Sunday, February 20, 2011

Truthful News

The real news is starting to trickle in from the Middle Eastern countries about the recent protest mobs.
The press (controlled by the Obama administration) refuses to tell America what is really going on in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Algeria, Jordan, etc. ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, FOX and others were required to suppress the actual incidents taking place during these protests.
In just Egypt alone, over 2,000 people have been killed and the number of mass rapes is rising daily (even one of our reporters was mass raped in the streets of Cairo and the news reported it as "she was assaulted"). The looting and destroying of property has reached unprecedented proportions. All we get to see on the news are people celebrating the resignation of a "cruel dictator". If Mubarak is such a despot, why has this administration given him over $80 Billion ?
The point is that we are only shown "how wonderful" these protests are. We are not being shown what the majority of protesters are really doing. Now, their actions are to be expected since most of them are muslims and there is no moral code in islam. The koran gives them permission to rob, rape and murder under the present circumstances.
However, in America, our Constitution gives us the right to freedom of the press. Again, the Obama administration, ignoring the Constitution, has put a filter on the press because of "political correctness".
Are we not under the rule of a dictator too ? When do Americans start to protest ? Are we going to let our dictator (Obama) stay in office ?
Obviously, Americans are very complacent when all the information they get is "spin" from government controlled sources. Be very are not being told the entire story. Every day, this administration is pulling sneaky things with intimidation, underhanded deals and never published Executive Orders. Obama is merely a puppet being used as a dictator to bring down America.
Is it too late for Americans to stand up for our freedoms and prosperity ? Are you happy with the staggering unemployment (actually over 20%) ? Are you happy with inflation starting up ? Are you happy with our debt being increased twelve fold in the past two years ? Are you happy with the government printing more money (backed by nothing) in the past year than in the previous twelve years ?
Tell me what you're happy with ? Tell me how you're better off now, than you were two years ago.
WAKE've been scammed this administration. Most of us that are starting to realize that Obama is killing this country see those that still believe in his "hope & change" as not only fools, but card carrying idiots.
If and when the protests occur in America, the killing and raping will not happen. Most of America has a moral code. We just want freedom, not more and more new laws, rules and oppressive departments. We already have so many regulations that most businesses are being choked out of existence.
If you think that you've "stashed away" a nest egg to get you through what's coming, you're a fool too. This administration is desperate for money. It won't be long before they attack your 401K, your pension, your Social Security, you bank savings...and finally revalue the dollar, making everything you have worth a lot less.
WAKE UP.................this administration does not deserve one more day in Washington.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Just a thought about 2012

The other day, I was programming an old VCR to record a TV show. I noticed that it's date/ time feature was limited to 20 years. That meant that as of Dec. 1999 it would no longer be programmable for a date beyond that. Now here I am in 2011 still programming that VCR and ignoring the date. The time is the only reference that the VCR needs for today.
Taking that in mind, I realized that just because the date feature was no longer appropriate, the VCR still functioned perfectly.
This made me think about the Myan calendar which is expires in 2012. Obviously, this means that when they (the Myans) produced that calendar, they ran out of room to extend it beyond 2012. Just because their calendar ends in 2012 does not mean that everything else ends. The world will continue beyond 2012 as usual and the Myan calendar will be remembered as an artifact.
When the calendar on your wall runs out (Dec. 31st each year) the only thing that comes to an end is that years calendar. You just put up the newest year and start over. Nothing else stops.
Bottom line is that the world is not coming to an end in 2012, just the Myan calendar has run out of space to show dates beyond that.
Now you can rest easy knowing that your world will continue...

Friday, February 04, 2011

Who's the boss ???

I thought that Obama was just President of the United States. Apparently, he thinks that he is Ruler of the World. Obama is dictating to Mubarak to leave office (or else). With one percent of the population of Egypt protesting in the capitol, the Egyptian government is worried about it being overthrown.
Can you imagine if one percent of the United States population (about 3 1/2 million people) protested outside of the White House and Putin told Obama to step down...
Obama ignores the will of the people (Obama Care is a perfect example), yet he tells other world leaders what to do about ignoring their citizens. Is Obama's ego that big that he thinks that he can solve all of the world's problems by dictating to everyone ?
If only this ego-maniac (Obama) would practice what he preaches, the United States would be well on the way to recovery.
Just today, Obama lied to us again. He said that unemployment went down almost one percent (actually .8%). Everyone is agreed that for every 3,000,000 jobs created, unemployment would drop one percent. So how does the most recent 36,000 jobs account for Obama's .8% ? Obviously, he isn't concerned with all of those people no longer collecting unemployment benefits, that have dropped out of the system.
Why can't we have a protest to have him removed from office ? There certainly are enough unemployed to have at least 1,000,000 people show up at the White House to shout, "Get out of Washington, Step down now". If a third world country can have its population protest enough to cause its ruling regime take notice, why can't a country as strong as the United States do the same thing in order to rid itself of a tyrant.
I'm ready, are you ???

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Green Energy

Well, the storms that we're all having are a real test of some of this "green energy" fad that we all are starting to notice. Besides being far more expensive than fossil fuels, it isn't at all efficient.
During the storms, electric cars, whose batteries run down faster in the cold, were left stranded all over the place while cars that ran out of gasoline were filled back up and went on their way.
Solar cells were covered with ice and snow, making them unusable and the low temperatures even cracked some of them. Plus they need to be replaced every so many years at great expense.
Wind turbines became frozen, thus producing nothing. These too have a finite life and expensive replacement.
The bottom line is that "green energy" works if you can afford it and only under ideal conditions. There is no "free lunch".