Monday, September 19, 2011

A Solution

This morning, President Obama made another one of his speeches that show how clueless he really is. He laid out a "vague" plan to turn the economy around.
The real way to do this is:
(1) Privatize the private sector. By this, I mean that the government should get out of the way of most businesses. Repeal the regulations that have been put in place during the past two years that either restrict or make doing business far more costly.
(2) As far as "Job Creation"; there are closed military bases all over the country that have housing, electricity, workshops etc. Reopen these bases and fill them with the homeless. Teach them the skills that they can use in obtaining a job while they're there, maintaining the bases. Have them grow their own food, repair anything that breaks and build more facilities for education in various trades.
(3) Before Congress (and the President) cut anybody's Social Security or Medicare, Congress must cut their benefits (salaries, pensions, expenses perks, etc.)
(4) Stop all Foreign Aid to countries that are our enemies. Discontinue, rebuilding other countries.
(5) Implement the Fair Tax Plan.
(6) Cut out all special interest projects (tea cup museums, roads to nowhere, grants for the Arts, grants to prisoners for college degrees, a matter of fact, stop ALL grants.
(7) Balance the budget (which Obama is strictly against).
(8) Either recall or vote out all Representatives that aren't voting the will of the people (Obamacare is a good example).
(9) Give back the States their Rights and responsibilities. An example is the Department of Education...this is a State's Right.
(10) Get rid of most of the newly created agencies created by Obama that increase the government's control over our lives.
(11) Stop all subsidies to farms (paying farmers to NOT grow certain produce), corporations and "hobbyists". Let the marketplace seek its own level.
(12) Instead of paying the military a huge re-enlistment bonus, buy them an annuity so that their retirement is secure when their service is over.
(13) Reinstate the separate fund that was originally for Social Security and make it a law that it be reserved ONLY for Social Security recipients. No payments should be taken from this fund and given to anyone that didn't contribute to it.
My list could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.
Each of the above items would account for Millions to Billions of dollars saved. Collectively, not only would we be able to save Trillions, we could pay off the National debt over the next few years. Unemployment and homelessness would almost disappear, poverty would only exist among those that didn't want to work.
In other words, we don't need to cut benefits to soldiers and the elderly. Obama is clueless on how to run this country (he's a "community organizer", and not very good at that either).
Let me know if you have other ways for us to improve our economy...I can't think of them all..........

Friday, September 09, 2011

The big JOKE

By now, most of us realize that Obama is just a big JOKE on the American people.
Let's look at his most recent speech (yesterday) to a joint session of Congress. Even the press ignored him. There are 90 reserved seats in the Press Gallery, yet only 26 people from the media showed up, and 12 of them left before Obama finished speaking.
This was actually the official start of his campaign to be re-elected. You can bet this speech will bring the DOW down hundreds of points. Every time he speaks, stocks drop by a huge margin. This kills more jobs and causes people to lose more of their retirement money.
He asked Congress to pass his Jobs Bill.......What bill ? He has written nothing down nor has presented anything for Congress to vote on. The JOKE is that he expects the Democrats to write an unreasonable bill that the Republicans will defeat it. This way he can say that "his" bill was thwarted by the Republicans.
The other JOKE is that he wants to spend $476 billion on this "Jobs Bill". We just saw the craziness that Congress went through trying to raise the debt ceiling. Now where does Obama expect us to get almost a half a Trillion dollars from for this phantom Jobs Bill ? No wonder our credit rating has been dropped down (for the first time in history).
Somehow, he thinks that the government creates jobs. Only the private and corporate sectors create jobs. The only jobs the government can create are government expansion jobs.

In the meantime, over 1400 homes have burnt to the ground in an area of Texas that is larger than the state of Connecticut. The Governor of Texas has asked that these areas be declared a national disaster area, and because of the conflict between the Governor of Texas and the President, this request (made twice now) lays on the Presidents desk unsigned. Obama knows that no one in Texas will vote for him anyway, so he has no reason to commit federal manpower, equipment or financial aid to the victims of the Texas fires.
Do you really want a President that punishes people that disagree with him ? I thought he was President of all the people of the United States. His actions are more that of a King or Emperor.
Obama is not only a JOKE but an embarrassment for the United States.
Please, please, tell me some reason to keep this man (that we know nothing about) in office. His last attempt to get us out of a recession not only failed but put us deeper in the hole. Now he wants to repeat it again, just using different words. Instead of "shovel ready" he now says "infrastructure".

