Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Illegal education

President Barack Obama said that he will work to change the politics of the immigration debate on children of illegal immigrants in 2011 by making his case to the American people to pass the DREAM Act.

The DREAM Act (acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) is an American legislative proposal introduced in the Senate on May 11, 2011.

This bill would have provided conditional permanent residency to certain illegal alien students who graduate from US high schools, who are of good moral character, arrived in the U.S. legally or illegally as minors, and have been in the country continuously for at least five years prior to the bill's enactment. If they were to complete two years in the military or two years at a four year institution of higher learning, the students would obtain temporary residency for a six year period. Within the six year period, a qualified student must have "acquired a degree from an institution of higher education in the United States or [have] completed at least 2 years, in good standing, in a program for a bachelor's degree or higher degree in the United States," or have "served in the armed services for at least 2 years and, if discharged, [have] received an honorable discharge. Military enlistment contracts require an eight year commitment, with active duty commitments typically between four and six years, but as low as two years "Any alien whose permanent resident status is terminated [according to the terms of the Act] shall return to the immigration status the alien had immediately prior to receiving conditional permanent resident status under this Act.". This bill would have included illegal aliens as old as 35 years of age.

More simply stated, if you're an illegal alien that's under 35 years old, you can go to school (from kindergarten through a PhD. (at the expense of the taxpayer)...and then be given citizenship. That citizenship extends to you and your family (mother, father, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.). So, now you can sneak into the U.S. ILLEGALLY, get a free education and then bring a load of others with you.

At present, even some colleges and universities around the country give preferential treatment to illegal students by offering scholarships or In State tuition. This keeps many Americans from these preferred costs or keeping them from going to college so an illegal can go in their place.

There is no problem giving citizenship to anyone that honorably serves in the military, protecting this country. However, two years of service should only be for those that see combat, all others should have to serve at least four years or more. To make matters worse, the bill would be retroactive, going back five years.

Bottom line, Obama needs more voters so he wants as many illegals given the right to vote for him... This guy will do anything (except make America better) to get re-elected. If I was an illegal alien, I'd not only vote for him but I would have my entire family vote for him (as many times as we could). We already know that ACORN "stuffed" the ballot boxes in the last election and now he wants more votes. Go to Mexico and see what free education you can get there, or if you can get citizenship, or if you can even vote.

As an illegal alien in Mexico, you go directly to prison and have no recourse to any human rights. In this country, we either coddle the illegals or (at our expense) deport them. All those bleeding heart do-gooders with their political correctness are helping to destroy our way of life and limiting your children's opportunities in favor of people that are breaking our unenforced laws. If the Dream Act gets passed, there will be a huge influx of illegal aliens (from all over the world) sneaking into the U.S. for free education and eventual citizenship for them and all their relatives. You'd better learn Spanish and Arabic because in less than one generation, you will be in the minority and lose more rights than you think you have.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It looks like a duck......

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck...
We all listened to Obama's "speech" last night that was supposed to be the announcement to the world of our strategy in Afghanistan. It was a campaign speech.
Since when does a President tell anyone what his plans are for the military, especially while they're engaged in a war ? Now, all the taliban has to do is sit back and wait for our troops to withdraw, meanwhile quietly rebuilding their strength and claiming a victory over the United States.
He (Obama) was very clever in his wording about our involvement in Libya. He said that there WASN'T a single American soldier "on the ground" in Libya. He neglected to say that there are over 1600 CIA and U.S. hired "private contractors" in Libya...he neglected to say how much the U.S. is supplying in sophisticated arms...he neglected to say how much it's costing us each day to operate drones and jet fighters in Libya.
Actually, his "military withdrawal speech" was mostly another campaign speech. Of the 13 minutes that he spoke, over 8 minutes was his "blowing his own horn" about how great he is and his "terrific" leadership.
This was a campaign speech on national television that didn't cost him a cent. Anyone else that's running for office would have had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to have a 13 minute election speech in primetime television on all the networks at the same time.
As a side note: If you replay all of his speeches, there is a common theme that they all posses; if it's something positive, he takes full credit for it rather than telling who really should have the credit for it...as an example, he never gave Bush the credit for forming and having constantly trained personnel ready to go to get Bin Laden. Those soldiers have been in training for that mission before Obama even ran for office. Yes, it finally happened on his watch so I'll give him credit for that.
On the other hand, in his speeches, anything negative he won't accept responsibility for and blames everyone else. This is the typical way all street thugs (and community organizers) argue. Are you still "drinking the Coolaid" and believing that Obama is the "Messiah" ?
If you vote for him again, you deserve what he'll do to this country...and you won't like it.
On another side note: The black community is saying that he has let them down in that the largest percentage of unemployed in any group is amongst the black community. The percentage of blacks that are now unemployed is higher than during the 1929 depression.
Obama is a phony.......................We can stop him before he even has a chance to run for re-election by organizing a RECALL and have him kicked out of office now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First Prize.....

