Friday, August 08, 2014

A Great Idea...

There is a big controversy regarding the influx of illegal aliens pouring into our country.
Once they're in the United States, we are giving them food, clothing, shelter, medical attention, and money.
One argument is to give them all Amnesty and make them citizens.
Another argument is to send them all back to their country of origin.
Either way, they are a huge financial drain on our economy and the taxpayer.

In order to pay for this expense, I suggest that the Federal gov't. cut all gov't. programs (Social Security, Medicare, Food stamps, all subsidies, welfare, etc.) by 50% in order to "level the playing field".
This way, there will be no financial burden on the gov't. to support these people.  It works out that
(1) these illegals are taken care of
(2) there is no need to drain our tax dollars
(3) everyone wins (LOL)

How many,  both liberals and conservatives will support this solution ???

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Victim mentality 

Although I'm not a racist, you might call me one after reading this.............

We've all been hearing about the deadly Ebola outbreak in Liberia, Guinea an Sierra Leone.
We are told how many are dying, how fatal it is, etc.
Two volunteer doctors from the United States came down with the disease while helping others in West Africa.  They have since been brought back home to the United States for medical treatment.
These two doctors are being given an experimental drug which has only been tested in monkeys so far.   This has caused an uproar amongst the minority population.
The black community is saying that it's racist because the drug is only being given to whites.
The truth is that several companies such as Tekmira Pharaceuticals, Profectus Bio Sciences and Integrated Bio Therapeutics have developed vaccines that look promising when given to monkeys with the disease.   No tests have been done on humans so far and the supply of these experimental vaccines is extremely small (for research only).
The black community wants to know why the drug is not being given to blacks also.
However, when asked if they would have preferred that the drug(s) be tested in the African nations affected, they again shout that that would be racist.
How can that be ?   Only a victim mentality would see that no matter what solution one takes, it becomes a race issue.