Wednesday, August 05, 2015

More than meets the eye...

Planned Parenthood is all over the news these days.   The controversy is about their "allegedly" selling human tissue from abortions to biological research companies and making a "tidy" profit from it.
Since I don't have "a dog in this race" regarding pro or anti abortion, I'm more interested in the financial and political aspects of this organization.
Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that receives $500,000,000 of your tax dollars each year from the federal government.   Besides the enormous salaries given to the staff, they also make large contributions to candidates running for office and to the DNC.
Isn't this "money laundering" ?   Isn't that illegal ?
To sum up...half a billion dollars of taxpayer money goes to a tax exempt organization and a portion of that is then distributed back to political organizations and candidates.   Since the federal government can't make these political donations, they have found a way to funnel money to the DNC as well as others without anyone's oversight or permission.
To make matters worse, the U.S. Senate just voted against defunding Planned Parenthood so that they could continue to help finance the coming election in 2016.   If you're not a Democrat, you should be raising hell about this.
I see nothing wrong with any organization that wants to advise and help woman decide for or against abortion as we all have freedom of speech and varied opinions on the subject of abortion.   However, for half a billion dollars of your and my money being given to any tax exempt non-profit group should be not only investigated but made illegal.