Monday, May 31, 2010

Oil spill solutions

A lot was learned from the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska about how to keep the shoreline pristine.
American Products Enterprises Corp. has an EPA tested and approved product called HTP that absorbs all oil and oil products and is ten times more effective than clay.
Aabaco Environmental has a product called Bio-AAbsorb that was used on the Alaskan shore and the microbes in this product cleaned up their beaches. These microbes thrive on oil and the byproduct is rich soil.
New World Inovations, Inc. has a unique item called Squid-Eco that has been used around the world to surround similar oil leaks and contain them as they come to the surface to be collected vacuumed up.
Obama has told us that he's in charge and doing everything possible to stop the gusher and protect our beaches. That's absolute Bull...; he has rejected all of the above companies proposals to use their products. These are all tried and proven, as well as very effective; yet, this administration is following the advise of Obama's closest friend that said, "never let a good disaster go to waste". Now, the government can shut down all offshore drilling. The Democrats have been pushing for this for years.
We can blame the government agencies or BP or Haliburton or whoever we want. However, since Obama has declared that he's in charge of this mess, then the remainder falls at his feet. Hundreds of people and companies have offered solutions from the absurd to the very practical and have all been either ignored or rejected. Does Obama think that the government knows more than the experts that work in the oil industry ? BP has requested that Obama at least let then "try" some of these alternative solutions and has been turned down.
Obama is so on top of this that, here on Memorial Day, instead of being at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier or at Arlington National Cemetery, he's at home in Chicago, partying with his family...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Another LIE...

Just like the muslims tell us that islam is a "religion" of peace and tolerance, when it's quite the opposite, the Latinos have their lie.
The lie is that they are hardworking and pay taxes.
The truth is:
(1) Of the thousands of gangs in this country, over 90% are Latino.
(2) The flow of drugs into this country comes primarily from Latin-American countries.
(3) Latinos pay NO TAXES. When those that do file a tax return, they say that they have 10 dependents and not only get back any taxes that they may have paid but get even more because of the "earned income" provision.
(4) Mexico has set up schools to teach their people how to enter the U.S. (illegally) and apply for every "freebie" benefit available.
(5) There are schools in Mexico to teach islamic terrorists to speak and act like Mexicans before they illegally cross into the U.S.
(6) The President of Mexico has ordered our President to not enforce any immigration laws with the 1200 troops that are being sent to the border. Obama has told these troops to only enforce gun and drug trafficking laws.
(7) The majority of Latinos get some form of taxpayer funded aid.
(8) The majority of Latinos work "off the books" and pay no taxes or Social Security or Medicare.
(9) Illegal aliens are prosecuted 20 times less than U.S. citizens for the same crimes.
(10) Illegal aliens carry no auto insurance or drivers licenses even though they are on our roads.
If this isn't enough, let me know and I'm happy to give you as many examples of this (and more) to let you know just how much you're being ripped off by the lackadaisical attitude this administration has regarding this issue.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Oil spill ???

Notice how involved with the BP oil disaster the President is.
He refers to it as a "spill" when it's actually a HUGE DISASTER. A spill is when a cup of coffee is knocked over. What's happening in the Gulf is a lot more than just a spill.
In his press conference today, he said that this was "the worst disaster of its kind...".
Obviously, he is once again not knowing what he's talking about. 30 years ago, a Mexican oil company had this same problem and it lasted over 9 months, making this one look like just a "spill".
From the beginning of this disaster, Bobby Jindal (Governor of Louisiana) has been begging this administration for help. The help that has been given is that Homeland Security and a SWAT team was sent to Louisiana. In today's press conference said that "the government was in charge"; the other day he said that "this is BP's fault and their responsible for fixing it".
Bobby Jindal has several solutions yet every time he requests assistance he's told that the Army Core of Engineers has to approve it first.
Why do you think that Cynthia Quarterman (head of Mineral Management Systems) resigned today ? It was her department that gave the "go ahead" to BP to bypass certain steps that could have avoided this from ever happening.
Meanwhile, there are committees, inquiry panels, witch hunts, etc. with everyone blaming everyone for who is at fault, while the government is stopping any progress that the knowledgeable people in the Louisiana Gulf can be doing in cleaning up this mess.
One reason is that the Governor of Louisiana is a Republican, and as one of Obama's advisers said..."never let a good disaster go to waste"; so Obama is not going to let Gov. Jindal take any credit for solving this problem.
Bottom line...Obama would rather sit around and think about it than do anything about it.
Did you notice that during the memorial for the men that died when the platform blew up, Obama wasn't there, but at a fund raiser. He's not only stupid, but doesn't care about any of us. We all care about getting this problem solved by whatever means possible...then we can ponder over whose fault it is. At this point, it's obvious that BP got permission to avoid certain precautions and blew a critical seal. From that point on, it is the governments fault for not letting the people that can stop this from doing the job. I hold the government 50% responsible, BP is 10% responsible and Obama is 40% responsible. Your president is an immature, phony, lieing, incompetent, unconcerned pretender to the throne.

Our Schools...

