Another alternative...(part 2)
If you didn't like the preceding method of dealing with ISIS, then this may be a more acceptable plan for you.
First, the United States pull ALL troops out of the Middle East.
Let ISIS overrun the Middle East. It's up to those countries to defend themselves.
If ISIS moves beyond the Middle East, we kill every member doing so.
Next, we bomb ALL of their oil fields to cut off their major income.
Then we confiscate ALL of their property and money in this country.
Since the "volunteers" in ISIS are mostly from very poor areas where they earn less than $7 per week, and ISIS is paying them $700 per month, it's an easy way to support their families.
Once the flow of money stops, over 90% of ISIS members will abandon ISIS.
Then, once ISIS is smaller and contained, we can bomb the remaining members out of existence.
We then rethink how we're going to get rid of the muslim infiltration (over 8 million already here) in America.
More on that later
New Strategy for War against ISIS
So far, our efforts to stop ISIS are failing. No matter how much we bomb and shoot them, they keep growing and extending their reach. I have come up with several new strategies that no one has thought of or expressed so far. Today I will give you the SHORT TERM APPROACH.
Let's take a lesson from WWII. To stop the Nazi forces and have the Germans surrender, thus bringing the war in Europe to a halt, we sent thousands of bombers over Germany and just about leveled the country in a few days. We weren't concerned with being politically correct. We let the military make the decisions, not Congress (that knows nothing about how to win a war. This strategy not only ended the war in Europe, but saved millions of lives.
If we were to do the same thing in Syria and the other territories that are now controlled by ISIS, this certainly would eliminate most or all of them immediately.
I know that this is politically incorrect. However, is it politically correct to let thousands of people become displaced ? Is it politically to continue to have lives lost ? Obviously, the people running this war think so.
So, with the military hands no longer tied and massive bombings everywhere that ISIS is, we stop their terror instantly.
You ask about the innocent civilians. They are already leaving by the tens of thousands.
You ask about what will transpire among those that are left. You ask about the other regimes in the area. We can get back to dealing with them after ISIS has been eliminated.
Under no circumstance should we put even one American life at risk to save an ungrateful and cowardly population. There shall be NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND. Just bomb, wave after wave, 24 hrs. a day, until all of these territories are leveled. We did it in Germany and it worked. Why can't we do it again with ISIS ?
Tomorrow, I'll give you a LONG TERM APPROACH that you might like even better if this one isn't acceptable to you.
In the meantime, be vigilant, the next terror attack can happen anywhere, anytime.
Coming to an END !!!
New Budget...
Well, the government finally passed it's new budget. Unfortunately, the cost was giving in to Obama's insistence that the debt ceiling be raised to $19.1 trillion.
What this means is that our debt (not counting the huge daily interest) exceeds our GNP as well as all of the income to the government. In other words, we are spending and have monetary obligations that exceed our ability to pay the bills. This puts us on the verge of BANKRUPTCY. Looking forward, there is no way to pay this debt.
So, what happens when the United States finally stops paying its bills?
We can no longer support our military
We can no longer support the salaries for the tens of millions of government employees
We can no longer pay entitlements (Social Security, pensions, etc.)
We can no longer pay subsidies
We can no longer fund any form of research
We can no longer repair our aging infrastructure
...and the list goes on...
Eventually, the government will shut down, and law and order will break down.
What this will mean to you is that not only will your income decrease (or stop), prices will skyrocket because companies that produce a product or service will shut down unless they can charge more (that less people can afford), your personal property will become at risk, your safety will become your own responsibility, and anarchy will break out (stating in the major cities first and moving throughout the country), survival will become the most important thing in your life.
What will you do when the electric power shuts off, the supermarkets run out of food, there is no more gasoline, schools close, your neighbor starts looking at your supplies, people start dying because medicines, food, doctors, police, and even clean water are no longer available ?
When the government finally admits that it can no longer pay its bills, your savings, stocks, annuities, insurance, etc. will become worthless. Even gold and silver will not be accepted.
The only way out of this is a Civil War (the civilians vs the U.S. military) and the start of a new government. Every member of government from the President down to the local Dog Catcher must be thrown out of office and never allowed to be in any governmental position again. Otherwise, our future looks very grim (assuming you even have a future).
Prepare for the worst will you enjoy the present.