Fairness is, of course, the liberal code word for redistribution and punitive taxation of the successful, regardless of its negative economic effects. Even more revealing was Obama's off the cuff answer on the October 2008 campaign trail when"Joe the Plumber' Wurzelbacher challenged Obama about his plans to tax the rich. Obama replied that, "I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody". As his Presidency has proceeded, it has become clear that he prefers redistribution over economic growth.

Part 3 will discuss Obama's radicalism

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama - Part 1

Since I've been writing this blog, I've been openly anti-Obama. A few of my readers take offense at that and I've had ongoing (back and forth e-mails) with some of them.
Let me tell you about this guy that we have to call our President:

Obama is exactly the kind of demagogic President the Founding Fathers feared would undermine the stability of the American republic, trading on personal charisma and employing what Alexander Hamilton called "the little arts of popularity." In addition to practicing a style of politics that would be abhorrent to the Founders, Obama is the most ideologically leftist President in American history, more radical by several orders of magnitude than either Franklin Roosevelt or Lyndon Johnson.

Obama shrewdly exploited the nation's unhappiness in the sudden economic catastrophe of the fall of 2008 to win an election with vague and empty appeals to "hope and change", but offered few specifics on how he would govern. His drive for the Presidency was less an election campaign than the creation of a cult of personality, complete with the first ever logo for a Presidential candidate. Obama deliberately encouraged preposterous conceptions of his own greatness, telling the American people in his nomination acceptance speech in 2008, for example, that his name, Barack, means "blessed".

In presenting himself literally as a messiah figure, he raised unrealistic and unhealthy expectations for what he really could deliver in office. Obama's advanced narcissism led him to grandiosities such as his claim, upon securing the Democratic nomination, that history would record that "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal", as though he seriously believed that he could command the waves to stop. While his personality and charisma was enough to win the election, his reliance on these very same attributes is now degrading his own Presidency and the status of the office itself. According to a Gallup Poll, Obama has become the most politically polarizing President (separating America by economic status and racial divides) in the sixty year history of Presidential polling.

Obama came to the Presidency with the thinnest record and least governing experience of any modern day President, justifying the view that he should be considered America's first affirmative action President, who won the election largely because of his race. Of course, many independent voters chose him as a means of proving that they were not racists. A liberal columnist wrote that Obama makes white voters "feel better about themselves for liking him". Many voters, and obviously the mainstream media that openly supported Obama, avoided looking at the evidence of his radicalism and unfitness for office, and particularly from his association with violent revolutionaries such as William Ayers and radical anti-Americans such as his church pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah ("God damn America !") Wright, who openly proclaims Marxist inspired "black liberation theology" from the pulpit.

If you want to know more about the ego driven, failure as our President, let me know and I will tell you more about Barack Hussein Obama that you might not have considered as of yet...................

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Money Laundering

We've all heard the term "Money Laundering" in regard to the illegal drug trade. The definition is: To disguise the source or nature of funds by channeling through an intermediate agent.
This is a method used by criminals to end up with money that they can account for.
However, is it a criminal act when it is done by our elected officials ?
As we all know by now that our present government is the most corrupt ever. Obama himself has violated the Constitution more times than all Presidents before him (in total) since President Jackson.
Take for example the money laundering scheme for Obama's re-election. Obama has personally forced one specific industry (Green Energy) to be given billions of dollars as "stimulus money". The catch was that they return 10% or more of this taxpayer money in campaign contributions for Obama's re-election.
If that isn't money laundering, then what is ???
Solyndra alone, received $535 million dollars and made enormous political contributions to not only Obama, but Barbara Boxer (D-Cal), Harry Reid (D-Nev), the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Committee, and other democrats.
Worst of all, most of these government funded "green companies have either already failed or are in bankruptcy. And it was all done with YOUR MONEY.
Why don't you just send Obama your next paycheck and avoid the middle man ???
You foolishly elected him and now you want to vote for him again..............you're really STUPID.
If he gets re-elected, "you ain't seen nuthin yet....."; he'll do much more damage to this country, your way of life and your pocket than you can imagine.