Everybody has their hand out for government money.
Our Public School System is asking the federal gov't. for $28 billion so they won't have to lay off 100,000 teachers.
Some of the reasons for the schools running out of money are:
(1) Illegal aliens crowding our schools
(2) New schools recently built, have stadiums, auditoriums and landscaped campuses that make most colleges "drool with envy"
(3) Teaching subjects that should be extra-curricular, such as Band, Sport teams, Ethnic studies, Wood shop, etc.
(4) less than 1/2 of required subjects are the important ones, such as Reading, Writing, Math, Science and History
(5) Public school salaries are about 20% more than Private school salaries.
(5) Administrators and Coaches salaries are extremely high
Public schools have a goal of having every child go to college. This is done by teaching them to pass tests rather than learn the subjects. Not everyone is wanting or capable of going to college. What became of the Public Trade Schools that we used to have ? Many students at the High School level attended these schools and learned important trades and skills that afforded them great careers, such as plumbing, auto repair, air conditioning, electronics and electrical installation, computer maintenance, farm equipment, etc.
The Teacher's Union(s) are screaming about layoffs as the incompetent teachers might have to go. Many teachers have such behavioral and language problems in their classes that most of their teaching day is devoted to "baby sitting" their students.
Again, we see a failure of government run programs.
One solution might be for the gov't. to issue vouchers to anyone that wants their children to be well educated in private schools.
Home schooling has become so popular (and growing rapidly) because the Public School System IS NOT teaching our children the basics needed to survive in this society. Just look at how illiterate and unknowledgeable most of the High School students you know are.
The main reason for this is that the REAL goal of the Public School System is not education but teaching our children to "conform to society" Do you remember the very first thing that you were taught when you started going to school ? Yes, it was a "fire drill", where we were all taught to hold hands and go down the hall in single file. That was our first indoctrination and continued throughout our elementary and high school years with seating order, grading systems that deteriorated from the 0 - 100%, to the A - F, to finally Pass - Fail.
The system can't be fixed with just more money. It needs to be completely overhauled to meet this generation's needs.

Friday, May 21, 2010

No more follwing the law...

I always thought that when a government official took an oath " uphold the laws of the United States of America", that they were obligated, no matter what, to uphold our laws. Secretary Janet Napolitano of the Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) was asked why she refused to deport illegal aliens from Arizona, she said that she was told that the President (Obama) is against the law and to not cooperate with the state of Arizona.
Later, John Morton ( Assistant Secretary of ICE) said that they "were too busy with other matters to help Arizona".
The law specifies exactly what the duties of ICE are regarding illegal aliens...NO EXCEPTIONS.
So, does this mean that all the President has to do is just say that he's for or against something and we can all forget about our laws, a Congressional vote or any other thing that would take place outside of a dictatorship ?
It appears that King Obama has spoken and the law is no longer the law. A "swearing in" to uphold our laws is merely a "formality" that no one expects to honor.
Well, there goes another breakdown of our Constitution, the laws of this land and certainly more of our freedoms and rights. I guess we don't have to wait until November 2012 to vote for a new President as Obama will declare himself King, or Emperor, or God, or whatever by then.
Before Obama, no matter how badly the country was being run, there still was no better place to live than the United States of America. Now, several other places are starting to look better.

Friday, May 14, 2010


In listening to the liberal left describe various "peoples" in a politically correct vocabulary, I get confused.
Can anyone tell me the difference between an "undocumented worker" and an "illegal alien"? Either way, they've broken the unenforced laws of the United States of America.
Can anyone tell me the difference between a "radical islamist" and a "muslim" ? In reading their koran, anyone practicing islam is a radical...all the others that claim to be muslim are frauds or liars.
Please let me know the differences as I don't see it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

You do the math....

I see everywhere (in the gov't. controlled media) that the economy is "picking up"; that people are going back to work. They just released the figures showing that 177,000 people went back to work last month.
If this is so, how did the (gov'ts. numbers) unemployment rate go UP from 9.7% to 9.9% in this same period ? What am I missing ???
Of course, you understand that out of that 177,000, a large amount are temporary workers taking the census and their jobs will vanish soon. Most of the rest of these people have taken "any job" because their benefits have finally run out.
Perhaps, that's the answer...stop all unemployment benefits and people will find jobs.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The size of our government is the largest that it has ever been, filled with departments and agencies that are either redundant or totally unnecessary.
In trying to "create jobs", the Obama administration has created more departments and agencies than any other president. At last count, there were 598 departments and agencies that comprise our government. They each consist of as few as 12 people and as many as tens of thousands of people, all receiving annual salaries from $62,000 to over $200,000.
Is it any wonder that this country's annual budget is so large (and unsustainable) ?
Not only are the salaries extremely high for what most of them do, they also get many other benefits (such as free medical coverage and retirement packages), all at your expense.
Our government has become the largest employer in this country, filling newly created positions with, in some cases, the unqualified and hard core unemployable.
Some of the people most recently hired have no education beyond the 6th grade and some are so illiterate that they sign their paychecks with a check mark.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see people having jobs, but not being paid for totally unnecessary work (if and when they show up) out of taxpayer money.
A large amount of these departments and agencies have been created only during the past 14 months. This country functioned well without them and can do just fine if they were eliminated. Talk about Big Government; it's so large that no one really knows the total extent of it.
We've all heard about companies that were "too large to fail"; well, we have a government that's "too large to succeed".
To make matters worse, this huge workforce owes their jobs to the government and is obligated to vote for the very people that have created these unnecessary positions that they now occupy. What a great way to "buy votes" with your money.
The corruption in these agencies is unprecedented, with people never having to come to work and still getting paid as though they were there and there was meaningful work for them to do.
Wouldn't you like a job that paid you over $60,000 to over $200,000 a year that you never had to show up for ? The answer is obvious.
One of the worst people taking advantage of wasting your money is Michele Obama, with her outrageous spending on personal items to take with her when the Obamas have to get out of Washington.
Because of all of this wasteful spending, your taxes will have to be increased so that the government can keep expanding regardless of the need for this expansion; and the only thing that you ca do about it is to vote out every person in office the first chance that you get. It's either that or to have a second Revolutionary War...