It looks like instead of winning the Presidential election, the Obamas won a contest where part of the FIRST PRIZE was unlimited travel (with family, friends, etc.) to anywhere in the world. Most of those trips made around the United States are mostly re-election campaign trips and have nothing to do with running our country and solving its problems.
As far as all of that foreign travel, nothing helpful to the United States is accomplished and a "pant load" of money is being wasted. In every case where Michele Obama travels, she avoids the appropriate protocol (as any Diva would), has ridiculous demands and accomplishes nothing but pretty photo ops.
How many poor people could be fed with the millions of dollars that have been wasted so far by the Obama's excessive travel and extravagant parties ? Isn't this country in an economic slump while the Obamas spend taxpayer money on their pleasures ???
However, let's not be too critical.......the Obamas have no idea about the role a President, First Lady and family should play. After all, running this country is way beyond the scope of these people. Continually traveling helps avoid doing the work that Obama was "supposedly" elected to do.
By now, it's quite clear that for any one thing that you can say that Obama has done to help this country, there are at least a dozen (or more) things that have been done to hurt this country since he took office.
I can't see the rationale of people wanting to re-elect him (other than race). Think about it..........

Sunday, June 19, 2011

With all of this talk about raising the our debt limit, some are asking about lowering our spending.
Washington has gone wild with unnecessary spending.
First of all, Obamacare is not the answer to health care...deregulation of health care and health insurance makes the costs of both go down without government intervention.

As a side note: The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America is quite specific, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." This amendment is quite obvious.

The government has created so many Departments and hundreds of Agencies that are the job of the States, not the Federal government. On the other hand, the Federal government fails to enforce most Federal laws and prohibits the States from doing so. A perfect example of this is the Department of Homeland Security should have the 24,000 soldiers that protect the South Korean border reassigned to protect the U.S. border where every day, dozens of people from Mexico, the Orient, the Middle East and Africa, sneak into this country illegally and drain our public services as well as bringing crime, disease, drugs and jihad into the U.S.
Why do we have a Department of Education ? Isn't it up to the States to regulate their education ?
Why do we have a Department of Housing & Urban Renewal Development ? Isn't it up to the Cities to take care of this ?
And the list goes on and on.
If we were to adopt the Fair Tax plan, the government would be taking in more money and be able to eliminate the IRS (over 160,000 highly paid government positions).
By eliminating subsidies, grants and all foreign aid, there would be huge savings.
Now they're starting to fool around with Medicare and Social Security. These programs would be very solvent if those that are not entitled, those that never contributed, those that don't meet the age requirements and those that are fraudulently are scamming these systems were either taken off the rolls or prosecuted (where appropriate).
Instead of adding "pork barrel" items to bills, use that extra money to pay down the Federal Deficit.
There is no reason why the United States can't be #1 again in its economy, education, health, business, military, safety, opportunity, etc. All it takes is the government getting out of our way.
Our government is listed as the fifth most corrupt government in the world....we used to not even be on that list. (Source: Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report)
This present administration has done more in the past two years to hurt businesses and the overall economy that all administrations before it (collectively). By now, it should be obvious to all of you that Obama is not only a Socialist but a puppet of those (Soros, Saudi Arabia, the Bank of England, etc.) that are dedicated to the collapse of America.
If we continue on the path that we're on, it is inevitable that this country will be plunged into another great Civil War from which it will take another hundred years to recover (if ever). Regardless, this administration has not only caused the next generation to be less successful than ours but has become instrumental in decreasing the lifespan of the next generation. If you want a detailed explanation of anything you've just read...ask me and I'm happy to make you aware of the great harm that Obama has done (and will continue to do as long as YOU let him) to this country. Ask yourself, "What has this administration done to reverse our decline and make your life better ?" "What, if anything has Obama done for the United States ?" It then becomes obvious that everything that he has done has hurt us.....

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Just like you, I too was satisfied with Obama finally producing his birth certificate to satisfy all of us that weren't quite sure if he was actually a U.S. citizen.
The document looks authentic enough to satisfy our curiosity.
In this age of modern counterfeiting techniques, could it be possible that this "birth certificate" is fraudulent ?
Why did it take so long for it to finally be revealed ?
An indication that the ink used on the bottom signatures had not been formulated until the early '80s.
We all know that any document can be altered, duplicated or an "original" created.
Is Obama's birth certificate real ?
I'd like to believe that it is, but common sense tells me that because of the timing in presenting it as well as no authentication of the paper, inks or sworn statements by those that signed it, there still remains a reasonable doubt as to it's authenticity.
And so, the mystery continues...