His next mistake...
There is a great controversy over the building of a mosque overlooking the site of the 9/11 attack on this country by muslims. In recent polls, over 70% of this country is totally against muslims using this area for their mosque and consider doing so to be "spitting on America".
By dictionary definition, islam is a CULT...not a religion. The definition reads like this, "...a religious sect generally considered extremist or false, with its followers under an authoritarian leader..."
Now, our glorious leader, the messianic Obama, forgetting that he has no say in relgious matters, comes forward to say, "muslims have the right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country, that includes the right to build a place of worship in lower Manhattan", at an Iftar meal at the White House for muslims breaking their Ramadan fast, late Friday.
What doesn't he (Obama) understand about the muslim occupation and threat to the United States ?
We certainly permit anyone to worship as they please (providing they break no laws). The problem is that islam is not a religion...it's a cult. This cult of islam is determined to attack the United States and infiltrate this country at every level in order to establish sharia law.
The lies that you've been led to believe are that islam is a religion of "love and tolerance". Did you notice how the entire muslim world loved the 9/11 attack ? Did you hear any muslims condemn it ? As far as their "tolerance", see how any other religion is trated in muslim countries. What does the koran say about this ? It says that all non-believers either be converted, or enslaved, or killed.
Does this sound like "love and tolerance" ?
Obama made a great mistake by saying anything about the mosque site. We all know that he is pro-islam, but most of us have forgotten about it until now. He has muslims roots and spent his christian worship at a church where radical, anti-America preaching was common.
Some of you see Obama as a "very intelligent man". In my opinion, only a fool and someone with less than half a brain would not only have a muslim dinner at the White House, but give credibility to the rise of islam in this country.
If you want a preview of what's to come, got to Great Britain or France to see how muslims have overrun these countries and forced alterations in their laws. This is just the beginning. There is no place in America for any cult that is determined to overtake it.
This is not a matter of freedom of religion...it's about a cult taking away your freedoms. They want it both ways; they can say and do anything they want against "non-believers", but no on is allowed to say or do anything against them (muslims) or they put a price on your head and are sworn to kill you.
Yes, this is the "religion of love and tolerance".