Tuesday, September 09, 2014

I see on the news that Obama is about to give a speech to the country where he'll "lay out his plan" to fight isis (or isil).   That sounds great...he'll have a plan.   Regardless whether it's a good one or not is irrelevant.   What matters is that he'll announce to all of our enemies what our plans are.
I don't care what you say about the Bush Administration, when al quada attacked us, he attacked back and took over the country of Iraq.
Since then, this administration (Obama) has not only undone any previous progress made in eliminating an enemy of the United States, but has alienated our only friend and ally  in that area (Israel), Spent huge amounts of money and manpower in Afghanistan, gaining nothing, and changed "the flavor of the month" from al quada to hezbollah to now isis.
Can you imagine if we operated this way during WWII, how well off Germany would have been.   Haven't we learned anything from our last declared war ?   Since 1945, the United States has engaged in military operations but never declared war (Korea, Viet Nam, etc.). In every case, we didn't win anything.
In the meantime, this administration is depleting our armed forces and money to defend ourselves while the rest of the world is increasing their military manpower and weapons.  
Are we the only ones that doesn't see WWIII coming ???
I watched several documentaries on PBS about how we prevailed 70 years ago in Europe.   The biggest things that I saw were:
1. We took decisive action
2. We didn't have the press imbedded, to report on every detail
3. We didn't tell the enemy our plans
and most import 4. We hit the enemy hard.
Have you ever seen films of our bombing missions over Germany ?   We sent huge armadas of bombers, day and night, dropping bombs until a city and its inhabitants were totally destroyed (look at Dresden, Koln, Berlin, etc).   We didn't try to determine who was a good German and who was a bad German.  Germans were the enemy.
Today, muslims are the enemy.   There are no good ones or bad ones, just an ideology to destroy America using a "religion" as its motivation, islam.   The obvious way to stop them is to:
1. Declare war on islam
2. Have huge bombing raids on every city that is islamic
3. Not give humanitarian aid to any muslim
4. Have the courage to eliminate our enemies quickly and permanently.
I'll bet Obama doesn't have the balls to protect America.   Sure, he'll give up more of our money by supplying money and arms as well as military support to those that will become our enemy when they've won a victory.
You notice that none of the muslim countries that will be the next targets, are doing anything but just waiting until they're the next target.   Then they'll ask the U.S. to help them.
Where do you think these muslim terrorist organizations are getting their money and arms from ?   They are financed by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, etc.
The other large world powers (China, Russia, and even No. Korea) are sitting back, building huge armies, letting the U.S. squander its resources trying to help countries whose own people won't stand up for themselves.   Anywhere in the world that you go, you'll find them laughing at how stupid America is.   I'm still proud to be an American, but becoming more afraid each day that my government is becoming unable to protect me when we finally get attacked...

Friday, September 05, 2014

Inequality equals Equality

I've been watching the controversy over the minimum wage issue.   When I saw fast food protesters insisting on a $15/ hr. minimum wage, I needed to examine this further.
We all see the merit of $15/ hr. as a minimum wage, lifting poor workers into the lower middle class.
However what isn't so obvious is:

They will now fall into a higher income tax bracket, thus making them ineligible for all the freebees that they now qualify for (food stamps, rent subsidies, etc.) and paying more income tax.   In the end, they will have less spendable income.

If inexperienced workers are paid $15/ hr. in a factory where experienced workers are paid $12.50/ hr. there will be no incentive for experienced workers to any longer care about their productivity.   The inexperienced workers will have no incentive to better themselves.

Unskilled workers and uneducated workers just want a job, not a career.   Why do they insist on pay equal to experienced workers when, at best, they only qualify for an entry level position ?

By having to pay employees more, employers will either have to raise their prices, eliminate promotions and pay raises, reduce quality of their product or service, or lay off some workers.

Some employers will put a hiring freeze for entry level workers and only employ those that are qualified for positions above entry level.

The bottom line is that regardless of how unskilled or uneducated one is, they are now equal to those that went to school to get educated or learn a skill or trade.   Are they both equal ?   Do they deserve the same pay ?  

As an example:   At McDonalds, an entry level position pays minimum wage ($7.25/ hr.) and every employee has an unlimited opportunity to work their way up to better pay.   A manager or supervisor, first starting at entry level can earn over $50,000 a year.   Of course this doesn't happen overnight; it takes several years as one increases their skills and knowledge to qualify for the higher position and pay.

Why should a high school dropout with no skills be worth $15/ hr. to anyone ?   They have poor communication skills, have no work ethic, and probably will not stay too long at $7.25/ hr., quitting to get unemployment, food stamps, etc. (which actually pays them more to NOT work).

How many of you bleeding hear liberals feel equal to the unskilled, uneducated amongst us ???