Sunday, September 27, 2015

                         The Budget Battle and Planned Parenthood

It doesn't matter if you're "Right to Life" or "Pro Choice" when it comes to the organization of "Planned Parenthood".   It doesn't even matter whether you believe the allegations against them or not.
What really matters is that the government funds "Planned Parenthood" with over $500,000,000 each year.   Yes, at a time where our government is in such deep debt (over $17 trillion), that they are giving over a half a trillion dollars to a private (special interest) entity.   What makes matters even worse, is the fact that "Planned Parenthood" contributes hundreds of millions of dollars to the Democratic party each year.   Some Democrats consider "Planned Parenthood" as their slush fund.
Now we have come to a time where Congress has to approve or disapprove the government's budget.
Obama has said that if the line item for funding "Planned Parenthood" is deleted from the budget, that he will veto it.   The Democrats are willing to shut down the government over a half a trillion dollar line item.   The Republicans, on the other hand are being just as stubborn by saying that they refuse to include that funding in the budget.
I understand that it's a wonderful thing that there are organizations concerned and helping with the healthcare for woman (no such organization for men) as it is greatly needed, especially for the poor.
But, does that give the government the right to give away your money frivolously ?
Bottom line on this, is that taxpayer money is being freely given to only one organization of this kind and no others, tens of millions of dollars are then funneled back to the Democratic party to use as they please, and you're paying for all of this. 
If this doesn't upset you, then you're not paying attention to the wastefulness that this administration has undertaken.   If this does upset you, then why aren't you sending letters and phone calls to your Representatives in Washington screaming at them to stop all this spending while we have homelessness, hunger, poverty, and substandard education existing in a country to great that none of these things should exist.   A half a trillion dollars each year would go a long way in helping the aforementioned...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Half the news

We've all been seeing the pictures in the news about Syrian refugees trying to enter Europe.  The news of how Hungary is treating this situation appears to be very unkind.   That is how the press in the United States portrays it.   That's only half of the news.
If one were to watch the news in a European country they would see an entirely different picture.
The majority of these refugees are stealing from one another, preying on women, children, and the elderly.   Thousands of these refugees report being robbed; some even raped.   To make matters worse, among the thousands of refugees are several hundred ISIS members using this exodus as a cover to infiltrate Europe.
Dozens of ISIS members have already been arrested in Germany, France and Spain.
Syria is not the only country that these refugees are coming from.  They are coming from Iraq, Iran (mostly ISIS), Turkey, Lebanon, etc.   Not only are arab countries such as Saudi Arabia refusing them admittance, but won't even offer aid because they know the real story about some of these refugees.
Now, the United States wants to accept these people regardless of their political affiliation (ISIS), their criminal history, the diseases that they carry, and their intent to not assimilate into America.
Just watching our news, I felt sorry for them and wanted to do something (maybe a contribution).   When I found out that my money would be going through CAIR, I changed my mind.
I now understand why razor wire and fences are being put up at borders to keep these people out.
Not only does a country take a great risk with its safety, but consider the tremendous expense in housing clothing, and feeding these masses.
Is it in the best interest of the United States to allow them to come here before we take care of the poverty that we already have ?   We complain about the criminal element from Mexico but want to bring in muslim criminals.   That's insane.
This is a muslim problem, let the muslim countries solve it.

Friday, September 11, 2015

WTF ???

Am I the only one that doesn't understand this ?
Of course my heart goes out to all of those people and their children that are fleeing from the Middle East.   Countries all over Europe are allowing a limited number of these refugees into their countries.
Included among them are members of !
Now here's the confusion.   Obama has said that the United States will accept at least 10,000 of them.
That's like letting the fox into the chicken house.   Don't we already have enough muslims here ?
Why are all of the other muslim countries REFUSING to allow any of these refugees into their countries ?   The answer is obvious; they are a definite THREAT.
So, now we aren't only going to pollute our country with even more muslims, but we're going to use taxpayer money to house, cloth, feed, educate, and make them feel "welcome".   This is absurd.
As the muslim population has increased in the U.S., so has either planned or carried out attacks on Americans.   Now, Obama wants to increase the muslim threat even more.
You should be screaming at your Representatives to not allow this.   It certainly is not in your best interest.   Remember, their "religion" demands that they kill all non-believers like you.
If these refugees are allowed into the U.S., prepare yourself for an increase in muslim attacks all over the country.   If you scoff at this, you're a fool in denial.