Sunday, October 13, 2013

Interesting observation.....

Why is it that we have government SHUTDOWNS only during the times that Democrats are in the White House ?   The last one was during the Clinton administration, and now here we go again during the Obama administration.
Why doesn't the government have a balanced budget so that these "crisis's" can be avoided ?

So, what happens  this week if the gov't. goes into default ?   The repercussions will not only affect us but will cause the world into a new recession.   

You all knew that Obama had no ability to lead, and yet you gave him a second term to do even more poorly.   Unfortunately, we have to wait until an elected official (President, Congress, etc.) finishes their term to get rid of them.   We need some provision to FIRE them on the spot if their actions are not in the complete interest of the country.

If any of you vote for an incumbent (one who is in office now) in the next few will deserve what awaits you...fewer jobs, your savings being eroded away, more of your freedoms disappearing, the Constitution being avoided, more and higher taxes and penalties, and as worst condition, confiscation of your savings and military takeover of the country.

Due to ignorance and apathy on your part, YOU have permitted us to be in this situation.
Now, it's up to you to do something about it or have your life be put in jeopardy.   If you do nothing or re-elect anyone, you are the total reason for your demise.

It doesn't matter what your political affiliation is...Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, etc.; they all need to go, and NOW !   We have a wonderful Constitution that is explicit regarding the powers of the government and it needs new people in Washington  that will abide by it.
Get off your complacent ass and act now or tomorrow may be too late.

Of course you do have an alternative.   And, that is to prepare yourself for an all out Revolution.   There will be food and water shortages, blood in the streets, and a complete breakdown of your way of life as you know it today.   Let's not get to this point.   Act now to avoid the inevitable. 

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Who's to blame ???

So, the gov't. is "shut down"..............
But, who is at fault for this ?
Some blame the Republicans, some blame the Democrats, some blame the Tea Party, and some say it's all of Congresses fault.
But, no one is looking at the real "snake in the grass".

Over the past few days, Mr. Obama has been giving speeches, press releases, interviews, etc.   I've been able to listen to several of these.
In one I heard him say that he "will not discuss it".   In another, I heard him say he "will not negotiate".   And most recently, he said that he "has always been open to negotiating".
So...what is it ?   He just says what he thinks is appropriate depending on who he's speaking to.   His lack of leadership and not being able to do the job of being President has overwhelmed him.   He cannot be believed, no matter what he says.
And, that is typical of an incompetent thug............they think that they're the smartest person in the room while the rest of us are fooled by their deception.

I say, the blame starts at the President and filters down through a stubborn Congress.

Gov't Shutdown ???

Well, the gov't isn't "shut down".   Only the NON-essential workers are no longer on the job.    If they're non-essential, then why are they on the payroll in the first place ?

However, Obama has made sure that his "army" is adequately paid.   ACORN and Planned Parenthood have been given $900,000,000.00 to "administer" ObamaCare.
Go to one of their offices and ask for help in finding an Exchange and these incompetent, untrained, unknowlegable people will tell you things like, "I don't have that information, just go online" or I don't know, but I'll try to find out" or "Everything is on".

What's wrong with this picture ?   Nothing.....Cronyism works.   Obama has made sure that his unemployed army is well rewarded with taxpayer money.   They don't have to have any qualifications other than supporting a thug.
Good job Mr. Obama.   You've gone beyond your handler's expectations in bringing down the greatest country in the world while the rest of the world is rolling on the floor laughing at how an entire country can let one man destroy it.