Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This is the longest that the U.S. has ever been in an UNDECLARED WAR in it's entire history.
What is the height of stupidity is the fact that we give Pakistan tens of billions of dollars to "buy" their friendships and support. Most of this money goes into the pockets of their leaders and the rest goes into training camps where the Pakistani army trains Al Quada and Taliban to fight against Americans.
Although the news reports on the U.N. efforts in both Iraq and Afghanistan, in truth it's primarily the U.S. troops that are fighting these wars.
With our expertise in operating the drones, why can't we wipe out our enemy ??? Could it be that we are afraid that Pakistan will use their nukes on us or Europe or even Israel ? Why are we letting them blackmail us ???
First of all, the days of "conventional war" are past. Countries all over the world are "gearing up" for WW III.
China, Russia, Iran, No. Korea, etc. are building their nuclear arsenals, delivery systems and armies in preparation for the nest world war.
In the meantime, Obama wants to reduce us militarily. Since one drone, it's maintenance and operator cost less than 20 troops (with their weapons and support systems) in the field, why can't we slash hundreds of billions from our budget (debt) and use more of these drones ? There is no need to have troops on the ground in order to fight a war these days. Between bombers, jet fighters, helicopter raids and of course drones, we could destroy the enemy easily. If we stop rebuilding these countries that we're at "war" with, there are more billions that we could slash from our expenditures.
All things being said, Congress can reach it's goal of "cutting back" as well as declare WAR so we can proceed with finishing it. This way, we could bring back our service people and use some of these savings to rebuild our country, thus producing jobs for the returning troops.
This amounts to:
(1) Cutting spending
(2) Winning a war
(3) Strengthening our economy
(4) Having American troops protecting America
By now, I hope that you realize that everyone in Washington must be replaced as they're not only corrupt but incompetent as well. They can only get away with what they're doing (or not doing) if we continue to let them.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Corruption in our Gov't.

Last night, on CBS's "60 Minutes" program, another layer of the corruption in our gov't. was revealed.
Insider trading of stocks is against the law and punishable by a fine AND jail time.
This applies to everyone of us with the exception of our Congress.
In the "60 Minutes" exposure, several of our Representatives were challenged about stock trades that they made immediately after receiving INSIDER INFORMATION.
If a company were to give a Congressperson a gift of (let's say) $10,000 to vote for (or against a bill that might favor that company), that would be against the law. However, if a company were to inform any of our Representatives or Senators about a coming development and they could then place stock trades accordingly, that would be legal.
Haven't you ever wondered how someone is elected to Congress with a net worth of a few hundred thousand dollars and ends up becoming a multi-millionaire ?
A bill is presented every session to disallow this. That bill has only six (yes 6) members of Congress that are supporting it. The bill is immediately thrown out for that session.
If you saw the program that I'm referring to, Nancy Pelosi is caught by surprise when asked about the $1 million that she and her husband made on such an insider trade. She is at a loss for words...........BUSTED
Meanwhile, the rest of us are forced to lose money in our 401K and other retirement plans while Congress is raking in millions of dollars towards their net worth.
This is just one of the corruptions taking place in our gov't. No wonder we're listed as the 5th most corrupt country in the world.

Ta Da Today

Politically incorrect dealing with current matters

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Show me the money

Aren't you thoroughly disgusted by now with this administration ?
After listening to Obama appointee, Janet Nepalitano tell the nation that the federal gov't. couldn't start any new projects and that FEMA was almost broke, I was really pissed off.
Over the past two and a half years, this administration has squandered hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to build infrastructure and buildings in foreign countries as well as contribute our dollars to foreign armies and support military actions that are none of our business.
Now that we have had numerous disasters in this country, there seems to be no more money for Americans.
I've gradually revised my observation that Obama was a socialist......he's an outright communist. Under his (lack 0f) leadership, he has systematically kept this country from recovering from a recoverable recession.
He continues to expand government to exert more control over our lives and freedoms.
After re-reading "The Mouse That Roared", i believe that if just one small state like Vermont or Rhode Island were to declare war on Washington, they would get billions of dollars thrown at them like we do for foreign nations.
It's time to withdraw from the federal government and divide the country into states, and leave Washington, D.C. to rule itself without interfering with the rest of us.
The Obama mantra these days must be "Dollars for enemies, none for Americans".

