Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm almost at a loss for words...

After the speeches given last night at the Republican National Convention, the Democrats have revised their schedule for their Convention in September.   Obviously, Mrs. Romney came across as the opposite of the "angry" Mrs. Obama and that scared the Obama camp.
As we've seen, the Obama can not run on his "performance record" which he has failed at; so the Democrats are reverting to saying that Republicans are anti-women, homophobes, racists and anti-hispanic.
As of today, the schedule for the opening of the Democrat National Convention will start with a two hour islam prayer meeting.   When a Catholic Cardinal asked if he could conduct prayers also, the DNC denied him the right to do so.
Well, now "the cat's outta the bag".   The Democrats have aligned themselves with the muslims.   And, if you've read the koran, in order to practice their faith, all muslims must be against America and the American way of life.   I'm appalled at this new slam at America.   How dare the Democrats favor any religion and deny another ?   And, worst of all, they pick the most anti-American religion.
If you were undecided about which way to vote, you certainly can't commit to voting for any Democrat after this.   If you were going to vote for any Democrat (including Obama) then it's time that you seek out a mental health professional because you're "disturbed".
How can the Democrats even think that this is a good idea to get the muslim vote ?

Friday, August 24, 2012's urgent

For several weeks I've been speaking with people, Democrats, Republicans and Tea Party members about the coming election.   The general consensus is that the important issues are about the economy, gov't. spending, Social Security and Medicare.
Since Obama can't run on his "failed" record, he is either avoiding these issues or giving us "double talk" about them.   His instituted policies have halted any growth in small and new businesses as well as forced large companies to hold back on any expansion.
One person told me that Obama created hundreds of thousands of jobs.   On the surface, that sounds great until I looked into it.   First of all, gov't. in a Democracy can not "create" jobs.   Of those jobs that he's credited with creating, half of them were temporary jobs and the rest were gov't. jobs in either newly created departments or agencies.
Is it any wonder that Obama has created more debt than any President before him ?   Just look at the enormous staff that Michele has...more than any First Lady has ever had.   Who does she think she is...Oprah ?   It's hard to keep track of all the new offices and large staffs that he keeps creating, making more and more of us dependent on government.
A given is that in spite of his warm smile and charismatic presence, he is incompetent, placing blame on others for his failings and taking credit for the accomplishment of others.   He has divided the country between the poor and the rich, the whites and the blacks and Hispanics, Main Street and  Waqll Street; to name a few.   Since his forced manipulation of Congress to get his unpopular ObamaCare passed, Congress has used its power to halt his agenda to force the country into either a Socialist gov't. or a Dictatorship.
His answer to this is to bypass Congress and write an enormous amount of Executive Orders in order to further promote his Socialist agenda.
Although, at this point, we're not that thrilled with Romney, Obama has had his chance to better America and has more than FAILED at it.   Being that we're only being given a choice between Obama and Romney, and almost anyone is better for America than Obama, the choice is narrowed down to vote him out and elect Romney.
At least Romney has not only the experience at running a state as a Governor, but has extensive experience in running businesses...just what we need right now.   I do believe that not only can Romney bring both side of Congress together, but with deregulation, bring the economy back to where it should be.   He understands both Main Street and Wall Street, thus giving him an advantage over Obama in getting people back to work and the economy moving upward again.
Please encourage everyone that you know to vote in the upcoming national election.   In addition, have them watch for fraud.   Obama (through ACORN) got away with it last time with thousands of dead peoples votes, people voting several times at different polling places and illegals casting votes for him.
If Obama gets re-elected, you can count on your lifestyle changing radically during his second term.   He has an agenda influenced by Socialists, anti-American radicals, Communists and Chicago thugs.   I remember his mantra of "Hope & Change".   I hope that we can change back everything that he has done to hurt America in this next election.
NO MORE OBAMA... Next time let's know more about the real intentions of someone before we give them the power to screw up our lives.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Making a liveable income

Making a livable income....

We've all been hearing about (or are part of) the numbers on "job creation" and the unemployment rate.
Bottom line is that  millions of Americans are either receiving unemployment checks or have used up their allotted amount.   In addition, there are millions of Americans that have "given up" looking for work and aren't even counted in the unemployment stats.
Over the past year, I studied alternate ways to generate income in these difficult times and experimented with one system, that if done correctly, can generate a better than average income.
First of all, anyone not making over $50,000 a year should certainly look into this unique method.
Consider this; out of your $50,000 of annual income, you have to pay taxes, social security, medicare, maybe union dues, transportation (and parking in some cases), special equipment or clothing, etc.   Actually, how much are you bringing home after all related work expenses and taxes ?   If you're lucky you might be realizing about 50% of your actual earnings.   In addition, you've given up 40 to 60 hours a week of your life for this.

I noticed that the people "asking for spare change" were doing quite well.   They don't have to drive to work, they don't have to be anywhere on time, they have no deductions from their income, they pay no income tax and they only work a few hours a day.
I looked at the various ways this "begging" is done and found the best way to generate over $50,000 a year, tax free.   I tried it for a week and "made" $1,628.60, "working" just 4 - 5 hours for 5 days.
Here are the guidelines:
(1) Dress clean and appropriately.
                        A clean shirt with sleeves and collar, shoes (on sandals), dark colored clean pants/
(2) Pick the best time(s) of day to work.
                        During morning and evening rush hour
(3) Find the correct place to work from.  
                        At the first Stop Light after a busy freeway exit
(4) Advertise with a small (12 x 18 inches) cardboard sign 
                         It should say "PLEASE HELP" in bright blue or black letters.
(5) Have a prop
                         A non threatening dog such as a collie or golden lab work best, no black dogs
                         or pit bulls, dobermans, rottweilers or German shepherds.

I picked the stop light at a freeway exit near the center of downtown.   Got to "my spot" at 7 AM and worked it until 9:30 AM, returning at 4 PM until 6:30 PM.
The first day I "made" $216.30, day two brought in $227.85, when I added my dog to be with me, the income jumped to $377.45 on day three. Day four's income was $391.40 and day five (Friday) was my best day, bringing in $415.60.   
So, let's sum up:
Hours worked ---5/day x 5 days = 25 hours for the week.
Working conditions---outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine with no boss telling me what to do.
Comfort level---very relaxing with my dog.
Total income---$1,628.60 tax free

If your working longer hours and earning less, then quit that job and start "begging" for a living.