Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bias, Prejudice, Discrimination and Choices

Race and discrimination has been dominating the news this past week.
The Supreme Court's ruling that Affirmative Action is a state's right is so controversial that everyone has a pro or con view on this.
Then we hear racist remarks from Cliven Bundy, a man standing up for his rights and freedom against the government.
And, to really get the "storm" going, there is Donald Sterling, an NBA team owner's racial remarks.
The reality is that even before man roamed the earth, other creatures were biased over which ones of them were superior.   Just look at a group of dogs, there is always the leader and the subservient one(s).  Fortunately, among animals, other than humans, this form of discrimination is either accepted or challenged, and quickly resolved.
Humans, on the other hand, have always found something to use to set up one group as "superior" to another.   Hiltler with the inspiration of Nietzsche, proclaimed a "Master Race".
We usually think of racism and discrimination as something about a persons skin color.   It doesn't matter if one is Red, White, Brown, Black, or Yellow.   Each color has a prejudice against one or more of the other colors.   But it doesn't necessarily limit itself to skin color.
Remember the kid in school that wore glasses, and you all called him "four eyes", and would exclude him from playing in your group or on your team ?   That too was prejudice and discrimination.
Years ago, an elementary school teacher conducted an experiment dealing with prejudice.
She told her class that, "blue eyed children were smarter than brown eyed children".   Later that day, after lunch, when all of her class were playing in the school yard, she noticed that the blue eyed and brown eyed children had grouped with others of the same eye color.   Finally a fight broke out between a blue eyed student and a brown eyed student.   The fight was stopped, the children taken back to the classroom and then told by the teacher that she had made an awful mistake.   "It was actually that the brown eyed children were the smarter ones..."   And, once again the animosity between these two groups started to show.   Their teacher finally told them the truth...that this was a lesson in prejudice and that neither blue eyes or brown eyes makes anyone smarter than the other. 
So, assuming that all of us were the same color, we would then discriminate by means other than race; it might be tall versus short, or hair color, or nationality, or religion, or economic status or sex, etc.   These are all being used to discriminate today.   So, get over it !   Discrimination, prejudice, racism and any other judgement about others, has always been with us and always will.  
I do draw the line where someone could be injured or lose a life because of this, however, everyone reading this has both been discriminated against and has discriminated against someone else, whether you consciously know it or not.   Does that make you a bad person ?   No, just a normal human being.
Even with our laws, our political correctness, this will always go on; just more subtly and quietly.
I've had to overcome this in my life.   As an example; I was denied acceptance to a particular southern college because their "Catholic quota was filled..."   I don't even know how they determined if I was Catholic or not.
Bottom line, just be as kind and accepting as your heart lets you................

Thursday, April 17, 2014

More of the puzzle................

I've been watching the very subtle way that the government is getting ready for the coming Civil War that they term "Civil Unrest".   Today, I came across something very shocking.   The government has been issuing a set of targets for practice shooting to all military bases, all federal organizations, all state police, all county sheriff departments and to local city police.
These new targets are designed to desensitize everyone so they'll have no problem shooting at certain persons.   The new targets depict an old man bent over, a child with a stuffed toy, a pregnant woman, etc.   When I saw these, I was horrified.
I asked why ???   The answer I received was "When the people rise up, there will be no sympathy regarding shooting at any target".
I've already told you about local law enforcement all over the country, training for the coming "Civil Unrest".   In some areas, civilian militia are  forming, growing and training.   Of course, this is being kept very quiet by law enforcement and aware civilians.   Sooner than later, it will become common knowledge and that will set it off.   In the meantime, this administration is moving towards either disarming us or registering all gun owners, so they know where the guns are and who is armed.   This will simplify confiscation of all weapons from guns to knives and more.   The interment camps are readied for unlawful imprisonment of anyone resisting.
This sounds absolutely absurd...believe me, I've seen it for myself.
I'm not sure who or what is behind all of this but it's big, big foreign money.   Obama's administration is too stupid to pull this off.   We already know that your vote no longer counts and it doesn't matter if evil Democrats or stupid Republicans are elected, the result will be the same.This government grows more corrupt every day.   The Congress is lining their pockets in the deals they make every day.   Their corruption is speeding up so they can get as much as they can before the coming uprising.
 The Congress is either too evil or too pacifistic to attempt this.   Nevertheless, you've been warned that a great uprising is coming.   When, I don't know, but certainly sooner than later.
This administration is methodically dividing the population by age, race, ethnicity, economics, religion, etc., so that we'll turn on each other first.
If you don't prepare, you're really a fool.   I don't expect to have a flat tire, but I carry a spare tire in the trunk of my car anyway.
You'll probably never hear about this in the government controlled news, but pay attention to others when they speak about it.

