Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Cecil the Lion

Everyone is outraged at Walter Palmer (dentist) for killing Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe.
He paid $55,000 for permits and guides to get Cecil.   He seriously wounded Cecil with an arrow and it took 40 hours for this poor creature to die.   Palmer then skinned and beheaded Cecil.
Cecil was a tourist attraction and a source of income from tourists wanting to take pictures of him.
Another issue is that with Cecil gone, other male lions will take over his pride and kill his cub offspring.
A little background of Walter Palmer's killing record:
In 2006 he was convicted of poaching and paid a $3,000 fine.
He has killed 43 animals including a polar bear, mountain lion,elephant,leopard, rhino,elk, big horn sheep, cape buffalo, black bear, etc.
What is the matter with Palmer that he gets joy from killing animals ?   This is an advanced example of when children torture and kill dogs and cats.
If anyone enjoys killing then they should go over to the Middle East and kill members of ISIS.   There are enough of them to satisfy anyone's appetite for killing and would help rid the world of a serious threat.
As far as many are concerned, Palmer should be skinned and his head cut off and mounted as a symbol of the meaningless killing of beautiful wild animals for sport.
Shame on you, Walter Palmer.   You've just became the most hated person in America.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Economic disparity

We all hear talk about economic disparity as an emotional issue.    Some of us are affected by it as we may be at the bottom of the wage range, earning minimum wages (or even less).
There always has been and always will be a huge difference between the highest and the lowest wage earners.   In examining this I've come to some thoughts about it.   You may agree or disagree, but they're worth at least thinking about.
(1) There's talk about raising the federal minimum wage to $15/ hr.
Why not raise it to $100/ hr. ?   As wages rise, so does the cost of living.   You can continue to raise wages but it's only a temporary fix for those at the bottom of the wage scale.
(2) As the cost of labor increases, so does the cost of goods and services.   Therefore, the lowest wage earners eventually end up where they were (in purchasing power) before a wage increase.
(3) Increases in wages DOES NOT increase productivity.
(4) Increased minimum wages cause unemployment.   If an employer must pay more and still be competitive, he must reduce his workforce.
(5) The only real beneficiary of increased wages is the government.   As one moves into greater income, they also move into paying more taxes in sales tax, income tax, social security, etc. 
(6) Raising wages is no incentive for workers to better themselves to seek better jobs.
(7) Raising wages makes the good worker resent the poor worker as they are both being paid the same for more or less effort.
(8) People on fixed incomes are penalized by the increase in their cost of living without any chance to increase their income.
Shouldn't a pay raise be the incentive for one to achieve better productivity ?   If one employee is giving their employer 110% and another is only giving 50%, are they both entitled to the same raise in pay ?   Of course not.   I'm an advocate of merit raises.   That keeps the best employees striving harder and staying longer.   
If you're working for minimum wages and they are raised, that sends the message that you don't have to do anything to increase your worth to your employer... you're "entitled" to it.
The real solution to increasing one's income is that they become better educated so they qualify for those better paying jobs.   There will always be the "slackers" that don't do a thing about bettering themselves and just go about sniveling about there being no opportunity for them to get ahead.   They have therefore earned the right to be at the bottom of the earning scale.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

When is enough, enough ???

Since the attack on 9/11 to the Trade Center Towers, we've woken up to the fact that islamic terrorism is here in the United States.   What we're not aware of is the great job that the FBI and local authorities have been doing all of these years in rounding up islamists and preventing their acts of terror on the American people.
With that said, there are still hundreds (and maybe thousands) that are not even known of at this time.   Some are in small groups and some are what we're calling "lone wolf" terrorists.
I remember a time (before political correctness) when we couldn't tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys" back in the 1940's so we rounded up ALL of the Japanese and placed them in "internment camps".   This proved extremely effective in preventing "lone wolf" attacks on American soil.   After we had defeated the Japanese, we released those that were "interred" back into our society.   The internal threat was over.
I realize that this was a drastic move and of course politically wrong, but it worked.
Since most of those "internment camps" still exist today, why not round up all of the muslims in this country and put them in these camps until ISIS and Al Quada are defeated. 
The most recent attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee (as well as the other "lone wolf" attacks over the past 15 years) should give us all a wake up call.
The wake up call is that if you read the koran, you get to see that any practicing muslim is obligated to convert you to islam or enslave you or kill you.   There are no good or bad ones.
There are only those that are too lazy to carry out acts of terrorism and those that either wait for the right opportunity or act on impulse.
America has tolerated these attacks to the point where we just assume this is a new way of life here.
Let me ask you this:   If you knew that your barn was going to burn down, wouldn't you get your horses out of there before it happened ?   Well, we only react after the fact that another terrorist attack has occurred.   Why not act before it happens ?   I don't anticipate that I might get a flat tire, yet I carry a spare in the trunk.
The only way to prevent any more Americans from being killed by muslims is to isolate them them from the rest of society.
Yes, this sounds terrible, yet we did it in the 1940's and it was effective.   Isn't it time that the "political correctness" crowd realize that they too can become victims of domestic terrorism ?   Do you have to wait until you or a loved one is killed by a muslim before you want to do something about it ?   The longer we do nothing, the stronger they become, the more of them there will be, and the more (and larger) attacks will happen.   I don't want to wait until another 9/11 happens to say "What should we have done to prevent this ?".   Do not think that it won't happen, it will.   It's just a matter of time.
Regardless of your political, religious, or societal  affiliation, you need to be aware that you could be the next victim until the United States has eradicated this threat.   Round them up now and keep them isolated until islam is defeated.