Bottom line is: Would you buy a used car from this guy ? If you do, I guarantee it'll fall apart on you before you can get it home.
Obama is an ineffective President that has done nothing but blame everyone and everything for his failure except taking responsibility for his ineptness. He blames the previous administration, he blames the banks, he blames Congress, etc. Instead of "Hope & Change", he's given us "Hopelessness and Change for the worse". True, when he took office, we were headed for a mild recession. It was easily turned around if the private sector was left to do it. Instead, he levied over 17,000 new restrictions on business, shoved Obamacare down our throats and gave Trillions of our dollars to our enemies.
Get rid of this Chicago thug that knows nothing about leadership.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Gov't. Fire Suppression

With huge fires burning all through Texas (57 this week alone), some as big as 35,000 acres with over 500 homes destroyed, FEMA has finally arrived. Now that the government has it's people involved, a new problem is in play. Firefighters from all over the state and from all over the country (as far away as Alaska) are being told to go home. Apparently, the new rules are that if you don't have explicit permission from the federal government to help with putting out the fire, you cannot participate.
This is insane. There are hundreds of firefighters just sitting around because they are not allowed to bring in their equipment or people to halt these fires.
Meanwhile, as these fires continue to burn, over 1,000 homes throughout the state of Texas have been destroyed and the federal government hasn't done one thing other than stifle the firefighter's progress.
We all understand the animosity between Obama and Perry (Texas Governor). However, in such an emergency, Obama should put his anger aside and have declared Texas a disaster area and sent help and funds.
With enough people bitching about how Washington is dealing with this, eventually, Obama will have to allow some federal funds in order to "help his declining image".
This is just another example of how ineffective this present administration really is. With a President that has his ego on the line, one can only expect that his supporters will get freebies and anyone (or state) that opposes him will be denied any help whatsoever.
I thought he said that he was President of all the people, not just those that he selects...

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Job Creation VS Obama Regulations

I just became aware of another example of this administrations new regulations.
This one involves Gibson Guitars. Since 2009, Gibson Guitar has created 600 new jobs (without any government assistance).
The regulation specifies that if a guitar, piccolo, piano, etc. or instrument of any kind crosses our borders, the owner has to know the species of wood that every component is made of, where it came from and be able to prove it. Customs will seize you instrument if you can't prove the origin of its materials.
The FBI raided a Gibson Guitar factory and confiscated over $1 million worth of ebony and 6 guitars that they claimed was imported from India where ebony is considered as an endangered specie of tree.
The wood was actually imported from a Forest Stewardship Council Certified supplier and it came from Madagascar where ebony is not an endangered specie. Gibson has all of the documentation to prove this.
The government is about to close down Gibson Guitar and put them out of business except for a lawsuit that Gibson is perusing against the government regarding this nonsensical interruption of free enterprise.
Just another example of how this administration is "creating jobs". This is just one example of how the 17,000 new regulations put into effect during the past two years is affecting business, employment and our economy. Obama is hell-bent on destroying America, piece by piece.
Anyone not poor or illegal that votes for him is not only a stupid Liberal but has no idea of how much damage
Obama has done to this country. They argue that he "inherited" a bad situation. The truth is that any respectable businessman could have corrected that situation in less than two years.
Instead of Obama trying to correct the economy, he focused on shoving ObamaCare that we can't afford, down our throats. Now that he's campaigning (with your tax dollars) to be re-elected, he is finally expressing concern about the economy and jobs. You voted him in without knowing anything about this man and his socialist ideas, his communist and radical connections and his inability to run anything but being a "community organizer' (buzzword for radical antagonizer).
Don't be stupid this time, don't believe any of his lies, his mantra of "Hope & Change" is ridiculous. First of all, the Change he spoke about was to destroy those that create jobs and move money from those that work to those that don't work. As far as Hope, one that does nothing can just sit around and hope all they want...nothing happens. Don't be a fool this time. Vote for anyone (even your dog) rather than Obama. If you let him get away with what he's done to this country as of now, you ain't seen nuthin yet.....
Stop being a moron and research everything that he's done since being elected. That will open your eyes; you'll be shocked. Without you doing your own research, you're limited to what the media (that is controlled by Washington with threat of losing their licenses) is allowed to tell you. Start thinking for yourself. He fooled you once, if you let him fool you again, you are responsible for the demise of America.