You've been warned............the rest is up to you !!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

        Breaking News...
Word is out...Kathleen Sebelius, Health & Human Services Secretary and head of ObamaCare enrollment has just RESIGNED her position.
She refuses to lie about the real enrollment numbers that are actually 3.1 million; not the 7.14 million that the White House is bragging about.
She refuses to be the "fallguy" when the shit hits the fan.
Of the 3.1 million new enrollees, fewer than half of them have sent in any money to the insurance companies.   The 7.14 million includes people that have signed up for Medicaid  and those that already had health insurance but changed to a new insurance company because their plan was no longer acceptable under the new law.
Sebelius was constantly at odds with Obama over all the deceit associated with ObamaCare.
Some might find her resignation as irresponsible.   They are wrong.   Anyone leaving a corrupt government that lies to its people should be honored.
All of you Liberals deserve what happens next...........huge increases in insurance premiums, increased taxes and penalties, and the decline of our ability to fund our government because of the hidden costs of ObamaCare.
The majority of voters don't want it but your representatives shoved it down your throats anyway.
When you hear the phrase "Go F--- Yourself".   You just did............................

Thursday, April 03, 2014

...and now we find out ...

Ok; now that Obama is crowing about "his" 7.14 million people that signed up for ObamaCare, the reality will come out.
(1) Over 50% were already insured and their policies either cancelled or no longer available because they didn't qualify under the new, restrictive ObamaCare law.
(2) The present premium rates are "teaser rates".   Every insurance company plans to raise their rates over the next two years by at least double digits.  
(3) The least expensive plans have a huge deductible that has to be satisfied each year before any insurance starts to pay.
(4) Even though Obama changed the law (without the approval by Congress) to extend your present insurance until he's out of office; in 2016 you get cancelled anyway.
(5) Fewer young and healthy people signed up than needed to make ObamaCare work.
(6) An overwhelming amount of people with pre-existing conditions that were previously denied insurance are now an increased cost to the insurance companies.
(7) The poor and homeless that can't afford to buy insurance still get medical care for free (we actually are paying for it in increased premiums and new ACA taxes).
(8) Of the 7.14 million insured, how many will pay up when they get the bill (sticker shock) ?
(9) The subsidy for the poor declines each year until it completely goes away.
(10) For many families, under the new law, health insurance has now become unaffordable.
(11) The penalty for those that don't sign up for ObamaCare starts at $95 but is actually much higher (depending on your income) and increases each year.   The good part of this is, the penalty can only be collected from any money due back to you from your tax filing.   There is no penalty or enforcement otherwise.
(12) With all these new people now insured, the doctors offices will be filled and your waiting time or date for an appointment will be severely extended (see Canada).
(13) ObamaCare law and the reduction in government payments to doctors and hospitals is causing a large percentage of doctors to leave the profession (or at least consider it).

Bottom line:   ObamaCare is destined to fail while leaching money from all of us for an inferior product that we don't want, at a high price.
However, Hillary will "FIX" it by having all health care insurance become "Single Payer", which means that our insurance company will be the government.   They will then have total control over who get what procedures and who is left to die...