Sunday, February 22, 2015

Say it the way it is...

What is the problem with Americans in saying it the way it is ?
There have always been and will always be subversive organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan and the various Nazi groups in the United States.   They have their agenda such as racial superiority and even Christian dominance.   However, they do not declare war, they do not claim territory, they do not plot the overthrow of government, etc.
We, as a people, condemn these groups and thwart their every move in achieving their goals.
We call them what they are..........anti-American, terrorists, criminals, etc.
However, when it comes to the islamic threat, we refer only to "the small minority" of "radical islamists".   Actually, there are hundreds of anti-American muslim groups in the United States that, every day are plotting terrorist attacks agaist Americans.
These are not isolated incidents by "lone wolf"  perpetrators.  These are members of the muslim population that are following their "religion"; that which dictates that muslims convert, enslave or kill all non-muslims.   They claim to be a "religion" of peace.   How absurd.   If every atrocity that they conduct against others on a daily basis around the world was reported by our media, you would think again about who and what muslims really are.
If you read the koran all the way through, you'll see that (1) there is no moral content, (2) it is a mandate for war, (3) it is about subservience and control of all of mankind.
You may be under the false misconception that there are good muslims and that there are bad muslims.   If that were true, could you tell them apart ?
Any muslim, following his or her "religion" is a threat to you, your family, friends and neighbors.

I am not preaching islamaphobia, I am calling it the way it really is.   
(1) islam is not a religion
(2) islam is a political ideolgy
(3) islam is a threat to all progress
(4) islam is a growing "cancer" for the human race
(5) islamic history shows us that they are not for "peace and love"

What do you really know about your muslim neighbor or fellow worker ?   Some have been in this country for 20 to 30 years as productive citizens and could have chemicals or biologicals hidden away, just waiting for "the right moment".   The FBI has found hundreds of these cases throughout the country since 9/11.   They are never reported for fear of scaring the public and starting anti-muslim riots.
Why are we not condemning islam ?   It is in your best interest to not have any dealings with them, watch them carefully, report anything suspicious about them, and speak out against them.   They grow each day because of your "political correctness".   They keep building mosgues, are carefully getting elected into government positions, they have a huge birthrate (average 6-12 children per family), they are being promoted to sensitive positions in industry, and they all have the same agenda...sharia law for everyone.
                                                     islam is your enemy

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Eliminating TERROR.............

Several people have asked me what would I do to stop all those terrorist organizations.   After thinking about it, and looking at the "big picture", I've come to the conclusion that there is no totally correct solution.
First, we must understand that islam is not a religion but a political ideology using religion as a mask for their goals.   The nazis used nationalism for their political ideology.
                       * BTW; all muslim countries supported Hitler in WWII.
Regardless of what means are taken, they will be politically incorrect and have many opponents.
When I look back at the last war that we won (WWII), I see that we had no concern for the collateral damage caused by our bombing Germany and Japan.   That type of massive attack by the United States is what brought an end to the war, nazism and the Japanese threat.
Although it might seem politically incorrect, mass bombings of any country (or area) where any of the many islamic terrorist organizations exist would certainly eliminate their leaders and most of their followers.
Since islam is not a real religion, it should be banned worldwide, so this behavior can not rise up again.
The main goal of islam is the have the entire world live under sharia law.   If you will take the time to read the koran (in its entirety), you'll become familiar with sharia law and, no matter what your politics, moral code, or values are, you certainly would reject having to live under the suppressive sharia law.
Again, I must remind you that any and all muslims are followers of islam.   Their duty is to convert, enslave and kill anyone that isn't muslim.  
Your neighbor, friend or co-worker that's muslim, might seem like "one of the good ones"; but they are just waiting for the opportunity to rise up against you in the name of islam and mohammud (purposely misspelled to be mo ham mud).
The muslim population is growing larger every day throughout the world (they have an average of 8 children per family).   They are making demands that would be denied to other groups (Just recently, they're demanding that food banks that give them FREE food, carry only their dietary requirements), they are starting to get jobs in sensitive areas (notice how many muslims are hired to clean out commercial aircraft before a flight), they are running for political offices, they are slowly and quietly immersing themselves in every area of the world in the anticipation of taking over by one means or another.
They MUST be eliminated by whatever means necessary and just as nazism is forbidden throughout the world, so too must islam become forbidden.
Of course my proposal will upset some of you; but if you have a better solution, let me know.