Monday, February 12, 2007

Welcome to the United States

We welcome EVERYONE to come into the United States of America.
If you are smuggling drugs, we will not prosecute you.
If you are sneaking in illegally, we will not stop you.
If you are coming here to join a muslim "sleeper cell" we will not stop you.
If you are coming here to get free money, housing, food, medical, etc., we welcome you.
Anyone trying to stop you will be put in prison.
However, if you can't make it to the U.S.A., don't worry, we will send lots of money to YOUR country.
The taxpayers and legal residents of America have so much that they want to give it away to you.
Once you're here, feel free to commit any crime from credit card fraud to murder...we probably will let you go free (assuming that we even try to prosecute you).
America wants all those that will contibute nothing and take everything as well as those that want to destroy lives and property. We're so bored with being rich that you can make our lives interesting by bringing crime, disease, destruction and a depletion of our tax money and resources.
Please, enter as soon as you can. We don't have enough of you here yet and are desperate for our way of life to be changed. Only you can help us get out of the good lives that we have.
By the way, don't forget to bring your friends and relatives too, there's money and room for everybody. We will help you to do whatever you wish. You DO NOT NEED to get any identification, car insurance, licenses or anything else. Just sneak in here and take whatever you want. We won't even expect you to work.
The government of the United States of America welcomes you and will give you all the benefits denied to its own citizens.
As an added bonus, you can vote (without registering) in any of your fellow countrymen to make new laws that benefit only you.
You are very foolish if you don't come here immediately. We especially need to expand the muslim and Mexican population, as there isn't enough muslim terrorism happening and we need more Mexicans killing our people. Please, please, come here tonight...

Friday, February 09, 2007

Invasion Update

I've been quite upset at what I'm hearing from illegal aliens that I've spoken with. As an example; the other day I met a illegal Mexican family where the woman was pregnant and they had just gotten back from the clinic where she went for her checkup. Since their 6 year old and their 2 year old were born in the United States, they get to stay here.
This is what their getting:
The 6 year old goes to public school and all of her textbooks are in Spanish.
The family gets housing "assistance".
The entire family gets FREE medical.
They get FREE food and house supplies (toilet paper, soap, etc.) from the local food bank.
Their church supplies them with FREE clothing.
They get food stamps.
Their utilities are subsidized.
They get a welfare check every month.
They've applied for a "Habitat for Humanity" home.
They own a car (a 2005 SUV)but have no driver's licenses, insurance or registration.
They have over 100 unpaid parking tickets.
The husband is permanently employed in construction (earning over $55,000) last year.
They pay no taxes (other than sales tax).
They sent $19,000 back to Mexico last year.

The second largest income (after oil and before tourism) in Mexico comes from illegals sending U.S. dollars back to Mexico. Last year, over $23 billion were sent back to Mexico from illegals in this country. It's part of Mexico's GNP.

After seeing the manual that the Mexican gov't. publishes for them, I was shocked. It tells them that from California to Texas is Mexican territoty and that by overpopulating it, they can "take it back". It says to only speak Spanish and not to assimilate into their community. It gives expicit instructions on how to get a myriad of "freebies" and gov't. assistance.

No wonder the country's budget is so huge...all of our taxes dollars are going to support the illegals.

You better learn to speak Spanish immediately as they're taking over in every state (except Florida, where the Cubans have "staked their claim"). Second generation Mexican-Americans are already in jobs in government from clerks to Governors to Senators and Congressmen. Even a Mexican-American, Bill Richardson (Gov. of New Mexico) is running for the Presidency in 2008. As you read this, secretly, legislation is being written to give them social security, amnesty and other rights.

Now don't tell me that we have to shut down the border...we already have two border agents in prison for doing their job in stopping an illegal smuggling into the U.S. illegal drugs. Even though the majority of violent crimes in this country are being done by illegals, few get prosecuted. Illegal Mexicans account for over 30% of traffic deaths in the United States every year. So, what's the incentive to stopping this ? You get to go to jail.
The bleeding heart liberals not only plead their case but "feel sorry" for them and support their causes.

After seeing what illegals get and how much I have to pay for it, I'm wondering how I can become an illegal's such a "good deal". Where do I sign up ? I'll even learn to speak Spanish.

The difference between the muslims and the Mexicans is that all muslims want to kill us and destroy our way of life; Mexicans just want to take over our way of life (and keep us working to support them).

If, after reading this, you still sit on your fat ass and do nothing, you deserve to have your tax money given to them, risk your property being taken or defaced, getting hit by a drunk Mexican driver and a continuing flow of illegal drugs.
It's up to ALL of us to take a firm stand against any assistance to illegals and to militarily patrol our borders, shooting anyone trying to sneak in without permission from our gov't. Don't just write to your representatives; call them, e-mail them, challenge them in public. Force our gov't. to resolve this problem before it's too late (as it already might be). I hope this pisses you off enough to become active in stopping this.