Saturday, August 14, 2010

His next mistake...

There is a great controversy over the building of a mosque overlooking the site of the 9/11 attack on this country by muslims. In recent polls, over 70% of this country is totally against muslims using this area for their mosque and consider doing so to be "spitting on America".
By dictionary definition, islam is a CULT...not a religion. The definition reads like this, "...a religious sect generally considered extremist or false, with its followers under an authoritarian leader..."
Now, our glorious leader, the messianic Obama, forgetting that he has no say in relgious matters, comes forward to say, "muslims have the right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country, that includes the right to build a place of worship in lower Manhattan", at an Iftar meal at the White House for muslims breaking their Ramadan fast, late Friday.
What doesn't he (Obama) understand about the muslim occupation and threat to the United States ?
We certainly permit anyone to worship as they please (providing they break no laws). The problem is that islam is not a's a cult. This cult of islam is determined to attack the United States and infiltrate this country at every level in order to establish sharia law.
The lies that you've been led to believe are that islam is a religion of "love and tolerance". Did you notice how the entire muslim world loved the 9/11 attack ? Did you hear any muslims condemn it ? As far as their "tolerance", see how any other religion is trated in muslim countries. What does the koran say about this ? It says that all non-believers either be converted, or enslaved, or killed.
Does this sound like "love and tolerance" ?
Obama made a great mistake by saying anything about the mosque site. We all know that he is pro-islam, but most of us have forgotten about it until now. He has muslims roots and spent his christian worship at a church where radical, anti-America preaching was common.
Some of you see Obama as a "very intelligent man". In my opinion, only a fool and someone with less than half a brain would not only have a muslim dinner at the White House, but give credibility to the rise of islam in this country.
If you want a preview of what's to come, got to Great Britain or France to see how muslims have overrun these countries and forced alterations in their laws. This is just the beginning. There is no place in America for any cult that is determined to overtake it.
This is not a matter of freedom of's about a cult taking away your freedoms. They want it both ways; they can say and do anything they want against "non-believers", but no on is allowed to say or do anything against them (muslims) or they put a price on your head and are sworn to kill you.
Yes, this is the "religion of love and tolerance".

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Understanding Liberalism

All of these years I thought that liberalism was a mental disease. I spent time condemning those that had the idea of how to spend someone else's money. I was angered at those that wanted our borders left open. I looked down on people that didn't want to contribute to society. I abhorred anyone that wanted something for nothing.
Well, I finally understand...
Being that this world is made up of those that want to work and learn and those that couldn't care less about working or learning anything, a system for everyone's survival needed to be put in place. Over the past century, our government, with the guidance of liberals, educators, lawyers, preachers and loud activists have gradually instituted the wonderful system that we have in place today. Those that want to work, can. Those that don't want to work, don't have to.
Since this is the wealthiest country in the world, it seems that this system is working. This is probably why everyone is trying to get into the United States. We certainly aren't policing our borders or controlling immigration according to our laws. Anyone that's here (regardless of their legal status) that has a child born while they're here...the baby is automatically a citizen. Anyone prosecuted for a crime that has no documentation, receives either no penalty or one far less than a citizen does.
The best part is that, if you don't want to work, we'll give you free housing, clothing, food, transportation, medical care and even entertainment.
This country has so much money (mostly borrowed, these days) that we can afford to give it away to anyone that wants it, with one exception; if you are working or contributing in any way, then you're exempted from being eligible for any freebies or benefits. You actually do much better if you give up your citizenship and stop working at any job that pays less than $65,000 a year. After all deductions, $65,000/ year will leave you with about $35,000/ year, and if you drop out, you can get over $45,000 per year in possessions and benefits. We even have enough left over to give to other nations that hate us, in hopes that we can buy their friendship.
I guess that the liberals got it right,,,everybody gets to survive. No one has to be responsible for anything if they don't want to (we'll even raise your kids for you).
Why do the conservatives want to stop all of this giveaway that we have going ? Don't conservatives understand that if we stop all of this liberalism, we might all have to go back to work and there won't be anyone here to mow our lawns, pick our fruit or hand us our hamburgers. There will be so many businesses without enough workers, the national debt will rapidly shrink and everyone will be purchasing more than they ever did before. Even the government can spend more on silly grants, museums and other non-essential projects. What's the matter with you conservatives, anyway ???
Ya gotta love liberal America..............................................................

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Europe and then us....

I've been wondering about the growing anti-islam bigotry rising in this country. In my looking into it, I've discovered that there is a concentrated effort to make the United States a muslim nation.
As we see, France and Great Britain are rapidly being taken over by this generation of muslims. The big problem with this is that:
(1) The practice of sharia law; which is cruel, inhumane and ridiculous.
(2) Under islam edicts, all progress must halt.
(3) No other belief systems (religious or political) can be tolerated.
(4) All "non-believers" must be converted or enslaved or killed.
READ the koran and then you decide if there are any "good" muslims...

By the government's own figures, over 300,000 muslims have been in this country illegally in just the past 12 months. These are students that never attended a school, those that came as visitors and their visas have expired and those that have come across our north and south borders without any documentation. In Mexico, there are 6 schools to teach muslims to speak Spanish so they can blend in with the Hispanic population merging into this country. It's even easier for them to come in from Canada, illegally, at night.
Hezbollah is already establishing themselves in Mexico with ties to the drug cartels, and will soon set up cells in the United States.

The mosque that the muslims want to build in New York, next to the 9/11 site is their way of showing "victory" (in the words of the imam that's building the mosque). This imam is a member of al-quada and refuses to account for the money being used ($100 million) to build this mosque. He is a known radical that preaches hatred of America and is being "watched" by the DHS. He is being shown every courtesy by Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama because it's the "politically correct" thing to do.

Are you satisfied to let what's happening in Europe, happen here ? Do you really want to live under religious persecution ? This administration is doing nothing about this threat and keeping as quite as possible about it.
We've all been conned about the "few radicals" amongst the muslims....that's BULLSHIT !!! In order to be a muslim, you must practice intolerance of others, you must be prepared to die (for no reason), you must be prepared to kill anyone (including your own family), you must consider women as possessions and hold farm animals to a higher esteem, you must never tell the truth unless you have something to gain, you must never question the words or ideals of a religious leader and you must believe everything he tells you even if you know it's wrong or not so.