Friday, November 11, 2011

Employment ???????

You do realize that governments don't create jobs; the private and corporate sectors do. However, governments can halt job creation by regulations and laws.
The unemployment numbers in the United States are based on those collecting unemployment payments. These numbers do not include those that have stopped collecting and are still out of work as well as those that were self-employed. Since there isn't that many more layoffs left, the unemployment number should go down just because, eventually, everyone that is eligible to collect unemployment payment, will eventually drop off the rolls until there is no one collecting and then the unemployment number will be ZERO.
The truth is that as long as this administration can keep people unemployed, it can get their vote in the next election with Obama promising millions of jobs if he's re-elected.
Right now, there are thousands of jobs available in Williston, North Dakota. Do you think that this administration is doing anything about promoting these jobs or helping the unemployed get these jobs ? Of course not as it wouldn't be in the best interest of Obama and his band of thugs.
Another huge source of employment has just been stopped by Obama himself. The Trans Canada Pipeline will not be allowed for the time being. This project would employ over a million people across the United States in directly and indirectly related jobs. Obama made a statement yesterday, saying that he will not permit the Trans Canada pipeline until he's been re-elected. This way he can promise jobs to the unemployed and "buy" their vote.
The Trans Canada Pipeline
The Keystone Gulf Coast Expansion Project is an approximate 2,673-kilometre (1,661-mile), 36-inch crude oil pipeline that would begin at Hardisty, Alberta and extend southeast through Saskatchewan, Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska. It would incorporate a portion of the Keystone Pipeline (Phase II) through Nebraska and Kansas to serve markets at Cushing, Oklahoma before continuing through Oklahoma to a delivery point near existing terminals in Nederland, Texas to serve the Port Arthur, Texas marketplace.

This would be the largest project of its kind ever to take place in North America and the United States. I applaud Mr. Obama for helping us not only by keeping people out of work, but by keeping us foreign oil dependent. If I want to destroy this country, then Obama's got my vote............

Saturday, November 05, 2011

The "Great One"

Isn't Obama proud that the air support that he authorized, helped with the fall of the tyrant in Libya. Now the flag of Al-Qaeda flies over Libya's capitol.........good job Obama, helping enemies of the U.S.

On another matter; the Solyndra bankruptcy is starting to look pretty bad for Obama. He personally pushed through $525 Million of taxpayer money to Solyndra and now they're bankrupt. An investigation is taking place and we are prohibited from seeing the corruption in this case. Obama has threatened to use Executive Privilege in order to NOT release his e-mails to the head of Solyndra, who by the way was a major contributor to Obama's re-election. In addition, Obama wants the e-mails suppressed because they implicate him in "under-the-table" cash "kickbacks" to him in the sum of millions of taxpayer dollars deposited in his offshore account.
Besides his efforts to bring down the United States, he is lining his pockets with our money.
Does this sound familiar ??? Every leader of a Middle Eastern country has been given tens of millions of dollars (as foreign aid) and they have pocketed it for their own fortunes (Iraq, Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Nigeria, etc.).
No wonder that several organizations that track international corruption have all said that the United States is the 5th most corrupt country in the world...
I suppose you want to re-elect Obama so he can stash more of your money in his private account. How do you think that this man has become a multi-millionaire ? Ans: He steals from everywhere that he goes...an example is that as a "community organizer", his organization went broke. Could it be that he embezzled their fund too ?
By the way, a lot of your Congressmen also get kickbacks from companies that they support in the form of homes, boats, cash, scholarships for their kids, etc.
Meanwhile, Michelle Obama keeps pulling an "Evita Peron" on us by spending taxpayer dollars on expensive clothing and jewelry and having lavish parties.
Obama acts more like a dictator than a President......and you want him to continue. The real truth about this failure of a President will all come out after he is no longer President of the United States. It's up to you to have four more years of your money being stashed by him and other corrupt leaders or for us to have a new start with someone else. Notice that even though the Democrats have other more qualified people than Obama to run against him, no one dare. Obama is relying on "Chicago style" voting (illegals, dead people, uninformed 18-30 voters, votes by the elderly by their caregivers, homeless, welfare mothers, etc.). If you include the black vote, this is how he won last time (see ACORN, his private army).
Haven't you had enough of this fraud of a man yet ??? Some members of the Electoral College have already sworn to re-elect him. I wonder what their payoff is...